Doctor William Richardson

Chapter One

In a New England Town in the 1950’s…

William sat down at the counter of the local diner across the street from his new private practice that he was encouraged to open by his father Doctor Danial Richardson and his mother Emmie. Still a fresh faced 30 years old, married with two children and another on the way he was happy to be back near his home town. His father donated most of his office to him and decided to semi-retire and stick with house calls. It was only his 3rd week in private practice and he was starting to worry, his only business being referrals from his father and his quirky “aunt” Mary, who had been his father’s assistant and nurse since he was born.

He sat at the counter at the diner across the way from his new office, opened his newspaper and began reading when he heard a fresh unsure voice. “Hello sir.. What would you like?”

“Just a coffee and some toast today.”

“OK..Umm.. What kind of toast? We have… Let’s see white.. Rye… Grain.. And something else… I’ll be right back…” She muttered rushing away, then rushing back.. “It’s sourdough? It’s my first day…”

He smiled politely, “Rye please.” and went back to reading.

A few moments later she returned and began pouring his coffee while he read and somehow knocked the coffee cup over spilling it all over his new suit. He jumped up instinctively and she nearly jumped over the counter to try and give him her towel.

“Great…” He muttered

“Oh NO! I am so sorry!”

“Audry! That's the second customer today! And it’s only eight in the morning! Go home!” a voice coming from the kitchen said.

“No no no! It was an accident… we are ok. I think I did it with my newspaper…”

“Are you sure Bill?” the owner said, walking out to see him.

“Yes though… I need to run and change, a busy day today… Finally… Do you mind if I just run out? I really need to change.”

“Oh of course Bill…She’s a nice kid… Just a klutz it seems. Was our valedictorian last month believe it or not.”

“Well miss, I hope to see you here tomorrow.” He said politely.

“Thank you, I need to earn money for college books and such. First in my family to go…”

“Wonderful for you! What will you study?”

“Probably nursing…”

“Well medicine is a great field of study. Well I am off, and again see you tomorrow.”

The day itself dragged on. Mostly coughs and colds with Auntie Mary coming by in the afternoon to help out. He noticed she put a physical on his schedule for 3:30PM and he was looking forward to it, just to have something different for the day.

“Auntie, who’s the young lady you booked for a physical?”

“Oh it’s Clara’s daughter.”

“Who’s Clara?”

“Oh, she lived in town near me growing up. Taught me to swim and such. Old friend of mine, had the hots for your dad, before he met Emmie. After she got married and had a few kids of her own moved to this town.”

“Oh another Auntie referral? Thank you then.”

“Not to worry, I actually haven’t seen her in years! She called your dad’s office when I happened to be there and set her up here.”

Around 3:15 a young lady and her mother walked in…

“Hi there Mary!”

“Hi Clara, is this your youngest! She’s grown up! And heading to college now?”

“Yes, this is Audry. Audry dear I knew Mary when she was just a little girl!”

“Yes, she taught me how to swim.You look a lot like your mom at her age”

“Oh…” Audry said standing there in a filthy waitress uniform.

“Audry was on the girls swim team you know.” said her mother a bit braggingly. “How’s Danny, Emmie, and the crew?”

“Very good. With Danny retiring you might recognize some of the furniture in here. Though you probably haven’t seen him since you moved down here.”

“Oh no.. after our third we both got jobs in the factory. Just paid better…”

“Well follow me to the exam room ladies and let’s get started.”

Mary led them down the hall to the small room, the old wooden exam table with a new pad on it, and fresh paper sat there with a hospital gown already laid out.

“My…My mom… wants to stay if that’s OK?” Audry asked shyly.

“Well, that’s up to you… What do you want miss?”

“I’d like her here…”

“Are you a bit nervous Audry?” Mary asked.

“I’m… A bit yes…”

“Any reason why you're nervous?”

“I… never had a physical before to be honest…”

“Nothing to worry about, Your mom brought all the paperwork I see… Well let me get your vital signs and see how you are then ok?” Mary quietly took her vital signs, pulse, blood pressure..let her relax a bit more and took them again… All the while thinking about how much she looked like her mother so many years ago. Finally curiosity got the best of her. “Audry, since it’s your first visit here, and your college physical, I think we should take your temperature rectally for accuracy's sake.”

