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The Sexual Pleasure retreat

Nurse Joanna

When Callie arrived at the treatment suite, a smiling blonde nurse was waiting for her at reception. The nurse, who already knew Callie's name, greeted her warmly and then ushered her through two large automatically opening glass doors to a waiting room which was set out like a comfortable lounge.

Nobody else seemed to be waiting so Callie sank into one of several plush padded chairs and grabbed a magazine from a nearby coffee table whilst she waited for her appointment. In the centre of the room, a water feature constantly pumped flowing water over an arrangement of large pebbles that were set in amongst several lush green plants.

The sound of the running water combined with Callie's nervous apprehension made Callie want to pee (for what might have been the seventeenth time that morning) but just as she was thinking about locating the toilets, the nurse appeared. A quick scan of her name badge told Callie that the nurses name was Joanna Roberts.

"Callie? Please follow me...."

Joanna brought Callie through to the treatment room and handed her a gown.

"Please undress and pop this gown on for me." She lowered her voice and then said "You can leave your panties on for now if you wish but your bra does need to come off. You can undress behind the screen. I will be back in a few moments to take your vitals and draw blood."

Callies stomach began to do somersaults and nervous tingles shot up and down her legs as she undressed. Finally she stepped out from behind the screen and was surprised to see not only the nurse, but Dr Michaels in the room now too.

"Good morning Callie. I'm Dr Michaels as you probably guessed. Thank you for your evaluation form... Nurse Roberts is going to take your vitals whilst I have a quick look at these..."

Callies anxiety suddenly trebled. Damn it. Doctor Keiran was hot! He looked like Hugh Jackman. She thought about all the questions he had wanted to know about masturbation and anal penetration and she inwardly cringed. It seemed criminal that Callie knew he would be doing a whole lot more than just peering up her foo foo and whilst looking like that too!

The nurse read her mind and grinned at her. "You'll be fine, she said, wrapping the blood pressure cuff around her arm and pressing a button which set the machine in motion so that the cuff tightened and then released "It's slightly raised but that's to be expected... Please step onto the scales now Callie..."

Callie watched as nurse Joanna slid the counter weights along the bar and then wrote her weight down on her chart.

"126 pounds. Very healthy Callie. Now let's get your height." She gestured to the height measure and Callie stood against it obediently. "Stand up straight, shoulders back and tuck your bottom in for me.... So you are five foot six"

Whilst all this was going on, Dr Michaels was avidly reading Callie's evaluation form whilst sitting at the side of his desk. He was slouching in a reclining chair and had put his feet up on a small wheeled stool, clearly making himself comfortable and taking his time with reading Callie's responses. Periodically he took a sip from his coffee mug and also made little noises of understanding.

Callie felt a strange mix of both shame and embarrassment but also relief and comfort that the doctor seemed to taking such a thorough interest in her responses.

"We're almost ready Doctor. How much blood do you need me to draw?"

Keiran placed his coffee mug back on the desk with a clatter and quickly sat up, simultaneously swinging his chair round and firmly planting his feet back on the floor in one fluid motion. His sudden movement startled Callie.

"It's ok, thank you nurse, I can take Callie's blood and it will give you a chance to get in front with your other patients"


Rigel 2 months ago 1