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Jane's Turn

Nurse Lisa led Jane Miller back to one of middle exam rooms. "Sorry that you drew the fun exam room she said. I will need you to get undressed for the exam. You can leave your bra, panties and socks on. Then please step on the scale."

"That's OK." Jane said as she shed her cloths and stepped on the scale. "I am grateful to be able to get the shot. I don't even have a doctor right now. I just started teaching here this year and I have not had a chance to find a doctor yet."

"Well, see me after all of this and I'll give you the info for my internist. He's great. Now hop up on the exam table so I can get your swab and temperature." Lisa said as she entered the weight on to the form in the dosage calculation section.

"Open wide." She said as she swabbed the back of Jane's throat, making her gag. "Sorry about that." She sealing the swab in the tube of culture medium for later testing.

"And I am really sorry about this next part, but I have to check your temperature and, well we only have rectal thermometers. So I need you to pull down your panties and turn over." Lisa said holding a rectal thermometer covered with Vaseline. She hoped that Jane would be cooperative.

Jane blushed a little, but flopped down on her stomach and pushed her panties down to her knees. "Been a while since I heard that." she said as Lisa parted her buttocks and slipped the thermometer in to Jane's rectum. Lisa let her buttock fall back and then left her hand lightly rest on Jane's bottom.

"And been a long time since I felt that too. I must have been 19. Eight years ago."

"Was your pediatrician rectal temps only too?" Lisa asked.

"My pediatrician officially took rectal temperatures up to age 14, but the nurses seemed to take a rectal temperatures at any excuse. I think that two thirds of my sick visits after 14 involved a rectal temperature, some of them after they weren't happy with an oral reading."

At that moment, Dr. Kate knocks and comes in. Jane comments, "I like those privacy curtains in front of the door. If my pediatrician had them, Tommy Ford never would have seen me with a thermometer up my butt."

Dr. Kate laughs. "Yeah that's why we have them."

Lisa pull out the thermometer and announces her temperature "99.6" Jane quickly pulls up her panties and sits up.

Dr. Kate says. Go ahead and start the next one Lisa. I'll calculate the dose after the exam."

Dr. Kate turns to Jane and says. "Thanks for putting up with the rectal temperature. I don't think that we have an oral thermometer anywhere in the building."

"That's OK. I grew up with them. I was just telling Lisa that it brought up old memories."

Dr. Kate does a quick exam checking her nose, ears and throat and listening to her heart and lungs.

"Can you unhook your bra? You can leave it on, just loosen it."

Jane does and Dr. Kate feels the glans in her jaw and then the lymph nodes in her neck, armpit and the side of her breasts. Finally she asks Jane to lie back and slip down her panties. She feels the teachers abdomen and lymph nodes in her groin.

"OK. You can fasten up and sit up. I don't see any signs of active mumps, so I am going to set you to the lesser dose. Only one cheek worth." And Dr. Kate goes on to her next patient.

A moment later Lisa re-appears carrying very large syringe and a huge needle.

Jane's eyes get wide. "Well I guess that is heading for my butt." She says as she slips down her panties and lies flat on her stomach. "I was just going to bend over the table, but I think this will work better. I remember this position from childhood too."

"Yeah. Sorry but this is going to hurt." Lisa says as she scrubs Jane's right buttock with an alcohol pad. "I could split it in two, but I think that might be worse."

"OK, just do it before I lose my nerve."

"Point your toes in and relax the best you can. It helps. I know, I got one of these last year. Big stick in 3 - 2 - 1" And Lisa plunges the needle into Jane's glute like a dart.

Jane feels a sharp pain as the needle goes in. Then she feels a dull ache that expands through her butt as Lisa slowly pushes the thick medicine in. After an eternity, she feels Lisa pull the needle out and clean off her bottom. Lisa puts on a band-aid and gives her bottom a rub spreading the fire but dulling it a little.

"Well that was about as bad as I remember the antibiotic shots being. I think that I prefer reliving the rectal temps to reliving the shots." Jane said sitting up and pulling up her panties.

"It will be sore for a few days, but it gets a lot better in the first half hour or so."

"I hope so. Well time to put on a happy face for the kids." Jane said while putting her cloths back on as Lisa reset the room.


Bob47 2 months ago