“What?!” Audry cried out in shock.

“Oh just like the old days?” Clara responded. “It’s OK Audry really it will be fine I am sure Mary has done this lots of time today.”

“Oh yes, why don’t you just lay up on your belly for me? And hike up your dress… Great, now lower your panties for me… Just past your bottom… Good”

Audry very slowly did as she was told, not sure what to think, her head turned to her mother as Mary went and got a rectal thermometer buried deep in a drawer. Turning around she thought to herself “Oh wow she really does have her mom’s shapely bottom…but be somewhat professional now Mary…” Then she walked over to Audry and slowly separated her firm shapely buttocks and slid the well lubricated thermometer in… “Doing great we’ll just hold this here for a few moments…”

“Yeah…Ummm…” Audry said lowly, her eyes fixated on her mother. Mary holding the thermometer in thoroughly enjoying the site. Twisting it a bit and finally taking it out…

“OK Miss, why don’t you sit up for me? See not so bad? Now let’s get the rest of those vital signs…”

“No it wasn’t…” and under her breath she mumbled “kind of tickled…”

“Why… What… Made you want to become a nurse?” Audry asked as Mary took her pulse.

“I was really good at it with my brothers and helped out Doctor Danny Richardson so he sent me to nursing school.”

“Oh, I… am going to study nursing… I think…”

“Well why do you want to be a nurse? We all have our own reasons.”

“I liked the nurses when I was a kid in the hospital… Just thought it would be a good job…”

“It’s a rewarding job for sure. Now miss all your vital signs are normal. Can you put this gown on for me? And be sure to take off everything now miss…”


“Yes, naked under the gown. I’ll leave and come back with the doctor.” Mary quickly walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

“Everything?” Audry asked her mother.

“That’s what the nurse said dear…”

“Like naked?”

“Audry now, don’t worry…”

“Mom… Ummm… Naked?”

“Yes dear… it’s just part of growing up.”

Her mom’s growing up comment resounded in her head as she undressed, turning her back to her mother… Slowly removing her clothes until she stood there in just her panties… She slowly put the gown on and reaching up underneath took off her panties… without being asked to her mother went over and picked up her clothes, folding and piling them neatly on a chair… Audry sat silently on the exam table, nervously swinging her legs around…

Meanwhile Mary brought the paperwork to Doctor Richardson as he sat at his desk… Looking it over he looked up at his aunt. “Why… Why did you take her temperature rectally?”

“Why not?”

“It’s just not something we normally do with eighteen year olds…”

“I had reasons and she didn’ seem to really mind… I don’t think…”

“Well Umm… Let’s just go do this exam.”

They walked together down the hallway to the exam room and he reached up a nocked on the door…

“Come in” Audry’s mother Clara said.

As soon as he came in Audry nearly screamed “Oh God!”

“Oh, nice to see you again…” He responded nearly as surprised.

“You know each other?” Mary asked inquisitively

“We met this morning at the diner…” He responded.

“So sorry for spilling coffee on you…”

“No need to worry… Like i said… Probably my own fault.”

Doctor Richardson looked over at her mother who was still putting the clothes into a neat pile and as he did Aundry mumbled “Mom” and looked her in the eyes.. Clara quickly tucked her blue cotton brief panties under the pile as Audry quickly crossed her legs. The paper under her bare backside crinkling as she did… For a moment you could hear a pin drop until the doctor began looking into Audry’s ears.

“Audry, miss, will you open your mouth for me and say AWE”

She did as she was told and as the doctor had the tongue depressor in her mouth, Clara asked the doctor, “Can you do a full exam today?”

“What do you mean?” He responded audry still saying “awe”

“A pelvic exam and papsmear.”

Audry let out a gagging choke when her mother said that. “I usually refer to a gynecologist….”

