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The Long Goodbye

Chapter 8: Leaving Jody and Mark, Flight to Denver

Note: As I write this and you read this, realize that it is much easier for me to write much of this now than in the weeks, months, and years immediately following this period in my life. There was much more internal conflict about what I was doing than I allude to here. I recognize now that it was just one way to deal with the sense of loss and intensely sexual acts were just a way to provide some comfort.


I absentmindedly picked out the clothes I planned to wear on the flight to Denver and laid them on the bed that I hadn't used all night. I was lost in my thoughts and subsequently sat on the edge of the bed thinking about everything that happened, experienced and shared overnight. Jody came to the bedroom door and asked if I was going to join them in the shower. I looked up and told her I was.

"Is everything okay?" Jody asked.

I told her that in moments like this I felt a little strange. Not like I was "cheating" on Catie, but like I wasn't honoring the love and affection we shared by being so sexually active so soon after her death. I knew better and so did Jody from her conversations with Catie.

"I know how she feels." Jody corrected herself. "How she felt about sharing you. Do you know the best thing you ever did for her?" she asked.

"Getting her pregnant?" I asked.

"Beside that. When you were willing to give her the same freedom in sharing her as she gave you. She wasn't sure that you'd do that when we talked. Next thing she knew you were sharing her on the train and then in Minnesota. She was immensely happy and she knew that she had something very special with you."

"So why didn't we play together more?" I asked.

"Timing. That's all. It was an issue of timing," she said.

"Hey! Are you guys coming?" Mark yelled from the bedroom.

"As often as I can," I yelled back taking coming to mean cumming. Jody and I got up and headed to the shower. Mark turned it on and got the hot water up to the shower nozzle. After he set it to a warm temperature, we all got in the shower. Jody sensuously washed each of us. Mark and I and took our turn at washing Jody. As much fucking as Mark and I had done, we got hard again pretty quickly (ah, to be young). Jody told me to me to slip back into her, that she wanted to give me a chance to cum in her pussy one more time before I left. Before I could ask, she told me that she and Mark had all weekend to fuck together. She bent over to allow me rear entry but I turned her around so I could enter her standing from the front. She leaned back against the shower wall and she managed to get the tip of my cock into the right position. With a couple of quick upward thrusts, I slid into her.

Mark stepped out of the shower to allow us space to cumplete our sensuous shower fuck. I was thankful that Jody had pretty long legs that allowed me easier entrance into her. She wrapped one of her legs behind mine as the water flowed over us and I kept thrusting upward into her. It was a good angle for us as the my cock was sliding over her clitoris and the top of my glans was sliding along the front wall of her vagina. it didn't take me long to cum, which was fortunate because we were just running out of hot water. We turned the water off and stayed in the shower enclosure until I finally slipped out of Jody. Jody bent down to gently suck the cum off my cock.

Mark had placed two large towels for us on the counter and he had gone downstairs to fix some coffee. Jody and I dried each other off. Before Jody sent me off to get dressed she embraced me with a kiss.

"Catie was really lucky to have you as her lover. I knew you were good when we first met. And you're as good a lover as she told me you were and I'm glad we got to spend some more time together."

"I'm glad I could spend time with you...with both of you," I said. With one more kiss, I left her and went back to the guest bedroom to get dressed. I did wonder if I should ask about changing my plans. But they were the ones that who invited me and I didn't want to impose on any other plans they might have had. After getting dressed, I finished packing everything (remembering my enema bag) and I took my suitcase and ski boot bag downstairs. Mark had put his pajamas back on and was working in the kitchen. While waiting for Jody to come downstairs, I took my bags and my skis out to my rental car. It was cloudy and breezy, but not too cold.

After my car was packed, I came back inside for a little while longer. Mark had prepared a light breakfast for us. Jody came downstairs in some sweatpants and a Chicago Bears sweatshirt (which her breasts filled quite nicely and made the logo quite prominent. I told them that some of the people attending the workshop had already expressed an interest in skiing the weekend after the workshop. At that time I didn't know where we'd go.

"You guys ought to come out and join me next Friday. I could pick you up at the airport and we could go wherever we want to go if we don't want to go where they're going."

Mark said he didn't think he could go as he had to go to a jobsite in Canada (I think he was going to Edmonton on Sunday. I told him that I was sure he could get there from Denver if he wanted to. He told me that he might look into it as a possibility. Jody told him that she could certainly could get back from Denver if they went. I told them that I'd let them know what plans were shaping up.

Finally, I thanked them for having me stay with them and allowing me to be a part of a very special night. I hoped they had a great time because I certainly did. "We should do it again" was the consensus we shared. With a handshake with Mark, a hug and kiss with Jody, I was off to O'Hare Airport to catch my flight. It was sort of a blur. Already beyond the Friday rush hour peak, I had a relatively easy trip to the airport. I checked my skis and luggage, turned in the rental car, and once back at the terminal, headed to my gate with ski boot bag and briefcase in hand.

