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A Reunion

Chapter 4

The ride back to the house was equally white-knuckled for Bobby but they arrived in one piece. Laughter and shrieking came from down by the lake so the couple walked down the short pathway to the water’s edge where the rest of their group were at the dock, naked.

“What the hell kind of unholy orgy is this?” Madison asked.

“Well we decided to go for a swim but Gina didn’t bring a suit and we wanted to show solidarity,” Derek said. “It all seemed reasonable at the time.”

“Join us!” Gina shouted.

“Will there be beer?” Bobby asked.

“No beer until you’re nekkid,” she replied.

“No wiener, no beer!” Kitty agreed.

“For the record, I don’t have a wiener,” Derek said. “I have a bratwurst.”

“Dude, in your dreams,” Bobby shot back. “You’ve got a cocktail frank.”

“I’ll take the ‘cock’ part and ignore the rest.”

Madison looked at Bobby, a glint and challenge in her eye, “Well?”

Bobby peeled off his shirt with a grin. Surprisingly, Madison beat him to bare skin, sauntering down to the dock.

“Ah shit,” Bobby said, standing there in his undershorts.

“What?” Derek asked him.

Bobby signed theatrically.

“God I hope this water is cold! Make way!” he yelled, shucking down his undershorts and running to the lake.

Bobby, reacting to the overall nudity and specifically a naked Madison, was rigidly erect. His cock bobbed up and down as he ran and the group devolved into hysterics.

“Jesus Christ Bobby, if I knew you had that much in your jeans in college I would have made a play for you myself!” Gina shouted.

“Cold Cold Cold, think of baseball!” Bobby yelled, splashing in up to his waist. “Ahhhhh,” he sighed as his erection disappeared beneath the water.

“Well, I’m guessing you two had a nice little brunch,” Derek said, “But it looks like dinner might be better.”

Madison said nothing, just smiled and sat on the edge of the dock, dangling her feet in the water. Bobby came up along side her and she put a leg over his shoulder from behind in a friendly, possessive sort of way.

“And what have you all been up to?” Bobby asked.

“Mimosas and general nakeditity,” Kitty said, more than a little surprised at what Bobby had been packing.

“Naked titity is always good,” he replied.

“Bobby, that was painful,” Gina said.

“Want a beer?” Madison asked Bobby.

“Ah, I think I’ll stay in the water a bit,” he grinned.

She laughed delighted. “I’ll get you one.”

She pulled two out of the cooler and waded into the water.

“Shit, this is cold!” she said, tensing.

“C’Mere and I’ll warm you up,” he said.

She handed him a beer and tucked under his arm as he put one around her shoulders. Gina smiled happily.

Madison didn’t stay in the water very long. Eventually she got back on the dock and sat, legs draped over Bobby, who casually hugged them and absently played with feet. Eventually, Bobby was able to come out of the water and for the rest of the afternoon they managed to stay connected in one way or another, holding hands or touching. It wasn’t lost on the others.

Finally, as the day wore on and the sun went down, Bobby leaned in and kissed her. She melted into him, kissing back happily and for a moment they forgot about their friends. Their friends hadn’t forgotten about them.

“It’s about time,” Gina said as Derek intoned, “Get a room!”

Madison pulled back and smiled, “Oh yeah, we have a room, don’t we. Thanks for reminding me Derek. C’mon Bobby.”

She took him by the hand and led him out of the water. Needless to say, he was once again at attention. He smiled and waived, “Night all!”

The entered the house


Cedar 8 months ago 4
Asteria 8 months ago 4
Ms Lila 8 months ago 5