“Well we are hear now, and she goes to college soon.. Not to mention I read in a ladies magazine they recommend a first papsmear at her age, if not sooner…”

“No mom it’s OK!” Aundry responded coughing the tongue depressor out of her mouth and the doctor’s fingers and into the floor. Then clearing jer throat “No, really I am only eighteen and I don’t even want a boyfriend let alone any…. Sex… you know…”

“Audry!” Her mom said sternly then smiling “Please doctor?”

“I’d almost rather send her to…”

“Doctor, we have all the equipment and slides here.” Mary said brightly

“I suppose so…”

“Wonderful, just get it all done today.” Clara said as Audry sank back a bit resigned to her mom’s idea.

“This is better than Christmas!” Mary thought to herself before saying “If you kept everything where you dad did I’ll get the instruments ready.”

“Thank you Mary” William responded before asking Audry to lower her gown. He placed the cold bell of the stethoscope on her bare chest. Her firm breasts on display for everyone in the room. She didn’t know if she should try and cover up or not… she sat there paralyzed in fear, her brown eyes fixed on the doctor’s pen in his white coat. Finally he moved to her back and without asking she began to take deep breaths and crossed her arms to cover herself.

“Have you ever had a breast exam before?”

“A what? No, I never had a physical… well since I was a little kid…”

“Well I think we should do one. Breast cancer is rare in young women your age but it’s good to get used to them and start doing self exams.”

“Fine…” she said a bit nervously.

“OK Audry will you put your hands on your hips and lean forward looking in the mirror.” he said pointing across the room.`now lean forward, we are looking to see if they are even, have any dimples, or anything out of the ordinary. If you see any major or unusual changes you should call us… OK you can sit up again and raise your right arm up over your head for me like this.” He said as he moved her arm bent over her head and began pressing deeply at the lymph nodes under her arm..”now pay attention to how I examine your breasts. Just the pads of my fingers because they are the most sensitive.”

As he worked towards her areola she was nervous and self conscious of her quickly hardening nipples deeply pink…”Oh god” she thought to herself “My mom is watching the first man to ever see me topless feel my breasts.”

Then as her embarrassment was reaching its peak… “Audry, you can lower your arm now and raise your other arm… and why don’t you examine that one for me so we can see if you have any questions.” She quickly did as she was told, not wanting to do it but not wanting him to touch her again, she did the best job she could then heard him say:”Great job, can you lay back for me so we can do it again laying down?”

“Wait, why?”

“It’s best to do it sitting up and laying down because it compresses the breast tissue.”

She sighed with thoughts of when will this be over rushing through her head. He positioned her arm over her head and repeated the exam with her laying down. Her eyes fixed at a crack in the ceiling. She didn’t move her eyes as he re-positioned her other arm over her head.

“Audry, have you ever had any discharge from your nipples?”

“Oh lord no!”

“Well I’m just going to gently check so you can see how to OK?” She nodded just hoping for it to end. Then as she felt his hand gently move over her fully erect nipple she shuddered as he gently pinched them between his fingers.

He slowly pulled the gown down below her stomach, tucking it gently under her hips, leaving the very top of her naked from the very top of her pubic hair up exposed. Audry at first covered her chest with her arm but the stimulation against her hard nipples was just too much for her, so she slowly put her arms down at her sides… Feeling very exposed and embarrassed.

“Oh what now?” she thought to herself as she saw him put the stethoscope in his ears… He listened to her abdomen… then slightly pushing her gown aside her femoral pulse… she felt so defenseless there yet somehow resigned and secure. Then he began to feel her abdomen starting just below her rib cage and working lower and lower. Finally after finishing he pulled her gown back up.

“Audry, do you have any digestive issues? Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, cramping, blood in your stool or on the toilet paper?”

“Ummm no….”

“Audry!” her mother piped up. “You get constipated a lot.”

“I… guess… mostly during my period…”

“Do you do anything for it?”

“Ummm… I take a… suppository…”

“OK Don’t worry miss, that's perfectly normal. How often?”

“Really maybe just twice a month… during my period.”

“Does it seem to work well for you?”

A little embarrassed and red faced she chuckled out a nervous “yes”

“OK well when we do the pelvic exam I’ll be sure to check for anything obvious. “

“I’m a little nervous.” Audry said sheepishly

“Why is that miss?”

