Back Home: The Mumps

John's Turn

Nurse Tammy led John back to an exam room that he was all to familiar with. He had grown up with asthma, a condition that he had finally out grown in his late teens to early twenties. But this had made minor colds and other respiratory aliments more serious for him. So a cold that would normally need just rest would lead to a trip to see Dr. Kate or Dr. Sarah just to be safe. Fortunately few of these visits lead to antibiotics.

Tammy turned to John and asked him to open wide so that she could get a throat swab. This accomplished she told John, "I'm sure you remember how this goes. Undress down to your underwear and socks please." Tammy said as she got his sample ready.

As he disrobed, John realized that he was embarrassed to be undressing in front of old nurse. Well he could not complain. He did volunteer for this. He wonder how Jane was handling the rectal thermometer.

"Up on the scale please." Tammy asked. John got on it and she noted his weight in the chart. "Back on the table please."

John watched as Tammy went over to counter and pulled the thermometer from it's alcohol filled cylinder. He watched as she rinsed and shook it down and checked it. He hoped that he might get to skip the temperature check or that she might use the rectal thermometer under his arm, but that hope was dashed when she scooped up some Vaseline to cover it.

"Oh well, no trip to Valley Care was ever complete with out a thermometer up the butt. I guess some things don't change." John though as rolled over and pushed his boxers down to his feet just like had done so many times before in this room.

As Tammy turned back to the table, she was glad to see John was already in position. He had always been compliant. "I'm glad that you remember."

John felt Tammy part his buttocks with her warm hands and the slimy thermometer push up into his rectum. Then he felt her warm hand again as it settled on his bottom.

"Sorry to have to put you through this again. Must bring back memories." Tammy said as she waited for the mercury to rise.

"Oh I never really minded this part as a kid. It was always the shots that I was worried about." Most kids had gotten more embarrassed to have their temperatures taken rectally as they got older, but not John. To be honest with himself, he had looked forward to this part of his visits to Valley Care. Laying quietly with a pretty nurse’s hand on his bare bottom felt comforting and just a little erotic. In college, he had even engaged in a little role playing with a girl friend who was into medical play, but he could never quite recreate this feeling.

John let his mind wonder just enjoying the moment until he felt Tammy pry his buttocks apart again. "Let's see what we have. Mmmm. 100.5 . Just a little touch of fever. Well I will let the doctor know. You can pull up and sit up."

John was about to ask what that meant when Dr. Sarah knocked and came in asking, "How's the alumni patient doing?"

"100.5" Tammy replied as she left to get the next patient "Just on the board line."

"Well the stress of the day probably hasn't helped. Let's take a look at you John she said while getting out an otoscope. She looked in his ears, nose, and throat making "mem hem" sounds. Then she starts to feel the sides of his jaw and neck watching his eyes for signs of pain.

She stops to listen to his heart and lungs.

Next she checks the lymph nodes in his neck and armpits. "OK John, I need you to slip out of your boxers and stand up." Sarah said as she put on gloves.

John gulps. This part always made him nervous. He had even gotten an erection once or twice during genital exams with Dr. Sarah. She had never commented on it, but he did not want to repeat this at 26. Leaving his boxers on the table he stood up naked in front of his old baby doc and tried to think of baseball.

Dr. Sarah could tell that John was just as embarrassed as he was as a teen so she tried to move quickly. She started with the lymph nodes in his groin and then moved on to his testes comparing the size and checking for excess tenderness. As she does this, by habit she reminds John that he should still be doing monthly self exams.

Pulling off her gloves and making some notes in the form she says, "Go ahead and put your boxers back on for the moment."

"You are kind on the boarder John, you have a touch of fever and a little swelling in the glans in your throat. You also have a little wheezing in your lungs."

"Nothing that screams mumps, but it is possible. The test results will tell, but I think that you are just coming down with a run of the mill upper respiratory virus or sore throat. "

"That being said, I am going to up your dose of gamma globulin a bit. Sorry about that. I'll split the dose in two to make it more bearable."

"And you will be following up with your regular doc next week. Right, John?"

"Yes ma'am."

"OK, Tammy will bring your shots shortly. I have to move on to the next patient."

Shortly there after, there is a knock, and to John's surprise Nurse Tammy and Nurse Amy come through the curtain each carrying a syringe. "Hey I haven't needed two nurses to hold me down for shots since I was 9." John jokes.

Nurse Amy smiles, remembering the incident. "Well I am still not sure about you, but I'm here to help Tammy double team you. We are going to give your both shots at the same time. Trust me, it is much better this way, now turn over and show us your backside."

A little dubious, John gets on his stomach and pushes his boxers down just to the bottom of his butt. He feels Amy pull them "just a little further" down to his knees as the nurses take their positions on either side of him.

Before he can worry about it, they have swabbed his buttocks and he hears Amy go, "Relax now. Big stick on 3. 1, 2, 3" At three he feels a sharp pain as needles dart into both buttocks. Then slow burn of the thick medicine starts. After an eternal 20 seconds, the needles are withdrawn, band-aids applied, and the nurses give his bottom a rub before Tammy pulls up his boxers. "All done."

"Oh, I have not felt something like that in a long time." He says as he is carefully pulling on his pants and getting settled.

"I know" says Tammy, "but at least you know what the kids are going through."

"The things a good teacher goes through." John says as he finishes getting dressed and heads out to start calming kids.


RTmemories 2 months ago  
Bob47 2 months ago