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The Long Goodbye

Chapter 3: Apartment Cleanout, Carol Disappears

People started arriving at Catie's apartment around 9:00 AM. Catie's brothers had set aside items they definitely wanted to take back to Oregon. They would pack the car later in the day if it looked like they would get be able to get away late in the afternoon.

I took Catie's oldest brother to pick up a rental truck for any hauling that needed to be done. He and I continued some of the conversation about Abby on the way there. I couldn't tell if her was really upset at the prospect of Abby and I being intimate. But I thought he also wanted to know if I knew why Catie (and Abby) chose this complex threesome relationship to share. I really didn't know all the "why" of it from Catie's perspective. I only knew the who, what, and when of certain events. And I knew that Abby really liked being fucked (by me), with or without Catie's presence in the room. Some of that was the exuberance of sexual discovery. Some of it was a "badge of honor" among her girlfriends that not only was she getting fucked, but it was how she was getting fucked by me (and she had it on videotape as proof).

Of course, I didn't let on what I did know about Catie's relationship with him; or more specifically, after he and his friends had graduated high school and their relationship with Catie and her friends when she was home for the summer from college. Of course, Catie wrote about it and when we were sharing about the strange stuff we had done in our lives, she told me about it. We both agreed that we each had some very strange and unique experiences in the 1970's while we were in school. We didn't anticipate how some of those experiences might reemerge for either us when we were together.

"We might never know," I said to him.

We brought the rental truck back to Catie's apartment. We realized that we could also use the truck to haul stuff to other people's location like a delivery service if they didn't have the ability to easily haul things like the couch, bed, etc. with their vehicles. We stopped by the apartment complex manager's office to talk about was needed for final vacating of her apartment. I could handle that before I left and turn in all the keys that we had.

Carol had arrived to help by the time we returned (she wanted a couple of the lamps, too) . She had gone home from the hotel, changed clothes and then come to Catie's apartment. Some of Catie's friends were there and ready to take items away from the apartment once Catie's brothers approved. One of Catie's friends volunteered to take most of her clothes and find a place for them. By 1:00 PM much of the apartment was cleaned out. Someone would vacuum the floor as the furniture was moved. There wasn't much dust under anything as Catie kept her apartment well vacuumed and cleaning as we went had the apartment well cleaned as all the items were taken away.

We had a list of addresses to take some of the furniture and we delivered it all before returning the truck. Carol told me that she would stay at Catie's apartment to greet any late arrivals while we were gone. I drove my rental car to follow the truck and then to take Catie's brother back to the apartment after returning the rental truck. Frankly, there wasn't that much left to dispose of. Nor was there a huge amount of cleaning required to turn the apartment back to the apartment management. They would, of course, do whatever repainting and refurbishing necessary for renting to the next occupant.

I pulled Carol aside and asked if she had left anything of hers in the hotel room. She told me that she hadn't and asked why. I told her that since all the furniture was gone and there wasn't any place to sleep in Catie's apartment, I was going to offer my hotel room to Catie's brothers if they wanted to stay the night and leave the next morning. She stated that they were sort of cute and she'd like to take on the three of us. While that may have been amusing to Carol (and they were closer in age to Carol than I was), it was cringe-worthy to me. I told her that wasn't what I meant and I didn't think that Catie had that in mind when she had suggested that Carol be involved in our threesomes. She told me that she was kidding but it still might be fun.

After all the deliveries and returning the rental truck, I asked Catie's brothers if they were going to pack up and get on the road away from Chicago. I told them they could stay in my room at the Holiday Inn for the night if they wanted to stay. They declined. They wanted to pack up Catie's car and start their trip back to Oregon. With Carol, Catie's brothers and a couple of Catie's friends, it took little time to get the car packed. They made a reservation for a hotel in Des Moines, Iowa.

I told them I'd handle the rest of the issues with the apartment like changing over the electricity back to the apartment complex. Anything else and I'd get back to them after they got back to Oregon. We exchanged keys, said our goodbyes, shook hands and they drove off. Catie's friends other friends also left. Some would be at the pre-game party in a couple of hours.

