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A story series ... with a view!

Gaynor's holiday insurance physical

Gaynor Wilson was feeling nervous as she sipped her mid morning coffee.

Having found herself single at the ripe old age of 41 a few months ago, she had since found love again with a slightly older gentleman, 52-year-old George. The two of them had hit it off straight away and after a whirlwind romance had found themselves cohabiting and planning their first holiday away together.

Gaynor had always been a buxom beauty possessing a pair of very curvy, pert yet large breasts which really "stood to attention" and an equally large, yet perfect for her frame, butt. She had been classed as overweight at school, but had since filled out into a perfectly curvy image of womanhood. A job had recently ended with her being underpaid and subsequently facing eviction after not being able to pay her rent. Having already paid for the holiday, she had been forced to shop around for a cheaper quote for her holiday insurance physical. It was during a conversation with a friend over coffee that she had been made aware of Dr. Schiffman's clinic and the examinations he carried out free of charge on Wednesday afternoons in collaboration with the University teaching hospital. An email to the clinic had been followed swiftly by a response from the receptionist of Dr. Schiffman's clinic. Gaynor's face had turned white as she read the conditions of the examination being provided free of charge - students from the teaching hospital would carry out the examination under the supervision of experienced medical staff. The examination would not be in the normal clinic, but in a lecture theater at the University teaching hospital. With no choice given her financial position, she had signed the consent forms no the email link and received an automated response confirming her appointment for 330pm on 15th July. She shivered with nerves as she reread the confirmation email she had been sent.

"Please arrive at reception by 3:30pm prompt, late arrivals impact our teaching schedule and our ability to provide this free service to the community. You will be collected from reception by one of our porters who will escort you to the exam preparation area where your preliminary checks will be carried out, followed by your Physical Examination. "

The dreaded day had come along and Gaynor hurriedly finished her coffee as she realised it was now 2pm. The teaching hospital was a good hour away and she didn't want to face the indignity of losing her appointment and having to admit to George that she couldn't go on holiday due to not being able to afford the physical examination for her holiday insurance. A proud woman, this would just not do for her at all. Gaynor grabbed her keys and handbag before heading out the door for the bus stop. It was a very hot summers day, and Gaynor had dressed accordingly in a flowing white and black sumker dress which showed a generous amount of cleavage and came down to just below above her knees. A plain pair of black strappy sandals adorned her feet and she had worn her lacy Ann Summers underwear to give her fragile self confidence a boost.

The number 57 bus arrived late as usual and a massive tailback of traffic further delayed her journey to the teaching hospital. Gaynor finally arrived at the teaching hospital reception looking flushed and flustered as she had run the final few yards. In vain as it had turned out, the clock behind the reception showing the time of 3:37pm as she tried to get the attention of the receptionist behind the desk.

"Gaynor Wilson, here to see Dr. Schiffman" she said, panting.

"Your appointment was at 330" said the receptionist in a firm voice.

"Sorry, the bus was late and got stuck in traffic I did my best ..." Gaynor trailed off.

"Well you're here now I guess, let me tell the nurses you've arrived. Take a seat" said the nurse in a disinterested voice.

Gaynor headed over to the seating opposite reception, a few male heads shooting her some appreciative glances. Her hair in a short blonde perm, Gaynor could easily pass for a woman ten years younger, and seemed oblivious to the effect her large curvy boobs and bum could have on the red blooded males of the population. A few minutes passed and a short middle aged man in a white doctors coat arrived in the waiting area.

"Gaynor Wilson, Gaynor Wilson?" said the man in a raised voice.

Gaynor stood up, grabbing her handbag.

"Follow me", said the short man.

Gaynor stifled a giggle at the man's half-hearted attempt at a combover of hair which adorned his otherwise bald head as he led her down two corridors with entrances to several lecture theatres on either side. Student nurses and doctors filed up and down in white medical coats and other smart attire. The man in the white coat turned round to speak as they arrived at a wooden door with glass windows covered from the inside with sheets of beige paper and a sign with 'Dr. William Schiffman BEd Med' on the door.

"They're decorating the room adjoining the lecture theatre today so we're having to use the doctors office for patient preparation" said the man as he knocked on the door.

"I'm doctor Watts by the way, come in" said the man as the door to the doctor's office opened.

