Doctor William Richardson

Chapter Two

About two weeks after Dr Richardson’s encounter with Audrey he finally had the urge to return to his usual morning coffee routine at the diner. Noticing Audrey was working the counter he had a seat in a booth and was relieved when Rosie, an older waitress came to serve him. Still they kept making eyes with each other, though both looking away as soon as the other noticed. Finally as the doctor was putting the money for his bill on the table Audrey walked over.

“I think avoiding me like this will be just more awkward in the future…”

“Oh yes, well I didn’t want to make you feel strange or nervous.”

Looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping then taking a seat across from him in the booth “You’ve seen me naked what’s worse than that? Anyways if you’re around today mind if I come by and ask some questions?”

“I don’t have any appointments after 2pm so…”

“Good.” she said quickly leaving the booth and rushing back to her station at the counter.

About 2:30 PM as the doctor was sitting around doing some paperwork behind the reception desk Audrey came in with another young lady in tow behind her. In contrast to her waitress uniform she was very well dressed today, as was the young lady with her, though the other woman was much shorter and fuller figured, but just as attractive.

“Doctor are we alone?” Audrey asked quietly.

“Yes, no one else is here right now. What’s going on?”

“If anyone asks, we are on a shopping trip… but I said we could trust you… you seem trustworthy…”

“Yes, well what’s going on?”

“This is my friend Jeanette .”

“Nice to meet you…” he responded unsure of himself.

“Are you sure we can trust him?” Jeanette responded

“Yes, and where else can we go?”

“Really ladies, what’s going on?”

“Well doctor, Audrey thinks I am pregnant and that’s not possible so maybe you can explain that to her and get her off my back? And before you think I am a slut I am engaged… I get married in October and we have been going steady since we were both 13… I am 20 now…”

“OK Ummm Audrey, why do you think she’s pregnant?”

“She’s be complaining that she throws up every morning… Is not energetic, and hasn’t had her period in months…. And not a virgin”

“Well, have you had intercourse?”

“My periods have never been regular and I am sort of a virgin, and we didn’t do anything until he gave me this ring.” she said, holding it out for the doctor to see.

“What’s a sort of virgin?”

“Well, one who takes precautions, that's all.”

“Ummm what precautions?”

“All the stuff the girls would talk about, like you can’t get pregnant unless you're completely naked, so I have been keeping my bra on… I stay on top…and to be doubly sure… I let him finish… in the back door… so no way I can be pregnant… Audrey has just been reading her nursing books too much...”

“So you have had intercourse?”

With a nervous chuckle she responded “I am not really sure what that means…”

“Sex, have you had sex…”

“Like I said, sort of, I keep my bra on…”

“You have had sex Jeanette .” Audrey piped up. “You have had his penis inside your vagina… and back door… that is sex.”

“Vagina? Penis?... Oh yeah the man part in my front butt.. Yes but only sort of, I stay on top and keep my bra on!”

“No miss, that’s sex” the doctor said with some shock in his voice.

“Oh… Really?”

“Gosh Jeanette how the heck do I know more about sex than you do?” Audrey said.

“Well umm…” Jeanette said, swaying awkwardly and nervously in the chair. “Is there some way you can tell? I should probably tell Bobby… He’s going to be surprised we were so careful…”

“Can you ladies come back next week? I don’t have another woman here this week. My aunt… umm nurse.. She's on vacation…”

“I really can’t wait…”

“And Doctor, we told our moms we are out shopping today… I could stay with Jeanette if it’s ok with the two of you.”

“I am OK with that..” Jeanette responded a bit worried.

“It’s an intimate exam…”

“I don’t mind…”

“OK Follow me ladies…” I led them to his exam room and began putting things on a tray and fumbling around looking for things. He did keep everything where his father did but it seemed only Mary could find everything. Finally got everything he needed ready.

“OK well some questions first Jeanette , when was your first period?”

“I was 13, I think…”

“You said you have never been regular? Any bad cramping or clotting?”

“Yes but my mom said it was normal, happened to her and…”

“OK and what?”

“I don’t know, do you really think I might be pregnant?”

“Yes, it’s possible… Do you know when the first time you had sex was? And the last time?”

“I don’t even know what sex is anymore!” she began crying and Audrey quickly sat close to her holding her hand. “I..I..I.. I wasn’t actually allowed to date till I was 16…. But I knew Bobby since I was 13… and well our first alone steady date… I kissed his prick till stuff came out… That couldn’t have made me pregnant right?”

