The Girl from club

4. Detailed examination of Polina.

Polina was sitting in front of me in a black short-sleeved T-shirt, black skinny jeans and also black socks. She waved her legs happily when I asked her to give me her hand. I put a blood pressure monitor on her arm and told her to calm down. After a few seconds, a characteristic beeping sound was heard. The result was higher and when I asked if Polina was stressed, she smiled uncertainly and blushes appeared on her face. I released her hand and asked her to open her mouth. I put on latex gloves and used a Q-tip and the flashlight on my phone to check her throat. She had beautiful white teeth. Still wearing gloves, I shined the light into her brown eyes, to which she reacted by moving away and I had to hold her so she wouldn't fall off the table. I began to gently feel her neck with my hands, then told her it was time to listen to her heart. I took the stethoscope and slowly and carefully began to listen to Polina's chest. She was breathing weakly, so I inserted the stethoscope under her shirt, right onto her bare skin. I heard her sigh and her breathing and heart rate definitely quickened. I listened to her breathing very carefully and for a long time. I moved the stethoscope diaphragm from the left breast to the right and vice versa. Then I repeated auscultation under Polina's breasts. As the minutes passed, her breathing became less chaotic and I had the impression that the girl had fallen asleep. When I looked at her, her eyes were closed and her head was slightly lowered. I pulled the diaphragm out from under her shirt and went to the patient's back. I started to gently pull up her shirt to reveal her back. About halfway through, Polina woke up from her sleep and started flying forward to the accompaniment of a loud "Woooa". I don't know how I managed not to make her fall, but I held her by her shirt while she was bent double. I grabbed her by the arms and started to lay her on the table, telling her that everything would be fine and not to worry. She apologized to me that she was tired and that alcohol was bothering her more and more. And when I listened to her heart she started to "float away". I smiled and stroked her head, trying to lay her on her side to listen to her back. Once I managed to do that, I started pulling up her shirt again. She asked me what I was doing and if she should undress. I replied that I could handle it and it wasn't necessary now. After some struggle, I managed to expose her back. I placed the diaphragm against her skin and told her to breathe deeply while I held her shirt with my other hand. After a few minutes, I stopped listening and ran my hand down her spine. Polina started to straighten up like a cat, and after a while she even purred because it probably reminded her of it too. I said that her back seemed fine but that more detailed tests would be needed in the future and now it was time to check her abdomen. I helped her lie on her back. Her stomach was exposed and her shirt only half covered her black bra. I was enchanted by her rather flat stomach and began to visualize the appearance of her small breasts. When I came to, I started unbuttoning her jeans and gently pulling them down to reveal the rest of her body. The patient's first instinct was to grab my hands and jeans, but I ignored it and just looked at her firmly. She yielded to me, looked down and placed her hands at her sides. I revealed her black panties, which were a little damp when I lowered them slightly. I started by gently massaging the belly, then gradually increased the pressure. I focused most on her upper part, where the stomach is located. Already with medium pressure, Polina's face turned into a grimace and a quiet "aaauuu". I stopped and gave her some time to myself while listening to her abdomen. It's hard to describe, like I was in a factory haha, her belly was in full swing. But it's not surprising because just an hour ago we were in a club drinking. I listened to these sounds for a long time, sometimes higher, sometimes below her navel, and sometimes at the very bottom. Then I continued compressions. This time on the entire lower abdomen. Here the reaction was not so violent, although I felt Polina move a few times. Or she didn't want to show herself and I reduced the pressure. After finishing the examination, I started listening to her again. This time I pulled up her shirt at the front, revealing her chest. I placed a diaphragm between her breasts and told her to breathe hard and then cough. I repeated this three more times: on the left side, on the right side and on the diaphragm.

I could see that each subsequent cough was harder for her. At the end, she admitted that she wanted to sleep, but if I still had to examine something, she would endure it. I touched her belly and told her that it was over for today. She is a brave and healthy patient, and the stomach and headache are most likely caused by alcohol, but if it persists, I invite you for a consultation. I smiled and helped Polona get up.

I took her to her room and helped her take off her jeans and socks. When she was lying in bed, I told her that if she wanted something or felt really bad, she should tell me. According to her request, I went to sleep on the sofa in the living room.


dovy32 3 months ago