That left Carol and me in Catie's empty apartment. The were only the lamps that Carol had selected and the ceiling lights. No seats, couches, chairs or even a bed.

I had the remainder of Catie's cleaning supplies to finish cleaning the apartment. There was still some things in the refrigerator but they could be taken out on Sunday. It was strangely empty in a place where so much sexual energy had been spent and given by Catie and others.

Carol walked down the hall to the bathroom and left me in the empty intersection of the kitchen, dining area, and the living room. In that moment, I missed Catie so much....

Carol emerged from the bathroom naked. "I'll help you tomorrow," she said. "Now, to do what I wanted to do last week..."

The rooms looked so much more empty under the harsh glare of the overhead lights. Nonetheless, Carol started stripping me out of my clothes and got my rapidly stiffened cock released from the underwear she watched me put on earlier in the morning. As soon as I was naked, she took my hand and lead me down the hall to the bedroom. She pushed me (gently) down to the floor, stood above me and said "Catie wanted us to fuck in her bedroom and, by God, we're going to do it!" I didn't argue. I could imagine that if she was still alive, Catie being the director of all of this. telling each of us what she wanted to see us doing.

Carol lowered herself down on me. It didn't take me but a moment to realize that she was sliding me into her ass. I was surprised how easily I was sliding into her and how fast she was sliding down on me. She was tight and slippery. I figured out that she had lubricated herself while she got undressed in the bathroom. But I also knew that she was an experienced anal lover, so she knew what she could handle and how fast.

She took me completely in her in one stroke and then she started to vigorously fuck me. There was nothing slow or gentle about it and the only way she could take it harder, faster, and perhaps deeper, was for me to be standing behind driving into her as hard as I could while holding or pulling her hips to me.

Then there was her grunting and her commentary about how she wanted me to fuck her and cum in her ass that morning, how she had wished she had been walking around with a load of my cum in her ass while helping clean out the apartment, how she had been thinking about it all day.

I couldn't tell with certainty if she was having anally triggered orgasms. But when she finally slowed down enough that I could take her breasts into my mouth and a thumb on her clitoris, she shook hard. Eventually, she got off me because she needed to change position. I got up, extending my hand so she would get up on her feet. She grabbed it and stood up.

"So you like to be fucked hard in the ass, do you?" I asked. She gave me a very sultry "yes." I had her bend over and grasp the door frame for the closet and pressed back into her and started pounding into her. Although the door frames worked well, eventually we ended up in the kitchen are where the cabinets and counters gave extra bracing for Carol. I watched her body ripple with each thrust into her. As I got closer to cumming, I pressed in deeper and held in for her for longer with each stroke. It was mostly driven by pure lust.

"You want me to fill your ass? Well here I cum, baby!" I said, pressing in as deep as I could and holder her so I could stay deep inside her.

"Oh yeah, fill me up!" she exhorted. Then she started to respond to feeling my cock spurt cum in her ass. It was a fairly long orgasm as the spurts kept cumming even though they slowed down significantly after 20 or 30 seconds. True to what I usually did, I stayed inside her as long as I could before slipping out. We turned to embrace, my arms slipping under her long blond hair.

"I hoped I lived up to what you expected from our phone call," I said. She told me that I did.

"I can see why Catie loved to have you inside her."

We needed to get cleaned up and get ready for the party. With a little wiping up, we got dressed. We took the lamps out to Carol's car and she left to go back to her place. She would meet me at the party. I watched her drive off and the went back into Catie's apartment.

Alone in the apartment and thinking about what had just happened between Carol and I, I thought about how Catie would have had the three of us interact. Catie and I hadn't talked about this from the perspective of her death and how or why should we? We had talked about Carol, her and I, from the perspective of Catie being alive and well. I once again felt a sense of overwhelming loss. And although my time with Carol was pleasurable, fun, and distracting, it didn't provide as much satisfaction as I imagined it would have. I/we justified it as carrying out the wishes of our dead friend and lover. But it lacked the richness and the lust didn't replace the sense of devotion that Catie and I shared even in these situations of shared sex partners. I thought it was time to do something normal. I called my son and talked to him about his day and told him that I would see him the next week.

