Dental Visit with Miss Preston

Time for Some X-rays

Chapter 3 - Time for Some X-rays

A cold dread had gripped Paul, but a desperate counter-thought emerged. Judy was right, he had agreed to the ad, hadn't he? And the alternative - a fight against a woman clearly comfortable with restraining someone - seemed bleak. Besides, there was Judy herself. Beneath the sterile mask and surgical gown, she was extremely attractive.

Taking a shaky breath, Paul forced himself to relax into the chair. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. A free cleaning, and who knows, maybe a little excitement thrown in with a beautiful dental nurse? He tried a weak smile, hoping it wouldn't appear too forced.

As if sensing the shift in his demeanor, Judy's lips twitched slightly beneath the mask. She moved with practiced ease, setting out the X-ray tools on a nearby tray. The glint of metal was undeniable, but alongside it lay a few familiar dental picks and a small mirror. It wasn't all torture instruments, he reassured himself.

Judy swung the tray closer, her gloved hand brushing against his arm. Sending jolt of electricity shot through him at the unexpected touch. She leaned in, her voice surprisingly gentle considering her earlier actions "Alright, Paul," she said, her eyes glinting with something he couldn't quite decipher. "Open wide, please. We need to insert the first X-ray holder."

With a resigned sigh, Paul did as instructed. The vulnerability of the position wasn't lost on him, his gaze drawn to the impressive swell of her chest, accentuated by the tight long green latex apron and surgical gown. He felt a blush creep up his neck, hoping it wasn't visible under the harsh surgical dental light.

A low hum filled the room as Judy hit a button and the chair tilting back but also up so Paul was angled a little down, but also raised until his head was titled a little down but he was level with Dental Nurse Judy’s impressive chest. His heart hammered in his ribcage, a mixture of fear and something else, something primal, stirring within him.

"Whoa, there!" he blurted, momentarily forgetting his newfound resolve. "Is this necessary?"

Paul thought he saw a smile, though hidden by the mask, it seemed to hold a hint of amusement. "Absolutely," she replied, her voice a husky whisper. "This position allows for a better X-ray angle. You are also closer to me so I don’t have to train myself. “Now, hold still, and try to relax."

Paul swallowed hard, his gaze locked on the rise and fall of her chest as she slightly adjusted the X-ray holder in his mouth. The metallic & plastic taste was unpleasant, but the warmth radiating from her body was strangely comforting. Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be so bad after all. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation of her gloved hands working and touching his mouth, a strange mix of fear and anticipation swirling within him.

As time passed Paul gritted his teeth, forcing his mouth open wide countless times. The metallic & plastic taste of the X-ray holder was starting to feel familiar,almost comforting in its unpleasantness. Each time Judy inserted it, her latex-gloved hand brushed against his cheek and lips sending a jolt through him. Her touch, though brief, felt strangely intimate, and his cheeks burned with a blush he hoped wasn't too obvious.

The now familiar beep, and machine sound filled the air as Judy took theX-ray holder out of Paul’s again and agin adjusting how Paul would hold it with his mouth from multiple angles X-ray after X-ray. It felt like an eternity, each beep of the X-ray signalling another change of film and a new position for his mouth to hold the hold in it felt like an eternity of his mouth being held open wide and then closed. The sterile light feeling harsh on his eyes. He stopped counting somewhere after fifteen, his jaw starting to ache from the constant strain.

"Is that enough, Judy?" he finally managed to mumble, his voice raspy from disuse. He tired for a sec to touching his throbbing jaw. But realized almost with a shake he had forgot he was still restrained in the dental chair "Surely you don't need this many X-rays?"

Judy, her back turned as she adjusted the X-ray machine, paused for a moment. She then picked up the X-ray holder from the tray and turned to face Paul, a single gloved hand coming to rest on his cheek, nudging his mouth open gently with a gloved thump.

"Don't worry, Paul, this is the last one," she said, her voice surprisingly gentle considering her earlier clinical demeanor."But with six years of missed dental care," she continued, her gloved hand lingering on his face a moment too long, "I need to get a very complete picture of what work your teeth will need to have done."

Paul felt a shiver run down his spine at the touch, a mix of apprehension and a strange thrill. He couldn't deny the allure of this beautiful woman in surgical attire and gloves. Each touch sending confusing signals through his body. He swallowed hard, his gaze locked on her tight surgical gloved hand resting against his face.

"Work?" he finally managed, his voice barely a whisper. "What kind of work do my teeth need?” I thought this was just a cleaning, right, Judy?"

The last word slipped out before he could catch it, earning him a raised eyebrow from Judy. She straightened up to her full height, hands settling firmly on her hips. The sterile green of her surgical gown, green rubber apron, mask and tight surgical gloves resting on her hips seemed to make her stand out even more prominently in room. Gone was the earlier gentle touch; in her place stood a domineering figure, a far cry from the friendly dental nurse he'd met upstairs.

"That's Nurse Judy to you, Paul," she corrected, her voice firm. "While I'm working on you, please address me as that, or Doctor Preston." A mischievous glint sparked in her eyes, visible even through the mask was the playful coy smile, that sent a shiver down his spine, a mix of fear and something else entirely. “Apologies ahh Doctor Preston” Paul said quietly.

Judy's smile widened and an amused chuckle echoing in the room. "That's better, Paul. Now, about your teeth..." Her voice took on a teasing lilt. "You seem awfully confident they're just fine and dandy after six years of neglect."

Paul straightened slightly as much as he could in the chair, a defensive note creeping into his voice. "Well the ad said cleaning, right? And I haven't had any major problems. Just a little sensitivity lately."

Judy raised an eyebrow, her gloved hand hovering near a control panel. "Sensitivity, huh? Well, the X-rays will tell the real story, Paul. But let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if a cleaning is the least of your worries." She paused, her green eye lingering on him for a too long.

"Now, don't you go anywhere, Paul," she chuckled, sound light almost airy with an amused undertone "While I go send your X-rays to my terminal here." She gestured towards a computer station tucked away in a corner of the room. "We can discuss the your teeth then."

As Judy turned walked past Paul’s head, he caught the scent of antiseptic and latex mingled with a hint of her perfume. The strange combination of smells both repelled and intrigued him. He watched her go, a knot of apprehension tightening in his stomach. The free cleaning he'd signed up for seemed a distant memory, replaced by the image of Judy, (Dr Preston) a beautiful and powerful women in surgical attire. She had him in her control, and the looming question of what exactly his neglected teeth had gotten him into. These thoughts gave him a lot to think on while Dr Preston was gone.