The cramped doctors office had been turned into makeshift room to conduct the preliminary part of the examinations on the orders of Dr. Schiffman, who had casually dismissed the concerns of the nurses who had pointed out that Dr. Schiffman's usual system would mean the patients being subject to some considerable embarrassment and exposure. An old fashioned desk and bookshelf had been pushed back to the wall and a pair of old fashioned scales had been shoehorned into the office, along with a eyesight chart.

"If you'll wait here one minute and I'll get the nurse" said Dr. Watts.

The door closed and Gaynor took in the view in front of her. Medical degree certificates and diagrams of the skeleton and female reproductive systems adorned the pale green painted walls, a sole wooden chair with what appeared to be a neatly folded roll of pale blue paper towel on top of it sat next to the weighing scales. Dr. Raymond Watts had long ago been a student of Dr. Schiffman, and had learned early on that it was always best for a female member of staff to tell female patients to undress as the orders were more likely to be followed without question or hesitation. Thirty seconds passed before a middle aged nurse accompanied by a single male and two female student doctors entered the room. The nurse perused her clipboard as she spoke.

"Good afternoon Ms. Wilson, good of you to join us", said the nurse in an obvious nod to Gaynor's tardiness.

Gaynor blushed.

"For demographic monitoring purposes we'll be needing to take several additional measurements in addition to the height and weight. You'll have your measurements and heart rate taken in here by Dr. Watt, we will then take you into the lecture theatre for your physical examination"

"Any questions?" Asked the nurse sternly.

Gaynor shook her head.

"Excellent, Dr. Watts will be back soon to get your pre-exam measurements. The floor in the corridor is rather cold, so you may if you wish keep your shoes on when you go down to the lecture theatre. All your other clothing needs removing to make it quicker for the doctor. Yes, that does include your underwear, so don't try and pull that one" said the nurse, flashing Gaynor a stern look.

Gaynor blushed even deeper at being spoken to like a naughty schoolgirl. Any resistance she might have shown, however, was stillborn at the thought of her not being able to have her examination completed. She was sure she saw the two female medical students stifling back giggles as they followed the nurse out of the room.

Gaynor took a deep breath as she put down her handbag on the floor of the office and reached to untie her dress. Pulling her dress over her head, she neatly folded the garment and gently laid it on the chair before slipping off her black sandals which she put underneath the chair. Gaynor mused how she had never been weighed completely naked before as she unclipped her lacy bra, her large yet firm breasts popping out as she uncovered them and put her bra neatly under her dress on the chair. All of a sudden the door burst open and in walked Dr. Watts followed by two female medical students. Gaynor instinctively covered her breasts with one arm as she gasped at the sudden, rude exposure.

The two girls looked intently at the unclothed patient before them as the doctor handed the clipboard he was holding to one of the students as he pulled out a tape measure from his jacket pocket. The doctor spoke in a clear, confident voice.

"Jenny if you can please note down the patient's measurements as I take them. Erika, if you can get the scales ready" said the doctor, his face lighting up as he turned to the nearly-naked patient in the middle of the room.

"And Ms. Wilson, you've had it explained to you how we work so let's get started. Let's get those knickers off and we can get your measurements" he said with a hint of glee.

Gaynor slowly peeled off her underwear with one hand, keeping the others placed over her ample breasts, briefly uncovering a thatch of black pubic hair before she covered her pussy with her other hand.

"Stand here", said the doctor, indicating to an "X" marked on the floor by two pieces of black gaffer tape.

Of the two students, one had busied herself preparing the scales next to the chair, giving her a view of Gaynor's uncovered backside, whilst the other stuff just behind the desk as he took Gaynor's shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip and outside leg measurements, reading each out in turn.

"If you'll stay still I'll just need to get these measurements" said the doctor, measuring her spine, thighs and calves from the back.

Gaynor shifted slightly as the doctor measured her inside leg, moving a couple of fingers from the hand covering her pussy so he could put the tape measure all the way to the top of her inside leg, her dainty fingers leaving a little of her dark pubic hair uncovered. Gaynor blushed even deeper, wondering why she had to be unclothed for this.

"Lovely, I'll just need to take a measurement of your bust, waist and buttocks to bust. Hands at your side, legs apart. Now" said the doctor.