After completing the call with my son, I checked that Catie's apartment was ready to be closed for the night and then left for my hotel to get cleaned up and ready for the party. I knew where I was going since we had delivered some of Catie's belongings there earlier in the afternoon. I arrived at my hotel, went to my room, got a shower and laid on the bed while I thought through the events of the previous evening and the day. I turned on the television and watched some local programming about the upcoming championship game. It was quite the season for the Chicago Bears with only one loss and the sense of excitement of a successful post season that included the Super Bowl.

For me there were the memories of that first weekend with Catie after we got off the train, and the weekend we were supposed to go to another Chicago Bears game but ended up going to Portland because her dad had a stroke. That was could have been the week that Catie got pregnant. So many memories tied to all of this. Did I really want to go to this party? Well, of course I went. I was invited and I knew a few of the people attending. It gave me a chance to be with people.

I got dressed and left for the party. When I arrived, Carol was already there and chatting with some of her female friends. She greeted me when I arrived. This was a younger crowd, though some were closer to my age. Overall, I felt that there was a strange vibe to it, though I don't know quite how to describe it even this many years later. It was like Carol was acknowledging that I was there, that she knew me and was ignoring me at the same time. I'm pretty social in these settings, so it wasn't like I was going to go sit in a corner and sulk. But for someone who had stripped out of her clothes, "jumped me," and had me cum in her ass less then two hours before, this felt disquieting.

The things that stood out about the party were the music (trying to talk over it) and the smoking (it was like being in the smoking section at the back of an aircraft in those days). I eventually settled down with something to drink chatting with a group of people that were into skiing (I was still a relative newbie to skiing and listened for tips).

I had probably been there maybe 20 minutes when someone called out Carol's name and told her that there was a phone call for her. A couple of minutes later she came up to me and told me that a friend of hers was having car troubles and that she was going to go pick her up and bring her to the party. She told me that she'd be back in a few minutes, gave me a kiss and left.

A few minutes turned into 30. And then to an hour. And then to two hours. It was shortly after 10 PM and some people were beginning to leave, though the party would go on for some time. I was getting concerned because I didn't know where Carol had gone. Should I wait or should I go? She knew where I was staying and she still had a room key. Had she gone to the hotel to wait for me and I had missed the signals? These were just some of the questions I had. I asked if I could use the phone, I dialed her number and got her answering machine. I left a message telling her that I was wondering what happened to her and that I was still at the party. I called the Holiday Inn and had them call my room. No answer.

I was getting more concerned and it was concern because Carol did indicate that she was coming back with a friend who was (apparently) also planning to attend this party. I finally spoke to the party hosts and told them of my concern. They didn't know where Carol went or who she was picking up. I thanked them for the invitation to the party and to tell Carol, if she returned, that I had gone back to my hotel. Before I left, I called Carol's number again and got her answering machine.

"Hey! It's me. Just wondering what happened to you. I'm leaving the party and headed back to my hotel. Give me a call there and let me know you're okay. See you later."

I drove back to the hotel. "Maybe she's there waiting for me," I thought to myself. When I got to my room, I knocked on the door before unlocking it.

"Carol?" I said as I walked in. But there was no answer, the room was empty and looked just the way I left it a few hours before.

I called Carol's number again and got her answering machine again. "Hi! It's me again. I'm back at my hotel room. Give me a call when you get a chance and let me know that you're okay."

Of course, what I was really afraid of was that Carol had been in some sort of serious accident. I wouldn't even be on any list of hers or her friends to call and let me know if something had happened.

I got undressed, got in the shower to wash off the smell of cigarettes, and hung my clothes to air out in the bathroom to let the cigarette smell that came off of them to be sucked out by the bathroom venting system. I got into bed, concerned about Carol, and drifted off to sleep with the television on. I woke up a couple of times; once around 2 AM and another around 4:30 AM. Both times I called Carol's number but didn't get an answer. She was an adult and, if she was okay, she could make her own choices about her life. Yes, we had fucked multiple times in the past 36 hours. But that didn't necessarily mean anything other than shared sexual experiences.