“He needs to put his semen in your Vagina…”

“I NEVER Let him do that! What’s semen?”

“The stuff that comes out..OK but you have had his penis inside you, and even some on, say, his fingers could…”

“Oh his seeds… A few months ago when he gave me the ring! It was a treat for him! But but… he didn’t… explode inside my… vagina… he used the other place.”

“Other place?”

“My ass ok? I let him shove it in my ass! It hurt like hell but I figured it was better than childbirth.”

“When was the last time you… had sex?”

“Last night…in his car…”

“OK Look, I am not judging you Jeanette , this happens and you said you’re engaged right? So he does love you… here hmmm lets keep this short… Do you think you can pee for me?”

“Right now? RIght here?”

“Well in the bathroom but now…”


“OK Can you fill this specimen cup for me and I can send this to the lab… then come back and put this gown on… nothing under it… I’ll be back in say 10 minutes?”

He returned about 15 minutes later to see Jeanette all gowned up on the exam table, much calmer than before though still obviously nervous… Audrey sitting on the table next to her holding her hand comfortingly.

“I wrote down her vital signs for you, height 5ft ½ inch, weight 150lbs, Blood pressure 122 over 85, 97.9 for her temperate we did orally.. Pulse 74.”

“Wow and you said you haven’t started school yet?”

“No… I bought nursing books for a few years and like to read…”

“She’d do vital signs on her teddy bears…” Jeanette squeaked out.

“I can’t do a pap test if you had intercourse yesterday but we should probably do a pelvic. If you’re far enough along I might be able to tell. I am going to give you a mirror to watch, you probably don’t have a clue about what’s down there”

“OK….” she responded as he swung out the exam table stirrups and without asking Audrey helped her lay back and get into position as the doctor adjusted the lamp then asked Jeanette to scoot down a few times and let her legs fall open… “This is sort of the position that got me here.” she jokes darkly.

“Are you ready Jeanette ?” The doctor asked calmly. “Any questions just ask ok?” She nodded looking down and angling her hand mirror around a bit. Audrey looked on as the doctor ran his gloved fingers through her pubic hair. Then touching her inner thigh “I am going to spread your outer folds now, or Labia Majora… ok now this inner folds are your Labia Minora, now lets just push this hood back and look at your clitorus…”

“What’s that do?” she responded in shock as the cool room air hit it.

“It’s just a bundle of nerves…” he said moving on and pointing out her urethra opening and opening to her vagina. Then spreading her bottom apart “You have some bruising around your anus…”

“I let Bobby do his thing only there last night…”

“That can’t feel very good…” Audrey said, a bit shocked.

“Enough vaseline and it’s not too bad…” she responded shyly.

“Audrey, can you give me that speculum right there? The one in the middle of the three…”

“This might feel a bit cold but shouldn’t hurt.” He said as he guided it inside her and began to open it fully… “I think you’re pregnant Miss… Your cervix, it looks healthy but, see how it’s so dark it’s almost purple?”

“Ah huh?”

“In someone who’s not pregnant it should be a healthy pink color. Urine test will tell us 100% but will take a few days…”

“I need to talk to Bobby!” Jeanette burst out crying and in tears “I Just finished secretary school! I was the top typist in my class!”

The doctor slowly removed the speculum from her… “Why don’t we call it a day Jeanette and have you back for a follow up…”

“How how… how sure.. Are you?”

“90%... but…”

“No… I’m pregnant… I sort of knew it.. But… What should I tell Bobby?”

“Tell him what you think but.. Why don’t I call you both here when I get the results, I am sure he will have questions too.”

“Yeah, like keeping my bra on doesn’t matter?”

“Yes…” He said with a bit of a smile. “I’m going to want to do a full exam on you though when you come back… Now Audrey exams on your stuffed animals?”

“Yes doctor…” she said very shyly, helping Jeanette sit up.

“And you already read a bunch of nursing books?”

“Yes doctor…”

“I could use a helper. I know you’re not a nurse yet but would you like to be my summer intern after your diner shifts? You can keep a clean set of clothes here.”

“Oh I’d love that, thank you!”

“And Jeanette why don’t you get dressed and I won’t say anything to anyone about this visit… You two were never here ok?”

“How.. long for the results…”

“For sure by Thursday Morning, probably wednesday…”

“I don’t want you calling the house…”

“Why don’t I tell Audrey and she can have you come by with Bobby?”

“Thank you doctor!”


Patientlywaiting 3 months ago