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Madeleine and Jacques

Jacques is tucked into bed

Madeleine and Jacques arrived at the hotel, where Jacques had reserved a room with two beds. He went through the reception formalities. It was the first time he'd been to such a meeting!

In the room, Madeleine wasted no time. She sat down on a bed and ordered him to undress. Jacques stood and stripped down to his underwear; his heart was beating fast and he avoided Madeleine's gaze.

“Put your clothes on the chair, and not in a mess on the floor.”

He obeyed.

“Get naked and give me your underwear.”

Jacques complied, removing the last bulwark of his modesty. Madeleine glanced at the exposed parts; the willy, the glans completely bare, showed no sign of erection. She grabbed the briefs and began to study them. Jacques, embarrassed, took off his socks to put on a brave face.

Jacques was surprised to see Madeleine pass quickly through the bathroom, return with a piece of toilet paper and a towel, and sit down again with the towel in her lap.

“Lie across my lap.”

Jacques obeyed. Madeleine wiped his anus.

"That's what I thought. You've wiped yourself badly, your underpants have traces of poo on them... and what's more, the other side smells of pee! You deserve to learn about hygiene! But first you deserve a little correction!"

Madeleine had been itching to spank Jacques ever since they'd chatted online. Not that she was particularly sadistic, but something excited her about the idea of giving the “children's punishment”, a moderate but very embarrassing dose on a contrite posterior. She needed a reason, though... and she'd come up trumps with the cleanliness check!

Madeleine smiled. Reflexively flicking the tip of her tongue between her lips, as she did every time she wanted to apply herself, she began to slap Jacques' chubby bottom. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Pan! Pan! Pan! She watched with interest as the skin turned pink. She paused, her hand resting on his buttocks. Did Jacques deserve a more thorough spanking? Surely a man who lives in a couple but has made an appointment with another woman so that she can play mother deserves a good thrashing... But this hotel wasn't very well soundproofed and she didn't want to attract attention. Her mind wandered, Amélie Poulain-style: how many people could be spanked every day in Paris hotel rooms? But if her mind was thinking of men and women receiving a well-deserved punishment, her hand was feeling up the man's rump on her lap...

She came to her senses. “Come on, let's go to the bathroom!” she exclaimed, slapping Jacques on the buttocks. He got up and headed for the bathroom, followed by Madeleine, who was still smiling as she looked at his slightly pink posterior.

Madeleine pointed to the toilet. “Pipi, caca.”

Jacques, embarrassed, sat down on the bowl. The stream of urine was heard, a little gas. He tried again.

"No poo? Well, not to worry, you obviously went during the day. Say, shake your willy a bit before you go again... no wonder your underpants smell of pee if you don't. Or wipe the end with paper... Now bend over the bowl and show me your bottom."

Jacques complied and Madeleine wiped him down, in case his unsuccessful efforts had expelled any waste.

"Very well, then. Now we'll look at hygiene. Step into the shower."

Jacques obeys.

"I'm not going to give you a full shower right now, we're going to see which dirty spots to wash well. Raise your right arm."

Madeleine copiously soaped, then rinsed, Jacques' right armpit, then his left.

"I don't want a boy who smells under his arms. Tomorrow morning, you'll be sure to put on some deodorant."

“Now for the genitalia...”

She soaped Jacques' bursa, then his penis. It was the first time she'd handled an obviously circumcised penis. She still had to finish pulling the skin back to lather everything. She rinsed everything thoroughly.

"There's no way this is going to smell like pee. Okay, now the buttocks... Turn around... spread your legs and bend forward a little."

Madeleine soaped Jacques' buttocks, insisting with her fingers on the anus.

"You've got to keep that little hole clean. If necessary, wash up after pooping. Do you have a bidet at home?

- No, I don't.

- Too bad. Well, that doesn't solve the problem of pooping at work."

She rinsed him off, then grabbed a towel and dried his armpits, sex (again, pulling the skin) and crotch, as well as anything else she'd gotten wet.

"Normally you have to do the feet too. You won't forget?

- No, I won't.