I woke up again at 6:45 AM, just before sunrise. I got up and went to the bathroom. It looked like it was going to be a bright, sunny day outside. I decided that if I didn't hear from Carol by 8:00 AM, then I'd call her again. I set the alarm clock, turned off the lights, and got back in bed. I wasn't quite asleep when I heard a key inserted into the door lock and then the key turned to unlock and open the door. It definitely wasn't housekeeping.

Carol came quietly into the room, set down her purse and came over to the bed I was in.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"I'm sorry! I went over to pick up Denise and one of her neighbors stopped by with a couple of friends in town for the game. We decided to go around the corner and get some drinks and something to eat and I drank too much. I knew I probably shouldn't drive, so I stayed with Denise." I thought I could smell some alcohol on her though she didn't seem intoxicated then.

"I was worried about you when you didn't come back," I said.

"Aw, that's sweet," Carol said.

"Have you been home yet?" I asked. She indicated she hadn't and she was really tired.

"You'll find I left you a couple of phone messages. Why don't you lay down and get some sleep." I said.

Carol got up, took off her clothes and placed them on the other bed and then got into bed with me. I didn't do anything more than slide up beside her. She drifted off to sleep beside me. I couldn't sleep and so I eventually rolled away from her toward the other side of the bed. I sensed that something didn't quite add up.

I finally got up at 8:30 AM, shaved, and got dressed. Carol continued to sleep in the one bed. I picked up her clothes off the other bed to move them over to where luggage could be paced at the end of the wall mounted desk and cabinet system. Carol's panties, which were on top of the pile, fell to the floor as I moved her clothes. They were a dark beige color. When I picked them up to place them back on the pile I noticed that they seemed to indicate a lot of wetness and some "spotting" in the crotch area and towards seat area of the panties. I wasn't going to do a detailed forensics examination but this added to my sense that something didn't add up. I suspected that Carol only told me part of the story.

She woke up a little after 9:00 AM and saw me propped up against the pillows and the headboard on the other queen sized bed watching Sunday morning television. She could see that I was dressed already.

"Don't you want to come back to bed with me?" she asked.

"I'd love to. But we need to talk." I turned the sound down on the television. I wasn't sure how this was going to go but I knew not to start the conversation with an accusation.

I told her that the relationship that Catie and I had begun building was based upon respect, trust, and honesty, especially around when it came to our sex lives. Yes, we had what could be termed and open relationship at it was so new to both of us that we were both learning how to manage this type of relationship that had this degree of openness. But we knew about, and even arranged for and approved of sexual partners for each other. That didn't preclude the possibility of some random sex partners. We hadn't had that happen yet. But the underlying principle was honesty in sex and about our sexual partners. Committed to each other, it wasn't something that either of us sought to abuse.

"For example, I know about Catie's bisexual tendencies and her most recent homosexual relationships," still speaking of her in the present tense. "And it's apparent that she selected female sexual partners for us that were like minded about their sexuality and openness. We were also involved with people who were plainly heterosexual. But the point is, we knew who we were sleeping with even if Catie or I were going off to sleep with someone without the other being there. From my perspective, Catie chose you for us. That was for you and her to play together, for her and I to play with you, and so that you and I could sleep together without Catie if we so chose."

I also pointed out that there was a degree of sexual safety involved and I knew that Catie had talked with Carol about that as an issue, as well.

"So, with that being said, is there something more that I need to know about last night?" I asked.

"Can I go to the bathroom first?" I told her yes. But, it heightened the wait for the answer. While waiting for her to come back, the phone rang and I answered it. It was the hosts from the previous night's party asking if I had heard from Carol.

"Yes, she's here now," I said.

"That's a relief. Nobody we called had heard from her."

"She's fine, " I said. After another minute of conversation, we hung up.

Carol came back and sat down on the bed and pulled the covers up. I told her that her friends had been looking for her and I told them that she was here with me. I moved over to the bed to be in front of her.

