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Come To Think Of It........................

Chapter Four---The Nurse

The nurse moved the tray stand over and sat on the edge of the bed.

After rolling Judy back over, she started feeding her breakfast. It reminded Judy of when she was a little kid, sick in bed, in grandma would come over and take care of her. The nurse reminded her very much of her grandmother, and Judy felt rather comfortable.

"After breakfast, some more doctors would like to come in and talk with you. They seem like a bunch of mad scientist types from Caltech. They are working on something secret, but they are going to try out whatever it is right here."

“I’m not going to be a guinea pig for anyone,” Judy said rather firmly.

"No, nope, it's not anything like that, honey. They are working on some type of apparatus for people who can't move, like quadriplegics and burn victims, and people with other special problems that make it hard for them to stay in bed for a long time. Some of them are electronics people too, so it was hard to say what's going on."

Judy slowly chewed the last byte of bacon the nurse had given her. "Sounds interesting," she thought.

The nurse took her time feeding her breakfast, and Judy began to think hospitals weren't as cold and uncaring as she had bought. The small talk was a great deal of the nurses carefully avoiding why Judy was in the hospital and how she got there. After breakfast, the nurse served Judy her coffee.

"First time I have ever had a coffee through a straw," Judy commented.

After breakfast was finished, Judy asked the nurse for a bedpan. Drawing the curtain, the nurse placed it under Judy. Judy had a bit of trouble peeing, but the nurse said it takes a small amount of muscle control. When the nurse mentioned the catheter, Judy had a good incentive to make a supreme effort. Urination accomplished, Judy tried very hard to let her body move its bowels, but nothing would happen.

“That's not at all unusual," the nurse said. That little job takes a lot of muscle. Almost everyone in your state needs a little help. I'll be back in a couple of minutes and fix you right up."

Judy looked out the window. This sky was steel gray and gloomy. Six days of rain and no end in sight. California weather. When it was great, it was great. When it was shitty, it was really shitty.

The nurse returned shortly, pushing a small cart with a towel draped over it. Judy knew what was under it. The nurse began to gently roll Judy over on her left side, and pulled her right knee propped higher on the bed. Judy felt rather exposed in that position. Slipping the sheet down on her butt, the nurse patted her butt and said, "This won't hurt a bit. In fact, some people rather enjoy it.” The nurse took the enema container and hung it from an IV tree next to the bed. She took a jar of lube from the cart and put a good-sized gobble on her finger.

Perhaps from habit she said, “just relax.” Judy couldn't get tense if she wanted to. The nurse bent over to spread Judy's cheeks. Judy wasn't sure how she would react. A tightly knotted little brown spot was one of the most erogenous zones on her body. Jimmy's gentle massage of it would often send her down the road of quiet, yet profound orgasms. His cock sliding in and out drove her to the heights of pleasure. Now an old nurse was going to do something Judy wasn’t sure if she was ready for.

The nurse lightly rubbed the lube on her anus. Her hand was warm. Her touch was soft and gentle. Judy closed her eyes. The nurse rubbed in a small circle.

"Perhaps we need a little more," she said.

She took the jar and spread some on her first two fingers. She rubbed rather firmly and slowly began to press. Judy's butt suddenly relaxed under the pressure, and the nurse's fingers slid in. Judy's small sigh as the nurse's fingers went all the way in was all the encouragement the nurse needed. She slowly began to stroke. The feelings were very nice, so she didn’t see any reason to object. The nurse spread a little more lube on and it slipped the third finger in. The nurse could say from the glistening moisture on Judy's now nether lips and the small pink head of her clitoris protruding from between them that her patient was feeling no pain.

The nurse felt Judy's muscles begin to contract in the rhythmic pattern of orgasm

. With her other hand, she was already holding the enema nozzle. For reasons known only to her, she had substituted the regular small nozzle with a large inflatable type normally used for barium enemas. As Judy's contractions subsided, she slowly withdrew her fingers and slid the massive nozzle into her.

"Tell me if this gets uncomfortable," the nurse said. Fully inflated, it would be 8 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. The nurse closed the valve and started pumping the hand ball. Judy hadn’t said a word, but the smile on her face said much. The nurse started pumping more slowly as she felt the hand ball getting hard to pump. No one had ever liked it this big. She reached over and opened the clip to let the solution start flowing. As the solution began to flow into her body, Judy felt its warmth begin to warm her tummy. A very pleasant feeling of fullness began to fill her. She felt the warmth across the bottom of her abdomen and felt it start to climb the left side. The feeling was very sensual and erotic, yet somehow different. She could tell this was non-orgasmic stimulation, yet very pleasant. The nurse watched as the last of the two liters flowed in.

“I’ll get the drain tube ready,” the nurse said.

The nurse hooked the large drain tube into its container under the cart. The nurse had never had a patient enjoy her specialty so much. She lightly rubbed Judy's tummy and said,

"Any time you’re ready, just say so.”

"Not yet," Judy replied.

The nurse's eyes were again drawn to Judy's lips, still moist and slightly distended. The nurse had seldom seen a clitoris large enough to be seen without spreading the lips, but Judy's positively stuck out. It was like the tip of a small finger. It seemed to beg to be touched. The nurse put a little lube on the end of her finger. Without speaking, she reached and touched. Judy’s sudden gasp caused the nurse to freeze.

“Oh yes, please do it," Judy said.

The nurse began to trace small circles on the end. Judy’s breathing quickened. The nurse began to massage it between your thumb and forefinger. Judy started to side with each breath. Her body soon trembled with ecstasy as the nurse reached over and opened the drain valve completely. The sudden release of pressure heightened the feelings in Judy's pubic region. An orgasm of immense intensity ran through her body.

The oversize clit was both a blessing and a curse. It was a producer of many pleasures, but couldn't bear contact with clothing for very long. For years Judy had forsaken slacks and jeans in favor of skirts and dresses. Even underwear was a bother, stockings and garter belts being the best compromise. This mode of dress also drove Jimmy wild, which wasn't all bad. For years she had also worn her pubic hair clean-shaven, but recently had let it grow so as not to seem out of place when she and Jimmy joined a nudist colony.

The enema drained, the nurse deflated and withdrew the nozzle. Does your tummy feel better now? She asked.

“Yes, much better, thank you.”

"I'll stop again tomorrow and see if you're having any more problems.” As the nurse left, Judy fell into a deep and relaxing sleep.