- All right, then. But the most important thing is the buttocks and the little hole, then the willy and also the armpits if you've been sweating. Well, now let's get on with your examination..."

Madeleine returned to the room, took out a small bag from her belongings, sat down on the bed and placed it beside her. She again placed a towel on her lap. "Come on, get on my lap like before.

- Spanking again?

- Don't be silly. Of course you deserve a spanking, a bigger one. But right now I just want to take your temperature."

Jacques settled down. Madeleine spread his buttocks, looked carefully at his anus, which was showing signs of hemorrhoid, and prepared the thermometer. She'd brought along a small jar of Vaseline and a tube of water-based lubricating gel... But given the evening's program, Vaseline seemed a better idea. The thermometer was one of those European glass thermometers containing a liquid that wasn't mercury. She spread her patient's buttocks again, took careful aim and inserted the tip of the instrument.

She had to wait three minutes. She took the opportunity to ask Jacques how his condition had changed since she'd chatted with him online: was his throat still sore (yes, a little, but it was much better than the day before yesterday), was he feeling well (much better than the day before yesterday), did he have pain anywhere (still a little in the head)... When she'd finished with the questions, she took a breath. The thermometer was well lubricated... She pushed in the thicker half of the body where the graduations were. Jacques gave a little grunt.

“Yes, right up the ass!” she murmured perkily, pronouncing the word “ass” with glee.

She continued to lightly manipulate the thermometer until the three minutes were up, then withdrew it.

"37.7°C is still a bit high, but it's okay.

The tip of the thermometer was a little stained brown. She had provided absorbent cotton and alcohol to clean it, which she did carefully. Jacques, thinking it was all over, made a move.

“No, no, you stay on my lap.”

She spread his buttocks again and observed the greasy anus.

“Push as if to poop!”

She observed the open anus.

“You can release.”

He could hear her rummaging in her bag for her things, sounds of cardboard, plastic. He couldn't see it, but she was passing an examination glove.

He felt her buttocks being spread and then a greasy finger on her anus.


The finger penetrated. Madeleine began by exploring in all directions, methodically, then pressed instead in the direction of his navel. Patrick felt the urge to urinate. The exploration continued, as if Madeleine wanted to be sure where she was pressing.

"Do you feel anything?

- Yes, when you press there, it feels like... peeing.

- Very good."

Madeleine withdrew her finger.

“I'm going to put a paracetamol suppository on you.”

He heard little plastic noises, felt his buttocks being spread, then felt the tip of the suppository on his anus." Push!". He obeyed, and the torpedo went off. Unlike her mom, Madeleine pushed the suppository in deeply.

“And now for the sore throat!”

Again the plastic noises, the spread buttocks, the point of the suppository... but this time that particular sensation of the eucalyptus suppository, slightly irritating, slightly refreshing, a bit like a mint taken through the wrong orifice. One last “Push!” and that torpedo was gone too.

Madeleine was now finished with the treatment.

“Get up, take a clean pair of underpants, stand in front of me and pass them up to your knees but no higher.”

Jacques obeyed. Madeleine smiled at the sight of his now erect penis… there wre even some droplets of his natural juices on the towel!

Madeleine drew a feminine hygiene pad from her bag and fitted it into Jacques' briefs so that it sat under his anus. Between the Vaseline and the suppositories, she thought, he'd have a slippery hole and feel like he'd done it in his pants! She pulled his briefs up, not without some difficulty due to a now hard wee-wee.

"Get into your pajamas.

Jacques obeyed. Madeleine pulled back the sheets and motioned for him to lie down. He complied. She tucked him in, kissed him on the forehead and wished him good night, but with this special recommendation:

"I'm well aware that boys like to touch each other's willies when they're alone in bed. But I don't want that. Understand?

- Understood, Madeleine."

Madeleine went to the bathroom. She went to the bathroom. Still tingling from what she'd done, she touched her clitoris while she took her evening poo. She took a quick shower and dried off. She then sat on the toilet, legs spread, and masturbated herself to orgasm.

Madeleine put on her pajamas and went to bed in the other bed.