“I sort of know what you’ll do and ummm…” Then turning her head to her mom. “Do we really need to umm you know?”

“Audry it’s fine and you’re a grown up.”

“You need to see my… down there?” she said nervously darting her eyes to the doctor.

“Yes, it will be OK though.”

“I’ll hold your hand dear if you like?” Her mother said

“And I’ll be right here too.” Mary said with a disarming smile as the doctor covered her up.

“Would you like to watch with a mirror?” the doctor asked.

“Oh gawd no…” Audry blurted out as mary swung out the old stirrups with a loud clank.

“Oh I remember my first time in these…” Mary thought to herself. Then she walked over with a tray with the instruments to take Audry’s first pap smear. Making sure the small speculum from her first exam so many years ago was on the tray.

She then guided her slim ankles into the stirrups and the doctor sat down on his stool and quickly rolled over now sitting between her legs… The snap of his rubber gloves filled the now silent air. He gently put his gloved hand on her leg. “OK Audry, can you skoot down for me?”

“Like this?” she said quietly barely moving…

“A bit more? More? Just a little bit more?”

“I… don’t want to fall off…”

“You won’t miss.. Just scoot till you feel my hand ok?” She did as she was told with a sigh, nearly feeling like she’d fall off but the feeling of the back of his hand against her bar bottom felt nearly electric and she stifled a gasp. “OK can you let your knees fall open for me?”

She very slowly opened her legs attempting to relax as she did. Taking audible deep nervous breaths… the doctor pushed the gown back making her just feel more exposed. He then swung the lamp over and clicked it on… “Oh geez” she said under her breath as the warmth of the light bulb warmed her vulva.. Mary put her hand on her knee gently, peering over at her vulva.

“You have some razor bumps on your inner thigh” the doctor said.

“I only trim my thigh for swimming!” Audry blurted out embarrassed.

“Nothing to worry about just don’t want an ingrown hair there. Your pubic hair looks normal, miss.” he said as his fingers gently ran through it. But to Audry’s surprise and embarrassment every touch she felt was nearly electric.

“I need to touch your labia now.” he said placing his hand on her inner thigh. And she took a deep breath as he spread her labia majora wide with his hands then spread her labia minora apart, pushing the hood over her clitorus back she let out an audible gasp as the cold room air hit it…

Then almost on que as he spread he looked at her vaginal opening her mother said “Is her hymen intact?”

“MOM!” Audry nearly screamed out slamming her knees back together.

“I’m sorry just…. I just don’t want this to be uncomfortable…”

“What do you mean!” Audry said suddenly, very nervous.

“Well I lost mine by accident and I think that made my first… penetration easier…”

“What? He’s going to put things inside me!” She said lifting herself half up with her arms. “Doctor? Mary? MOM!?”

“Oh don’t worry Audry it won’t hurt…” Mary said kindly as Audry slowly lowered herself back down on the table.

“Well do I?”

“Do you what?” The doctor asked calmingly.

“A… hymen…will it break? Will it hurt?”

“It might be a little uncomfortable…”

“MOM! No please when Stella got married she said she hurt for a week after the wedding night!”

“Well that’s a little different, trust me… young men are over zealous”

“Please be gentle…” Audry said relaxing a bit, knowing her mom would not be happy if she decided to simply run off now.. “Doctor, just do what you need to do ok?”

“OK Audry… you need to… scoot down again.. now let you knees fall open.. OK good now I just need to finish the external exam…” he said spreading her muscular buttocks apart and looked at her anus, which still had a shimmer of lube from Mary’s temperature taking.

Mary handed him the small virgin speculum, that had been used on her so many years earlier, and he touched it to Audry’s inner thigh… She gasped and he slowly began putting it in..

“Oh gawd cold cold….cold…” Audry murmured as she tensed up.

“Just relax miss.. It’s OK…” she took a deep breath and calmed herself down, the speculum warming a bit inside her.. Then it slowly started opening.

“It’s so big!” she yelped out as he brought her cervix into view.

