Dental Visit with Miss Preston

Answering the Dental Ad for Miss Preston

It was 2022 in Toronto and Paul was 25 year guy who like most mid 20 year old guys was broke and needing cash. While at his local Starbucks Paul saw an ad saying, they will pay you to participate in practice dental sessions that could include cleanings, x-rays and so on. Paul thought why not he had not had his teeth done in forever the classic broke single guy issues of cash ! The ad said they would pay you cash per visit & per procedure, all you had to do was provide some general information like your age, gender, occupation, if you were single and most importantly the last time you visited a dentist. Paul had not wanted to admit about the last on at first. As it had been a little over 6 years since Paul had last been to one. He figured better to be honest in his response. Paul had been texting a lady Miss Preston who said she was a dental hygienist. The texting had not been going that well as she said they had other possible candidates who were better suited to what they were looking for. However, once Paul told her it had been over 6 years since he last visited the dentist. It seemed to immediately get him accepted and Miss Preston asked if he was free this coming weekend and if he was free Saturday at around 2pm to come for a first consultation/ meet and greet. She gave him an address and said to please ring for her when he arrive. Paul who was a very broke guy agreed and said Saturday works for him and he would see Miss Preston on Saturday.

Saturday came and Paul rode the TTC rails and arrived after a short walk outside a big old Victorian looking property in a very normal looking neighbourhood. As he approached the front door he saw a large brass plaque that said, ’Doctor Samantha Steel’ Dental Surgeon Ground Floor. Press bell 1 and enter.” Underneath was a smaller sign that read, ‘Miss J Preston, Top Floor press bell 2. Paul checked his text message and it did say to press the bell for Miss Preston so he pressed the appropriate door bell and waited.

Soon Paul could hear foot steps coming down the stairs and then it opened and he met in person Miss Preston. “Hello you must be Paul I was the one texting you this week. I’m so excited that you’re here thank you for answering my ad I was sure someone perfect would be interested in practice dental cleaning, X-rays and other procedures” The mysteries Miss Preston who paul just met was not what he had expected from a medical ad or a dental hygienist. The woman who now stood before me, was about 30 or maybe 35 years old, and had dark shoulder length hair and a fuller or thick figure (which paul always had preferred). She had very wonderful large breasts and thick highs and hips and from what he could see at this angle an amazing looking ass. All in she was very very attractive, and wore a vintage looking regulation dark blue Nursing uniform with a crisp white apron, held in at her waist by a wide black belt that exaggerated her feminine curves, legs and chest. She wore black patent stiletto shoes with my favourite black seamed stockings. The entire outfit felt like something a vintage nurse would wear in the late 60’s

Having been somewhat taken back by her stunning appearance, Paul eventually after an odd silence said in a bit of a fluster, ‘Hello Miss Preston, I’m really pleased to meet you. I was happy to answer the ad as I can always use the extra cash and as a bonus my teeth get cleaned. “Please Paul, you must call me Judy as I will be the one guiding you through everything and we need to get better accustomed to each other. Considering I will be your dental hygienist performing everything.” That fact made Paul very happy he found this ad.

I’m so sorry if I kept you waiting at the door Paul, but we had a really busy time doing some work in the dental office today and I haven’t even had a chance to get out of this awful uniform yet!” Paul honestly wanted to tell her that she looked fabulous in the ‘awful uniform’ but this wasn’t the time. ‘I didn’t realize that you lived above a Dental Surgery.’ Paul said, (he had always had a bit of a secret thing about women in uniform, scrubs, surgical attire and wearing latex gloves and especially the vintage nurses look when they wore those sexy seamed black stockings with high heels was a major turn on for Paul).

