Dental Visit with Miss Preston

Surprise in the Dental Chair

Paul waited 15 minutes and then it was time for him to make his way downstairs to the surgery, as he approached the door to ring the surgery buzzer a pink sticky was stuck to it. Written in a feminine hand It said. “Paul please come in and wait in the waiting area please””P.S please lock the door as you come in since we are closed.”

Paul pulled the pink sticking note off the bell pocketed it, and opened the dental surgery door. He was hit by that classic medical smell that all dental offices seem to have and is instantly recognizable. Paul then turned and locked the solid door with a twist of the lock and the anti open hinge. He then turned passing a coat rack into the waiting area it had 7 chairs and a small receptionist desk with a computer, and at the far end was a door painted medical green that said dental surgery. A sign mounted on the wall beside it said please wait to be called with a smiling tooth cartoon beside it.

Paul took a seat grabbing an old popular mechanic magazine from a stand and enjoying the vintage articles. It felt like at least another 10 minutes had gone by. Paul had not been looking at his phone and he observed there was no clock in the reception waiting area. He laughed to himself that was probably to make it seem like the wait to see the dentist was not long which was a classic complaint he mused.

Suddenly the door opened halfway and Judy’s voice called “Paul come on in sorry it took a little longer to get everything set up”Paul got up and opened the door fully the medical smell of dental antibiotics and latex was stronger past the door. Paul found himself in a narrow hallway with 3 doors spread down the hall before the hall turned “this way Paul” Judy called from further down the hall. Paul passed the 3 open doors with the standard dental chair, light and equipment in these rooms. Everything was turned off dark and silent. As Paul rounded the slight bend further up the hall he saw a door marked dental surgery 2. It was slightly open and light and sounds could be heard inside. “In here Paul come, on in and we can get started” Judy’s cheerful voice called from inside the room.

As Paul entered and he saw In the centre of the room a large much wide looking dental chair in vibrant medical purple with the classic attached dental tray and dental tool connection area. It had a large surgical adjustable lamp overhead as well. He also saw other equipment around the edges of the room, like a mobile computer and an X-ray unit, as well as another mobile dental tray. The most interesting different thing he observed about the room was that with any of the equipment it could be placed almost anywhere in the room thanks to a mobile track system that ran on the ceiling.

Judy Preston greeted Paul just inside the door. In one hand she held a large red rubber bib, and with the other hand she took Paul’s arm and firmly guided him towards the chair. She was smiling and had pinned her hair into a tight bun, and had changed her attire and now wore a full length green surgical gown held together with white ties tightly tied so that it gave prominence to her ample breasts, and ass. She also wore a long green latex apron to complete the surgical attire. She still wore the black seamed stockings and high heels. As Paul could see below the surgical gown, and now also wore a surgical face mask which was loosely tied under her chin. “Hop into the chair Paul, and we’ll get you nice and comfortable.” She was still smiling and charming as she could sense that Paul was becoming apprehensive”

“We’ll take a look and see what is causing your tooth sensitivity and what ever it is you won’t feel a thing,” Judy promised as Paul got comfy in the dental chair. She then very efficient, placed the large red rubber bib around his neck, and attached it at the back of the chair. She then adjusted the dental chair so that it reclined halfway. “I thought you were just going to have a look my teeth Judy, but it sounds like you are planning something else?” Paul said nervously. Judy Ignoring his question, continued by attaching a heavy leather strap Paul’s arms and around his waist and tightened it at the side of the chair. The combination of the heavy rubber bib and the thick restraining straps meant that Pauls arms were now firmly pinned to his sides. Even he wanted to get up now, he realized with some alarm that he was effectively trapped in the dental chair.

“Paul, I’m afraid you may have some more serious tooth issues we won’t know more till I take a full X-rays round of your mouth.” “But I anticipate you will need some work after all it’s been over 6 years you said.” “The restraints are just a security precaution, as I will need both hands free to either use the tools or if I have to put you under.”

The alluring and beautiful Dental Nurse Judy had taken on a distinctly different persona. Paul internal thought he hadn’t agreed to this, but before he could voice any further protest. Miss Preston - Judy moved around to the front of the chair, smoothed down her long rubber apron and checked that her hair was still in place. “Right young man,’ she said, ‘There’s no getting out of it now, I’ll be performing a full examination in just a few minutes.” She pulled on a pair long surgical rubber gloves. Giving the cuffs a long snap onto her arms as she did, and with a final flourish tied her facemask into position hiding her face so only her vibrant green eyes were visible.

The effect of the entire attire surgical attire and latex gloves caused Paul to be both very aroused and somewhat terrified over what she had planned. She then turned to me with a smile I could tell behind the surgical mask “You seem to have a thing about nurses, dentists and maybe latex gloves Paul, so I think my attire should help make you feel more relaxed and enjoy this examination.” She said with a pure to her voice and a flash of something for primal in her eyes.

Paul felt a coldness spread through him despite the warmth of the dental chair. Judy's words echoed ominously, There was no getting out of it now he mentally said to himself. He wasn't sure what scared or aroused him more, the unknown dental exam and X-rays or the strange transformation of beautiful and alluring dental hygienist nurse into a domineering green surgical figure.

Judy's gloved hands reached for dental probe on the instrument tray, the glint of stainless steel sending shivers down Pauls spine. He stammered, "Wait, Judy, I...I never agreed to anything more than a quick look."

Judy's smile, though obscured by the mask, seemed to hold a hint of amusement. "Relax, Paul," she said, her voice strangely soothing. "A full examination is necessary to determine the extent of your 'little problem.'" She gestured vaguely to his mouth.

Panic welled up in Paul's chest. He wasn't prepared for this. The restraints, the intimidation surgical attire - it was all a far cry from the friendly conversation he'd anticipated. He tried to speak, but his voice came out as a choked whisper, "But the ad, it just said cleaning..."

Judy's smile vanished. "The ad was simply to attract candidates, Paul. Think of it as a screening process.” “And you, my dear, have the perfect amount of... apprehension and possible teeth issues to make this interesting."

Her words sent a jolt of terror through him. Interesting? What did she mean by interesting? Before he could form another question, Judy leaned closer, the mask muffling her voice. "Now, let's see what secrets your teeth are hiding, shall we?" “Open up Paul” she gently tapped with a latex gloved hand the touch sent a little shiver down Paul’s spine. He opened his mouth no more protest and sat in a brief stunned silence. “Lovely thank you Paul I do like a cooperative patient at times” she teased with a very warm and sultry chuckle. She then picked up a dental mirror and with the dental probe spent the next 10 minutes looked over Paul’s teeth murmuring to herself as she did. She then suddenly put the tools down and walked over to x-ray machine.

The whir of a machine filled the air as Judy positioned the menacing-looking X-ray unit beside Paul. He squeezed his eyes shut, his mind racing for an escape. But the heavy restraints held him captive. He was trapped, at the mercy of Dental Nurse Judy, who was no longer the friendly face from the advert, but a figure of cold, surgical clinical control.