“Does it hurt Miss?”

“No just feels… wrong….” she said, covering her face with her arm… “I’m not.. Used to this…feeling”

“OK well everything is healthy and I am just going to take the pap now, so you might feel a cramping and have a little bit of spotting.”

Audry let out an audible “owie” and then a sigh of relief when the speculum finally was closed and slowly removed from her…but just as she began to close her legs again.

“OK Let’s do the bimanual exam now. I am going to put two fingers in your vagina and with my other hand feel your internal reproductive organs.”

“Your fingers? Inside me?”

“Yes Miss, I will use lots of lubrication and be as gentle as I can, you have done great so far.”

Audry nodded as Mary squeezed a generous amount of lube on his two fingers fixated on the site of them slowly entering her, her vagina gripped them tighter than she usually sees and she was enjoyed the site and also glancing at Audry who despite having her arm still across her eyes seemed more relaxed that she had expected. She watched closely as he pushed deeply on her abdomen feeling intently, Audry occasionally grimacing a bit.

“Any pain miss?”

“No, I’m just not used to something being up inside me…”

“OK Well I am going to do a rectovaginal next, and put one finger in your vagina and another in your rectum and feel behind your uterus…” he said slowly pulling his fingers from inside her.

As he changed his gloves the room was so silent you could hear the glooping sound of Mary putting more lube on his freshly changed glove and the suddenly Audry felt the pad of his middle finger against her pink anus.

“Can you bare down, or push out against my finger like your having a bowel movement?”

She did as she was told then cried out “Oh MY!”

“You ok Miss?”

“That just feels soo weird like I am going to poop.”

“Don’t worry you won’t just another second or two now.” he responded pressing on her abdomen deeply, then sliding his finger nearly all the way out and pushing just his rectal finger back in as far as he could… Mary watched him twist his finger around feeling all sides of her rectum before he slowly slid it out.

“OK everything seemed healthy you can sit up now.” she shot up like a rocket even before Mary could offer her some tissues to wipe with.

“Mary can stay and help you get dressed… Umm be a few days on the lab results…”

“I can get dressed on my own.” Audry said politely… “You too mom let me get dressed alone ok?”

“Oh of course dear.” her mother responded as they all slowly shuffled from the room.

“Billy, I’ll clean up after Audry and her mother leave…”

“Thanks Auntie…” he responded with some confusion in his voice.

About a half an hour later, alone in his office, completely confused about why he couldn’t get today’s exam out of his head he started to wonder why he hadn’t seen his “aunt” he walked back down to the exam room and slowly opened the door.. Mary was sitting on the chair Audry had put her clothes staring at the speculum in one hand and rubbing the fingers in her other hand together. “Oh Billy… Sorry this is taking so long… brought back so many memories.”


“Oh Billy, that was something else. So pretty… and that’s the same speculum your dad used on me when I was about her age.”

“Huh and?”

“And she left the most lovely glob on the table where she was sitting… I made sure you used extra lube.” she responded with a slight chuckle… “Oh and you liked it too, it’s OK it happens…”

“I just…”

“I’d never let you do anything not professional… or I’d never do anything not profess… well OK I bent the rules a bit to get a temperature in her bottom.. But what a bottom….”

“I am so….”

“Hahaha your dad would be so proud you’re clueless. He was for a while with your mom, and me… but your mom is glad he figured it all out… took me a long while too.”

“Long while to?”

“Like anything like this… I wish I was her getting my first exam again… And your mom liked watching your dad do exams… really Billy totally clueless?”

“My mom is short, fat, and bakes cookies…”

“You have three siblings, she spent plenty of time outside the kitchen… and we both enjoyed her being married to a doctor… a very professional doctor…”

“I can’t get her out of my head.”

“You won’t but it’s not like something you’d ever act one right?”

“No of course not… but I’m afraid to get my coffee tomorrow morning.”

“Oh about that… She said the same thing… I said you’d bring a thermos the next few days… now go home and see your wife and get out that frustration you’re feeling… and I won’t tell a soul…”


DrAllaire 3 months ago  
Patientlywaiting 3 months ago