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Dental exam

The Orthodontic Visit

Sophia's nerves were on edge as she approached the orthodontist's office. It was located in an older part of town, and the building's faded exterior did little to inspire confidence. She had been so accustomed to the modern, spotless environment of Dr. Reed's office that the sight of this run-down clinic filled her with unease.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door, Sophia was greeted by the sterile smell of antiseptic. The waiting room was dimly lit, with outdated magazines strewn across worn-out chairs. The receptionist, an older woman with a stern expression, handed Sophia a clipboard without a word.

"Dr. Patterson will see you shortly," she said curtly.

Sophia filled out the necessary forms, her hands shaking slightly. When her name was called, she followed the nurse down a narrow hallway to an examination room that felt cold and unwelcoming.

Dr. Patterson was nothing like Dr. Reed. She was a middle-aged woman with a severe demeanor, her eyes cold behind thick glasses. She didn't bother with pleasantries, diving straight into the examination.

"Let's see what's going on here," she said brusquely, snapping on a pair of gloves.

Sophia's discomfort grew as Dr. Patterson prodded her mouth with little care. The tools felt rough, and the doctor's movements were far from gentle. It was clear that she was more interested in getting the job done quickly than in ensuring Sophia's comfort.

"Hmm," Dr. Patterson muttered, her face inches from Sophia's. "Your teeth have shifted quite a bit. We'll need to put you in braces to correct this. It's going to be a long process, and it's not going to be comfortable."

Sophia winced as the doctor continued to poke and prod. The examination was painfully thorough, each movement sending jolts of discomfort through her. Dr. Patterson seemed almost indifferent to her reactions, her focus entirely on the task at hand.

"We'll start by taking some molds of your teeth," Dr. Patterson said, signaling to the nurse.

The process of creating the molds was agonizing. The cold, putty-like substance pressed against Sophia's teeth and gums, triggering her gag reflex. Dr. Patterson seemed to take her time, ensuring every detail was captured perfectly, despite Sophia's obvious distress.

"Hold still," Dr. Patterson ordered, her tone leaving no room for argument.

After what felt like an eternity, the molds were finally removed. Sophia's mouth felt sore and raw, but there was no respite. Dr. Patterson moved on to explaining the treatment plan.

"You'll need to wear braces for at least two years," she said, her voice matter-of-fact. "Regular adjustments will be necessary, and they can be quite painful. But it's the only way to correct the misalignment."

Sophia nodded, feeling a lump form in her throat. The thought of enduring years of discomfort under Dr. Patterson's care was daunting, but she knew she had no other choice.

"We'll get you started right away," Dr. Patterson said, turning to prepare the necessary equipment.

The fitting of the braces was a torturous process. The metal brackets were cemented onto Sophia's teeth with little regard for her comfort, and the wires were tightened to the point of causing sharp pain. Dr. Patterson's hands were efficient but lacked any semblance of gentleness.

When it was finally over, Sophia felt exhausted and overwhelmed. Her mouth ached, and the tightness of the braces was already causing significant discomfort. Dr. Patterson handed her a sheet of instructions and dismissed her with a terse, "Make sure to follow these guidelines. We'll see you in a month for your first adjustment."

As Sophia left the clinic, she couldn't help but feel a wave of dread. The thought of returning to Dr. Patterson for regular adjustments was almost unbearable. Yet, she knew she had to endure it to regain the smile she once took so much pride in.

The journey ahead would be difficult, but Sophia resolved to face it with determination. She would find solace in the moments of care with Dr. Reed and remind herself that the pain and discomfort were temporary. In the end, she hoped to reclaim the beauty and confidence that her perfect teeth once brought her.