Knowing she needed the medical certificate from this examination for her holiday insurance, Gaynor quietly complied, spreading her legs exposing her pussy and bountiful breasts to the doctor, who proceeded to roughly measure her bust and waist before having her pass the tape measure behind her buttocks and back up to each breast as the doctor pulled the end of the tape measure together. All of a sudden the door burst open yet again, and in walked another doctor, a tall white haired man, it was Dr. Schiffman! Gaynor just stared at the ceiling as Dr. Schiffman rustled in his drawers for something he'd forgotten to take into the lecture theatre. Dr. Watts meanwhile had not taken his eyes off the naked body in front of him as he read out the measurement from the tape measure.

"What a measurement! " he said, before checking himself. Gaynor gasped at his downright rudeness.

"We're running late Dr. Watts, if you could get the patient finished in here and down to us sharpish. I've only just noticed there's another booking in the lecture theatre at 4pm. There's already some students waiting outside now!" admonished Dr. Schiffman.

"Our patient was late arriving, but I'll have her down to you in a jiffy!" replied Dr. Watts with a slight smirk.

Dr. Schiffman nodded as he left the room.

"Get on the scales Ms. Wilson, hands at your side" said the doctor.

Gaynor quickly complied, just wanting to get the examination over with. The medical students nearest the scales took her weight before bruesqley having her turn around and measuring her height. Gaynor's feet hardly touched the floor as this was completed and the doctor told her to get off the scales, just as the nurse from earlier re-entered the room.

Gaynor gasped and grabbed her dress to cover herself as two students peered into the room before the door shut. Their voices echoed down the corridor as they walked on, Gaynor hearing them talking about her.

"Oh my god did you see that? She was naked!" giggled the two girls.

Dr. Watts left the room as the nurse took the clipboard from him. What she said next shocked Gaynor even more. The nurse frowned as she looked Gaynor's dress up and down. She laid on the next instructions very thickly, giving the impression they were non negotiable.

"Dr. Schiffman and the students will now carry out your physical examination in lecture theatre 3. You may put on your shoes for the trip down to the lecture theatre, but for the purposes of the examination the doctor will require you disrobed from the very start. Put down your dress, there is a drape on the chair for your modesty" said the nurse.

Gaynor pulled on her shoes with one hand before reaching under her dress for what looked like a paper towel. The nurse took her dress off her as she unfolded the paper drape. The drape was obviously designed for a slimmer person than Gaynor. Fully unfolded, it barely covered the width of her nipples leaving the side and tops of her breasts as well as her hips and all her backside and back exposed! Before she could argue the nurse had ushered her quickly out of the office door and into the corridor. Gaynor clutched the small drape to her front, at least trying to cover her pubic area and what she could of her breasts, her boobs and bum jiggling on the quick walk down the corridor. Gaynor stopped in her tracks as she walked round the corner - a large queue of students stood outside the door to lecture theatre 3 alongside two workmen in overalls working on a light!

"Don't be silly, Ms. Wilson. Staff in the hospital see hundreds of patients a week. Come on, the doctor is waiting for you!", admonished the nurse.

Gaynor felt the eyes of the two dozen or so students and workmen burning into her bare backside as her buttocks and breasts jiggled through the lecture theatre doors and into the centre of the room. A gynaecological table, an EKG machine were on a raised dias in the centre of the room alongside some other equipment. Around 30 students sat in a circle seating gallery surrounding the dias, bright lights illuminating the stage. Two medical students and Viktor the EKG technician stood on the stage with Dr. Schiffman who nodded to the nurse before turning to speak to the students.

"Shoes off!", hissed the nurse.

Gaynor quickly complied, gasping as her feet came into contact with the cold floor.

Gaynor looked up to the gallery as she held onto her drape, spotting the two students from earlier and Dr. Watts sat on the front row. She was broken out of her reverie by the nurse tugging at her drape.

"Stop daydreaming Ms. Wilson, give me that and go over to the doctor, now!" hissed the nurse, Gaynor's tots bouncing slightly as the nurse removed the drape, uncovering Gaynor's body to the audience. Gaynor pouted, crossing her legs to at least cover her pussy lips as she crossed her arms across her ample breasts. The doctor kept her waiting another minute before indicating for her to come over to the examination table in front of the gyno table.