I boarded the flight and had a window seat near the first class cabin on the left side of the aircraft. The flight left on time and once it climbed above the clouds, the warmth of the sun shining through the window, the lack of sleep, and the afterglow of intensely satisfying sex had me drift to a pleasant after breakfast was served on the flight. In what seemed to be just a few moments, the flight was on its descent to the old Denver Stapleton Airport.

it was a bright and sunny day in Denver. After getting my skis and luggage, I was picked up by the shuttle bus to the rental car area. I drove out Interstate 70 to the Keystone Ski Resort. I got there in the early after noon with my discount lift ticket that I had purchased at a King Soopers on the way there. Night skiing had been just added to a limited portion of the mountain ski area, though it didn't run as late as eastern ski areas night skiing.

My mind wasn't on skiing, it was on all the fucking I had experienced. There nothing remarkable to me about skiing at Keystone, there was lots that was memorable about the evening with Mark and Jody and I had to keep bringing my thoughts back to what I was doing on the slopes rather than thinking about having my cock somewhere in Jody.

I drove back to Denver to check into the Brown Palace Hotel where we would be having the workshop. When I checked in, there was a message waiting for me from Jody. I went up to my room and after the bellman left, I called back to Chicago. The number was Mark's number that I dialed and he answered (remembering that I was in the Mountain Time Zone and they were in the Central Time Zone).

"Hi! I got a message to call you," I said without indicating that the message was from Jody.

"Hang on," Mark said. I heard Mark call out to Jody and then an extension line pickup.

"Hi! How are you doing?" Jody asked.

"Tired! I just got from back from Keystone and checked in," I said.

"How did you like it?" Mark asked referring to skiing at Keystone. I told him that it was fine and I didn't really push myself on the mountain because I was a bit sleep deprived. We chuckled at that. I stayed for some night skiing and after a couple of hours I decided that I had more to ski and it was best for me to retire for the day. As I was talking with them I was taking off my ski clothing.

"So, what's up?" I asked since they asked me to call.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, after our little talk this morning," Jody said, referring to our short conversation about Catie.

"I'm doing okay. There are just those moments," I said. "Thanks for your understanding."

"It helps. How ARE YOU doing?" I asked her.

"My ass is sore. You guys really fucked me long and hard," she said.

"You enjoyed it, didn't you? Because I know I did. How about you, Mark?" I asked. Mark agreed, as did Jody.

"After you left, we realized that we could have asked you if you wanted to stay and take a later flight to Denver," Mark said.

"Funny you should mention that. I thought something very similar. But, I didn't want to impose on any of your plans or overstay my welcome," I said. "Besides, it sounds like your holes need a rest."

"Only one of them," Jody said. I told them that I had gotten undressed and that I was laying naked on the bed.

"Are you hard?" Jody asked. I told her I was.

The three of us had a light, playful conversation about the things they hadn't tried (with me) yet. Towards the end of the conversation Jody stated that all this sex talk had her wet again.

"Mark, it sounds like you won't be sleeping for a while and I'm not there to tag team with you. You need to go take care of your woman. Good thing it's the weekend." We all laughed and prepared to say goodnight. She asked what I was going to do. I told them I was going to take a nice warm shower and then get in bed and stroke myself to a nice orgasm thinking about all the fun we had and all the fun that they'd be having.

"We wish you were here."

"Me, too," I said. I told them I'd call them as soon as I had an idea of what the next weekend might look like, told them to have a good time and be good to each other, and we hung up.

In hindsight, if I had known that I would be skiing at all the ski areas (and more) west of Denver at the end of March and early April, I would have stayed the weekend if the offer had been made. But I was more focused on getting time on the slopes as I continued to advance my skiing capabilities. Had I not stayed the weekend, though, there would have been some important skiing building blocks that I might have missed or been delayed. But I didn't know that I'd be back that soon. Nor did I have any idea of how things would change in the ensuing months.

I got in the shower and let the hot water flow over the muscles that were tired by skiing and fucking. After getting out of the shower and drying off, I got my enema bag out, filled it with warm water, brought out and hung the bag on a picture on the wall. I put a towel under me, got on my back, inserted the nozzle, opened the clamp and allowed my colon to fill with very warm water. I lay there thinking about the previous evening and earlier that morning masturbating to my memories, thinking about how intense the sensations were with the three of us, and imagining the fun that Mark and Jody were having while I was laying in this bed jacking off.

After cumming and shooting my cum all over my abdomen above my navel, I got up to release my enema. It took maybe 10 minutes to release and expel it all. I stepped back into the shower to rinse my ass, dried off and crawled into bed. As I drifted off to sleep, the threesome in my thoughts were of Jody and Catie and me.