She told me that Denise did have car problems and so Carol was going to pick her up and bring her back to the party. Before they left, one of her neighbors stopped by and he had two friends with him who were in Chicago to attend the football game (later this day). It was Denise's neighbor that suggested that they go to a nearby restaurant and bar to get some drinks and something to eat. Denise asked her to go along with them.

"Did you forget that I might be waiting for you to come back?" I asked. She told me "no" but thought it would be okay to spend a little time with them and then come back to the party with Denise.

"So, what happened?" I asked.

"You won't get mad, will you?" she asked.

"No, I was upset because I was concerned about you, and I didn't know whether you were okay."

So she continued on about getting a couple of drinks and then ordering food and then more drinks. And then it started getting late and she realized that she probably wasn't in the best shape to be driving anywhere. I commented that I thought that was a good decision. I asked if they went back to Denise's place and she said no, they went to Denise's neighbor's place (Alan) which was in the same complex.

"Can I ask you something before you go on?" I asked. "Do you think you were drugged or just had too much to drink?" She said she thought she had too much to drink, not that she had been drugged. I told her to continue.

She told me that they had been having a good time drinking and flirting all evening and when they got back to the apartment it got much more overtly sexual and pretty soon all five of them were naked. She knew that Denise and her neighbor (Alan) had a FWB relationship and very quickly, Denise and Alan were sexually engaged. In the meantime, Carol was handling Alan's two visitor friend's cocks. It started out with her alternating sucking two cocks and then taking both of them in her mouth.

"We were laying there together, me between them after I had swallowed their cum, watching Denise and Alan fucking; watching her big tits bounce as she rode him. It didn't take them long to get hard again with a little help from my hands and mouth," she said. "Soon, I was mounting one of them."

I must admit that it was quite erotic to hear her describing what she was watching (Denise and Alan) and then how she was being fucked.

"Who removed the tampon?" I asked, remembering that she was at the end of her period.

"I did," she said.

"No pussy eating?" I asked.

"You're the only one I know who has eaten my bloody pussy," she said. She reached forward to touch me.

"Go on," I said.

She told me that once she was on top of one of the guys, she had the other one in her mouth (briefly). He moved around behind her and felt the tip of his cock press at her ass and she leaned forward to give him a better angle told him to slide his cock into her ass, which he did.

"You had done that before?" I asked. Catie told me, according to her conversations with Carol, that she had.

"Yes, a few times," she said. "That wasn't the first time I had taken two cocks."

"Did anyone else know or figure out that you already had my cum inside you when you started?" I asked. She told me no but there were a couple of comments on how "wet" she was. Shortly after she had both cocks inside her, Denise let Alan up and sent him over to Carol and he presented his cock for her to suck, with all of Denise's pussy juices on it.

"Ever done that before?" I asked. "No," she replied. It was her first time dealing with three cocks at the same time. She had Alan get on his knees placed on either side of the guy's head who had his cock in her pussy so that she could tilt her head back enough to do that deep throating thing that she did with me.

She had three cocks in her while Denise watched and cheered them on, telling them to fill her up (Carol used more graphic terms to describe what Denise was saying, but I'm not including them here). It was years later I heard the term airtight to describe this type of sexual act. She said that the guy fucking her ass started fucking her hard driving her to Alan's cock in her mouth and throat. When he slammed her hard for the last stroke before he started cumming in her ass, she told me that she settled down on the guys cock that was in her pussy and reached up and grabbed Allan's ass to both pull him in and to hold herself up. Alan started cumming in her mouth and throat and with all that going on the guy in her pussy also let loose.

"I was being filled with cum in all my holes," she said in an excited dreamy way.

Another term I learned years later to describe this was an airtight fill. "Did you and Catie ever do that?" she asked. It didn't matter whether she meant having three cocks inside her or being filled at the same time, Catie had experienced that and I was part of that. I told her yes without giving her any of the details.

"What did Catie think about it? What did you think about it?" she asked.

"I think Catie loved attention and sensations to have all those cocks available to her. I watched, could appreciate, and could be a part of the sexual ecstasy that she experienced as someone who loved her. That's what I think made those situations special for both of us," I said. I didn't tell Carol that there were seven of us who could more or less keep Catie continuously filled with cocks or provide her simultaneous and sequential cum fillings.

