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Dental exam

The appoitment

Sophia had always been meticulous about her dental hygiene. She flossed religiously, brushed after every meal, and visited her dentist, Dr. Alex Reed, every three months without fail. To most, these habits seemed excessive, but for Sophia, they were a source of immense pleasure.

Dr. Reed's office was modern and spotless, with the scent of mint in the air and the faint hum of dental equipment in the background. Sophia's heart raced as she stepped into the familiar setting, greeted by the warm smile of the receptionist.

"Dr. Reed will see you now," she said, and Sophia felt a shiver of anticipation.

Dr. Reed was a tall man in his early forties, with sharp features and a calm demeanor that put his patients at ease. But for Sophia, there was something more. She was inexplicably drawn to the way he moved, the precision with which he handled his tools, and the soothing tone of his voice as he explained each procedure.

"Good afternoon, Sophia," he said, his voice a rich baritone. "How have you been?"

"Good, thank you," she replied, settling into the plush dental chair. "I've been looking forward to this."

Dr. Reed raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "It's always a pleasure to have you here."

As he adjusted the overhead light and prepared his instruments, Sophia's breath quickened. The cool metal of the dental mirror sent a thrill through her as it touched her teeth. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensation, feeling the gentle pressure as Dr. Reed examined her mouth.

"Your teeth look excellent, as always," he said. "But let's do a thorough cleaning to keep them perfect."

Sophia nodded, her pulse quickening. The sound of the ultrasonic scaler filled the room, and she reveled in the vibrations as it worked to remove plaque from her teeth. Each scrape and polish sent waves of pleasure through her, her senses heightened by the intimate nature of the procedure.

Dr. Reed's gloved hands were steady and confident, and Sophia found herself entranced by the rhythm of his movements. He was thorough, taking his time to ensure every tooth was pristine. As he worked, he spoke to her in a low, calming voice, explaining each step and checking on her comfort.

But then, as he moved to the back of her mouth, he paused. "It seems we have a small cavity here," he said, his tone serious but still gentle. "We'll need to take care of that right away."

Sophia's heart skipped a beat. A cavity meant drilling, and though the thought of pain would frighten most, it excited her. She nodded, unable to hide her eagerness.

Dr. Reed prepared the drill, and the sound of it whirring to life filled the room. He applied a bit of numbing gel but decided against an anesthetic shot, given the small size of the cavity. "Let me know if it gets too uncomfortable," he said, his eyes meeting hers.

As the drill touched her tooth, a sharp sensation shot through Sophia. It was a mix of pain and pleasure, a feeling she found intoxicating. She focused on the steady rhythm of Dr. Reed's work, the vibrations coursing through her, heightening her senses.

She closed her eyes, embracing the discomfort, feeling a deep connection to her body and to Dr. Reed's skilled hands. Each second stretched into an eternity, the pain becoming a strange kind of bliss.

Finally, the drilling stopped, and Dr. Reed filled the cavity with precision. "All done," he said, his voice bringing her back to reality. "You did great, Sophia."

Sophia smiled, feeling a rush of satisfaction. "Thank you, Dr. Reed," she said, her voice tinged with both gratitude and exhilaration.

As she left the office, the sensation of the procedure lingered with her, a reminder of the strange and intimate connection she felt to her dental care. She couldn't wait for her next appointment, already longing for the touch of Dr. Reed's hands and the thrill of the unexpected.