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Come To Think Of It........................

Chapter Two---The Hospital

Julie slowly opened their eyes. They focused very slowly. She looked around. Her suspicions were denied. She was not dead. It was a hospital room, not a morgue drawer. Although she was sore, she had no dramatic pain, just a throbbing overall ache. Her nose itched. She went to scratch it but her arm would not move. Nope. Neither would the other one. "Probably drugs," she thought. Just as she started to worry, two doctors walked in the door.

“Good morning,” the tall blond Dr. Greeted her. I’m Dr. Endicott. My associate, Dr. Johnson and I were on duty when you came in last night. How are you feeling this morning?"

“Terrible,” she replied. “I feel like I was rode hard and put away wet.”

“We can increase your pain medication if he gets bad,” the short fat Dr. Said.

"Is that what I am on now? Is that what's causing me to have so much trouble moving?" she asked.

“Well, not really. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have suffered a spinal injury. It's too early to have a good diagnosis, but there is a chance you may have some long-lasting severe side effects.

Her mind reeled. The room began to spin. It took all her self-control not to scream.

"Am I paralyzed?"

“it’s too early to tell. The ex-rays and other tests are all very unclear. There is a lot of swelling and we need a little time to work everything out. There is a good chance that the paralysis will be temporary. That it's simply a side effect of the swelling presently. Later this week, a specialist from L.A. will be here to get a better look. There is a possibility we will need to operate, but it's too early to tell."

She was quiet for a few minutes, gathering her thoughts.

"How's Jimmy?" she asked, having a good idea what the answer would be.

"Well Miss Burton," Dr. Johnson said, "I'm afraid he is dead." Dr. Endicott shook his head at his associate's lack of tact.

Judy didn’t speak.

Her mind was numb from contemplating her condition. The news of Jimmy didn't really shock her. Her thoughts drifted back to the hours before the accident. The erotic ecstasy they were enjoying at the beachfront home. His arms wrapped around her, the pounding of the surf as a backbeat to the pounding of their bodies. The seemingly endless lovemaking they enjoyed. All gone now. A tear rolled down her cheek.

Dr. Johnson started to speak again, but a gesture from Ralph to limit this was not the time. Ralph reached to the nightstand and got a tissue. He gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

"We'll be back in a little while and talk some more," he said. "I'll give you a little something to help you rest," He said as he lifted the sheet to give for a shot of sedative. She flinched as the needle penetrated her butt.

"Well," Ralph said. "I see you can feel pain. That's a good sign. Involuntary muscle movement can also mean that the damage might not be as bad as we expected. We'll do some response tests later this morning."

Julie tried to reply but was already drifting into a deep sleep.