I asked again if she thought about me being back at the party waiting for her? She told me she did but it was so late that she figured that I would have left by then.

I asked if Denise got the same type of treatment with three cocks. Carol told me that eventually she did after the guys pulled out of her and rested for a while. The five of them were in Alan's king sized bed and it seemed to be a matter of whoever was ready to fuck and be fucked as she and Denise took on the three guys individually and in pairs throughout the rest of the night.

"So you had just been fucked when you decided to come here?" I asked. She replied with a sheepish yes.

Her excitement in telling me seemed to drop with that answer. "Is Denise still back at Alan's apartment with the three of them?" She told me she was but that Alan's friends would already be getting ready to go to the game (it started at 11:30 Chicago time).

When she was finally done telling me all of this, I told her "See. No freak out. You're a grown woman. It was consensual, correct?" She said it was. "Did you enjoy it?" She said she did. In fact, she told me that she had never been able to talk to a guy this way about sex and that it was kinda' hot and made her horny (again). I told her that it was very arousing to have her tell me.

"So, I have only a couple more questions. Did you know about this possible hook up beforehand?" She admitted that she knew it might be possible because Denise wanted her to come meet these guys but she (Carol) was torn between going to the party and going out with Denise, her neighbor (Alan), and Alan's friends.

"Last question. Did anybody wear condoms?" She said no.

She asked me if I was angry with her. I told her no. I was very concerned for her safety since I expected her to return to the party. (Of course, now there was another safety issue with her having unprotected sex with guys she didn't know.) Yes, I did expect that we'd be spending the night together. But I also told her that I was very glad that she had a good time with these guys because they probably provided her more fun than I would have.

Carol and I had indefinite plans around watching the game. I was planning on going to Catie's apartment to finish cleaning it before the game and this talk had eaten into the time even if it had made both of us horny. Carol wanted me to get undressed and get back into bed with her and fuck her in her freshly cum-filled cavities (because I had obviously done that before with Catie). I know she was disappointed with my answer. I told her that the situations where Catie and I had been with multiple sex partners like this, there were reasonable precautions/reasons to believe that we weren't at risk, nor were putting others at risk. of sexually transmitted diseases. I told her that was my concern here, not that I was adverse to filling her where I was the "sloppy seconds, thirds or fourths."

I suggested that if she wanted to stay, get cleaned up, and get some more sleep, she could. Or if she wanted to go home, get cleaned up, get some rest, she could do that. I was going to go to Catie's apartment and finish the cleaning. I wasn't planning on turning in the keys until Monday morning before I left to fly home. She said "I told you that I'd help you." I told her that I thought I could handle it and that it wouldn't take too long to get it all done since there was the cleaning of the bathroom and the kitchen that were left.

"if you decide to go to her apartment, give me a call. Otherwise, I'll give you a call either here (referring to my hotel room) or at your place to let you know that I'm done," I said. With that, I gave her a kiss, took my keys, said goodbye and left.

It was cloudy and quite cold when I got in my rental car and I remember thinking that it was going to be cold for all those people at Soldiers Field. There was snow in the air. On my way to Catie's, I stopped to grab a quick breakfast. The previous day I thought that Carol had "other plans" that went beyond just cleaning Catie's apartment when she volunteered to help me with the final cleaning. Had the events of the previous evening not occurred the way they had, she might be doing me while finishing the clean up of Catie's apartment Now I would be working alone in Catie's apartment to complete that process of vacating it for her.

When I arrived at Catie's apartment, there were a couple of messages on the answering machine. The last message was from Carol just before I arrived. She told me that she was going home to clean up and get some rest and to give her a call later.

"Maybe this is the way it really should be," I remember thinking, being alone and unencumbered to remind myself of all the fun times Catie and I had together here. I opened the curtains and the blinds to fill her apartment with light, stripped out of my clothes to be the way I had been so much of my time here, and set about the tasks at hand.


Enema Runner 2 months ago  
Bob47 2 months ago