"We'll start by getting a resting heart rate. Lay down flat on the table", said the doctor firmly.

Gaynor followed the instruction. putting one hand meekly over her crotch and the other over her breasts, only for the doctor to gently move the one covering her breasts out of the way, the EKG technician then wasting no time roughly attaching the leads to the EKG machine on the trolley to Gaynor's chest to measure her resting heartbeat. Gaynor looked over at the nurse who was still holding her drape, silently willing her to come over and at least cover her crotch. The doctor then had Gaynor sit up on the side of the couch as he tested her relflexes and felt her joints for any abnormalities. The worst part of the examination was the end as the doctor, pushed for time quickly and brusquely had Gaynor bend over the exam table and straighten herself up as he checked her spine before spreading her legs as far as they would go in the stirrups as he carried out the vaginal examination. Having finished the exam he instructed Gaynor back over to the nurse just as the next class of students started filing into the lecture theatre, getting a full view once again of Gaynor in her birthday suit for the 15 seconds it took her to reach the nurse. Gaynor covered herself the best she could with the small drape, accidentally exposing her nipples a couple of times as she one handedly pulled on her shoes.

"Right, just your X-Rays to do Ms. Wilson and you're all done, follow me!", said the nurse, leading Gaynor down two more corridors and up some stairs to a room marked "X-Rays".

A row of seats sat opposite the closed door, which had on the warning sign for "do not enter, x rays being taken".

"Take a seat Ms. Wilson" said the nurse, pointing to the seats opposite the X ray room doors.

Gaynor couldn't believe this. Here she was, practically naked, sitting in the corridor of the teaching hospital waiting for an X-ray. The x-ray technician finished with the patient he was with before coming out to see his next client, his eyes lighting up as he realized it was one of Dr. Schiffman's teaching hospital examinations.

LaMarkus the X-Ray technician watched intently as the nurse just had Gaynor hand her drape and having her stand enter the room in her birthday suit. LaMarkus made her wait in the nude for a minute before X-Raying her with hands on hips and in several other revealing positions before opening the door exposing her body to several students and workmen who were walking past at the moment Gaynor came back out of the room, the nurse exchanging pleasantaries with LaMarkus as she handed Gaynor her drape.

The nurse marched Gaynor back to Dr. Schiffman's office, the various people they passed in the corridor getting a good view of Gaynor's bare backside as she retraced her steps to Dr. Schiffman's office.

Gaynor turned the corner into the office only to realise that Dr. Schiffman and Dr. Watts were sat chatting over a cup of tea, her clothes nowhere to be seen! Gaynor turned to the nurse who was still absentmindedly holding the office door open.

"Where are my clothes!?!" she said in a raised voice.

The nurse apologised and the two doctors made themselves scarce leaving the office. The nurse reappeared a moment later holding Gaynor's dress and underwear.

"The cleaners had taken them, apologies Ms. Wilson", said the nurse, handing Gaynor her clothes before exiting the room and pulling the door closed.

Gaynor put down her drape on the chair and sighed, holding her hair in her hands as she processed how exposed and humiliated she had just been in front of everyone. Gaynor stood facing the door in only her shoes as completely out of the blue, the door opened wide again and she was confronted by the sight of the nurse and two young ladies dressed in navy blue work overallls who stood and gasped at the sight in front of them. Gaynor hurriedly covered her exposed boobs and pussy as the doctor shut the door behind them.

"Ah, Ms. Wilson, I thought you would be changed by now! Erin, Elena, wait here and the doctor will be with you shortly." said the nurse as she quickly left the room before anyone could say anything.

Erin and Elena struggled to stifle their giggles and pretended to talk about something on the ceiling as Gaynor sheepishly tried to make small talk as she pulled on her knickers and bra before quickly putting on her dress and shoes. They waited a half minute before there was a knock at the door. Dr. Watt, the nurse and three medical students entered the office, Dr. Watt holding the door open as he glanced up at Gaynor.

"Ms . Wilson we're done with you, your medical certificate will be posted out to you" he said, indicating for Gaynor to leave.

Gaynor picked up her handbag and left the room, flushed with embarrassment as she walked down the corridor past reception and out of the building, replaying in her head what had been the most embarrassing day of her life.

To Be Continued 😉