The Girl from club

2. Club and meet Polina

When entering the club, it was difficult not to notice the dressed-up people. I was a bit surprised and at the same time I was ready to not be allowed inside. However, nothing of the sort happened. After leaving my bomber jacket in the locker room, I went to look around. Not everyone was dressed up, but every now and then I was passed by vampires, witches, "athletes" with their chests out, cheerleaders, and doctors and nurses.

The latter started to remind me of my past fun with my friends. It was hard to take your eyes off their pretty faces and beautiful bodies. I started to fantasize what it would be like to be under their care and be closely listened to by them and vice versa. Sometimes I caught myself when the object of my interest disappeared and I looked straight ahead. Of course, the guys picked up on this and tried to get me on the dance floor or offered me drinks or "breakfast" at their place. I let one of them convince me to have a drink because he was the least pushy and even before that I went dancing with him. After receiving my mojito, I said thank you and I was going because my friends were waiting. He understood and didn't pressure me, and if my plans changed, I could join him. I can't say I was pleasantly surprised.

Of course, I wasn't with my friends. Walking forward, I found a free seat at the table. I sat down and sipped my drink, wondering if this would be the last.

That's when a rather petite girl joined me and asked if it was free. I replied yes. At first neither she nor I exchanged a word, but after a while she asked again if I could watch her seat because she was going to get a drink. Only when she came back did I notice the stethoscope around her neck. The black tube top blended perfectly with her black T-shirt. I must have made a noise then because she asked me if everything was okay. With a smile, I said yes, and complimented her on the stethoscope. We started talking about the party and I found out that the club was organizing an event today, so many people were dressed up. Polina became a nurse, but she left her apron in the locker room because it bothered her on the dance floor and it was hot there. After a few minutes of conversation, she suggested that I go out on the dance floor and then have a drink. It was hard for me to take my eyes off her round but slim face, brown eyes and dark long straight hair. As she danced, her stethoscope bounced off her chest over and over. The black pants fit her slim legs perfectly. After a long dance, we were exhausted and wanted to sit down, but our seats were taken, so we went to the bar. We drank our drinks quickly and Polina suggested we go out for a smoke. I don't smoke, but I needed to get some air.

The fresh air was good for me. Only then did I notice how young and pretty this girl was. It was dark in the club, and in the light of the lantern I could get a perfect look at her. She must have noticed it because she asked if he was feeling well and if I needed help. I started talking and she just told me to calm down, put on a stethoscope and put it on my shirt. I immediately became silent and didn't know what to do, I didn't expect it. She jokingly replied that she is a doctor and would soon check what was wrong with me. After a few seconds, she put the stethoscope down and said that my heart seemed to be beating fast. I joked that it was from the dance floor and these drinks had such an effect on me. I also added that smoking would mean that I might have to examine her soon. She smiled and said quietly that anything could happen later. The whole situation went to my head, and the alcohol I drank didn't allow me to think too much, so I just blurted out, "I'm counting on it." My interlocutor smiled coquettishly and lightly touched my hand.

Later she asked if I had experience and whether I was studying medicine. I replied that this was not my field of study, and everyone probably had experience. She was a little surprised. I added that most of them probably played doctor with their brother, sister or other close people. Polina smiled and corrected that this was not what she had in mind, but it was a very interesting proposition. She told me that she came from Ukraine and was going to study medicine, and that was why she chose to wear a doctor's outfit. Besides, she hasn't met anyone here yet and I'm one of the first people she talks to so much.

After she finished her second cigarette, we went inside. We spent the next few hours drinking and dancing. Somewhere around 4 a.m., the twenty-year-old told me that she was feeling a little bad and tired and would be going home. I replied that I would be happy to walk her, and she agreed. The fresh night air was good for us again because Polina immediately started to look better and started returning to the topic that had appeared on the cigarette. She told me that she had never participated in the medical play and that I was the first one she listened to. She also started asking about my experiences. I replied that I had some a long time ago. Without going into any details, I told Polona about one or two medical plays. She just smiled and asked if she could be my patient because she felt bad after the party and needed medical care. I laughed that I did, but I haven't done it in a long time, so I'll probably be a terrible doctor. She grabbed me and told me I would have a chance to review and practice.

Only then did I realize that she wasn't joking and that she really wanted it. Immediately the sound of alcohol disappeared, and the whole way I thought it was a dream.


Zlomar 3 months ago 1