‘Yes,’ I actually own the property, and rent out the ground floor to Doctor Samantha steel for her dental surgery practice. In fact, I’m a very highly qualified dental nurse, Miss Preston (Judy) said. This was sounding better all the time. She then led Paul upstairs to a nice little lounge and said, “Have a seat and I’ll make us some coffee and we can talk about what the practice dental cleanings, X-rays and other procedures and what they are all about.” With those last words she disappeared into the kitchen. Paul passed the time looking around the comfy lounge noticing the large amount of dental texted books on Judy’s shelf. Ones like Cavity Filling volume 1. Anesthesia Gassing, Oral Numbing procedures & techniques and a big section with 3 large dental medical volumes Dental Instructions on Surgical Procedures – volumes 1,2 & 3. It seemed to Paul that Judy Preston was a very dedicated dental hygienist nurse. Who studied a range of areas within the dental field.

As Paul sat down on the sofa, and waited for Miss Preston to return sorry (Judy) Paul had to mentally tell himself. Paul could not get over how beautiful Judy was and the allure of such a sexy women working on this teeth seemed like a big win. He honestly was very surprised more people had not tried to answer the ad or get accepted for a practice dental cleaning and get paid. Paul figured the line of candidates would be out the door if they know this was the dental hygienist nurse that would be cleaning their teeth. But he shrugged and thought there loss my gain.

Judy soon returned with some nice coffee and cookies and once she was seating opposite me, she began telling him how she had put the ad out herself as she was trying to get a new dental hygienist certificate and practicing cleanings, X-rays examined and some other procedures would help speed up the course. She seemed a little unclear on what other procedures or what kind of certification was needed for so many different things to practice but honestly maybe he was just to focus on the gorgeous dental hygienist nurse in front of me to really ask more.

Judy went on to explain that having a real patient that she could practice on would speed up her course vs a fake dental mouth. Paul then asked Judy’s how she got into the dental profession what was her passion and Judy with great excitement started to describe her skills and strict training regime as a dental hygienist nurse, with gas anaesthetics and surgical assistance as her specialities. She seemed very proud of the fact that she was also taught how to handle and restrain difficult patients, which appeared to be her favourite subject. “Once I have them nice and comfortable in Dr Samantha steels chair, I give them a little whiff of anesthesia gas and they are like putty in my hands,’ she said wickedly. She was still sitting opposite to me in her dental hygienist nurse uniform, and owing to the fact that her skirt was slightly short, Paul had a wonderful glimpse of her black stocking top and suspender strap as her uniform skirt inadvertently worked its way up. The thought of being overpowered in the dentist’s chair by this older strict beautiful dental hygienist nurse was causing him to become very aroused, and he seriously considered the idea of making a swift departure before he embarrassed himself or before she saw the bulge in his

pants that he hid by crossing his legs.

Paul must have looked quite flushed because Judy said, “Are you feeling O.K. Paul? I hope my stories aren’t making you feel unwell or uncomfortable”. Judy then looked at him in a new light with a gleam in her eyes said “do you have an issue with any of your teeth Paul currently you did say in your text it been over 6 years since you saw a dentist.” “Haha maybe Judy I have been having a little tooth sensitivity recently that I keep meaning to get looked at.” “If you have tooth sensitivity Paul we must get you looked at immediately, as it could be sever cavity or something worse like an up infected tooth.” “Why don’t you let me take a look at it while you’re here?” “Since we came all this way and we can make this the first visit and I can pay you for it.”

Then we can also get an idea of your general dental health and we can schedule a follow up visit she said. Paul reluctantly agreed to Judy giving me a quick once over. “Very good then Paul she said clapping her hands excitedly, this is what I will do then.”

“I will quickly get changed into something more suitable for a full examination as I insist on proper medical dental procedures and attire at all times”. “I will go down to the Surgery since it’s closed this weekend and we will be all alone, and can take are time”. “I will prepare a few things for your full dental examinations, if you can come down in about fifteen minutes.”

“When you do please ring the Surgery bell so that I know you’re waiting so I can come and get you”. .’ With those last few words Judy Preston stood up and disappeared down the stairs with a final flash of sexy stockinged legs. Paul sat alone for the next fifteen minutes having no idea what might happen next, feeling rather wary, but at the same time also very interested to see what outfit ‘Dental Nurse’ Judy Preston would be wearing for this dental examination.


Alan Strid 2 months ago  
pokenurse 2 months ago 1