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Come To Think Of It........................

Chapter Six---Time Alone

As they left, Judy had them turn off the light. She soon dozed off. Her mind began to churn and churn. Dreams of Jimmy began to fill her head. The bed had sensed her discomfort and slowly, gently, turned her over. It sensed her need for reassurance and let her settle into it a bit more. Judy's mind responded to the warmth by replaying her last night with Jimmy. His mouth sucking her breasts. His tongue playfully flicking over her nipples. The bed sensed this and made small depressions for her breasts. The feel of her breasts being surrounded pushed her subconscious mind onward. She felt Jimmy sucking hard. First one, then the other. His teeth just lightly grazing the nipples. She felt both breasts being sucked at the same time, exactly as she had always wanted them to be sucked. The warmth filled her tummy with butterflies. She felt Jimmy slide slowly down to her niche. His tongue parted her lips and started to lick with slow, deliberate strokes. He wrapped his lips around her clit and gently sucked. As he licked, Judy was slowly catching on fire. She couldn't understand how he was doing it. His mouth was giving her the most fantastic oral sex she had ever received and yet, still, her breasts were being fondled and kissed at the same time. Her body began its nonstop roller coaster ride from orgasm to orgasm. She wished he would slip a finger into her vagina as he licked her clit, and he did. Then two, then three.

Her breath was coming hard and fast. All this was heaven. She had never felt so good. The whole body seemed to tingle. She wished he had a free hand to play with her butt. He did. She felt something long and hard slide in and began to stroke.

She had not felt this penetrated since she had taken on two guys at once back in college. Suddenly, she felt something longer and wider slide into her vagina. He still can't be licking my clit, and breasts, and screwing my ass, and now this too. Her subconscious mind finally grasped what was going on. She wished that the stroking in her butt and vagina would alternate, and it did. She wished them to stroke in unison and they did. She wished them to grow, and they did, to the point of discomfort. Finally, beginning to awaken, she realized that the bed was doing all the things she had dreamed that she had wanted done.

She cleared her mind and the bed withdrew. How in the hell could she tell them about all this? Would she?

She glanced at the clock on the wall. Only 15 minutes had passed. She pondered what was one thing she had never done that she had always wanted to do. She asked the bed to raise her a little more. Of course, it did. She wished for her legs to be spread as wide as the bed could get them. The bed immediately complied. She asked the bed to have a long, strong arm and circle her waist and chest. She asked to be held at the ankles and thighs. She was. She had never felt so securely held before. Nice warm hands and arms. Farm yet gentle. They began to rock her gently. She asked the bed to sit her up a bit more, so she had a very good look between her legs. Out of a spot just below her on the bed drew a large and strong-looking hand. It extended its middle finger and slowly penetrated her. She willed the bed to rock her a bit more slowly and the hand also inserted its index finger. She had the arms holding her rock her a bit side to side. The hand swung his ring finger up and formed the three into a triangle. They penetrated slowly. Judy could feel herself getting very wet. The hand soon had all four fingers stroking knuckle deep. Judy slowed the rocking almost to a stop. She couldn't believe how it felt. The hand swung its thumb up and formed a cone. She felt the fingers inside starting to curl. The thumb bent over. She felt that the fist was moving in a bit more. The fingers completely curled, and the thumb slipped in. All she could see was the wrist as it slipped into her body. She started rocking again. Her feelings were like none before, not clitoral, all not vaginal. Her whole body was aroused. The small tongue from the bed reached up and licked. As she came she, she slowly lowered herself back onto the bed. She willed the arms holding her legs and her arms to release and blend back into the bed. The fist between her legs was still, she willed it to be still. She lay there, savoring the feel of the fist deep inside her. Feeling exhaustion creeping up on her, she willed the fist to shrink and remove itself. As sleep came upon her, she wondered what the next had in store for her.