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First Injection Experience

Getting my shots update - part 2

Tina started to prepare the vaccines. I was sitting on the exam table and watching as she took the vials from the fridge and slowly filled the syringes. It took her a few minutes to prepare the injections and I noticed that some of the needles are longer than the others. Tina said with a naughty smile: "You said you like painful injections, so I will make sure you aren't disappointed. In addition to your vaccines, you will get one vitamin B12 and one vitamin C injection. These are good for your immune system and energy. They also have larger volume and hurt more. You will get three vaccines to each of your arms, one in each thigh and the vitamin injections will go into your butt. For butt injections I will use 50 mm long needles so the liquid can reach deep inside your muscle. Don't complain because it was you who wanted painful shots. Remember you are getting them for your own good."

I was excited and afraid about what was going to happen. I wanted to appear brave in front of Tina, but I was scared because I didn't get any injections for a long time and I didn't know how painful they are going to be. Even worse, I asked Tina to make them painful, but when I saw the tray with ten filled syringes, two of which had very long needles, I wasn't sure that I can take them. I have also seen that Tina has taken the vials directly from the fridge, so the medicine is cool and hurts more. However, now it was too late for changing my mind. My fantasy has come true and I will have to endure it, one way or another.

In a moment, Tina brought the tray with syringes to the exam table and said: "It's time to start. First I will give you the less painful shots in your arms. We can begin with a flu shot in your left arm. You haven't had any injections for a long time, but don't worry, just take some deep breaths and relax." I watched as she put on latex gloves and disinfected my arm. She quickly jabbed the needle in my deltoid muscle and slowly injected the vaccine. It wasn't very painful, but it was so exciting to feel the needle inside my arm and medicine pushed in. I already got an erection but Tina didn't notice it. She continued with the polio vaccine in my left arm. This time she injected the medicine more quickly, but the feeling was just a mild sting. I said: "These two didn't hurt at all. You will have to try harder if you are going to make sure I am not disappointed." Tina answered: "Don't worry, this is just the beginning. For the next shots I will use a technique that will make them hurt more. I will jab the needle in slowly and then quickly inject the medicine." The last shot in my left arm was tick-borne encephalitis. Tina used her slow-fast technique and the shot did hurt noticeably more, but it was still not very painful. After the third shot, my left deltoid muscle was a bit sore and I started to really enjoy that feeling, especially as three red dots appeared on injection sites and Tina pressed them with a cotton ball.

After Tina was done with my left arm, I told her: "I really liked the last shot and the sore feeling in my muscle. Can't wait to get the rest of them." Tina said: "I'm glad you liked it. I will continue with your right arm now." First vaccine in my right arm was hepatitis B. Tina continued to use the slow-fast technique and I enjoyed every moment of it: watching the needle slowly penetrate my skin and go into my muscle and then the sudden feeling of warm pressure as the liquid is quickly injected. Next vaccine was hepatitis A, when Tina jabbed the needle I inadvertently clenched my muscle and when she pressed the plunger it was quite painful. I said a quiet "Ouch" and Tina reminded me: "You have to relax because they hurt much more if you tense your muscle. I don't want to hurt you too much too early." After the hepatitis shots, my deltoid muscle was already quite sore. I tried to relax it as much as possible for the next injection, which was the HPV shot. Tina used her technique once more and started to slowly push the needle inside me. At the same time I felt excitement and pain and couldn't keep my arm relaxed. HPV shot burns more than the vaccines I got before and when Tina injected it, I felt like my arm is on fire. I quietly moaned, although I tried not to show that it hurts me. Again, 3 red dots appeared on my right deltoid and Tina caressed them with a cotton ball. She said: "Your arms look so hot with 6 injection spots. I wish I could get so many injections at once. By the way, you tensed your muscle again. You promised to be a good patient but you don't listen to me. If you continue to disobey me I might have to discipline you." I promised once again to be obedient and told her that I actually enjoyed the pain a lot.

Tina then asked me to pull my pants down for my thigh injections. I couldn't hide my erection from her any longer. She said: "I see you are really excited. If you liked your arm injections I am sure you will enjoy what is coming." She disinfected my thighs, and then gave me the Tdap vaccine in my left thigh. It was super exciting to watch and feel every milimeter of the needle slowly going into my leg. The vaccine hurt a bit, but not so much compared to the previous one. She repeated the procedure with meningococcal vaccine in my right thigh. Once more I liked it a lot, and it hurt a bit more than Tdap. When she removed the needle, Tina told me: "I am really proud of you. I know it must be painful to get so many injections at once, and you can be proud that you got all vaccines you needed to protect your health. I still have to give you your vitamin shots and I have to warn you that these hurt more than the vaccines. Now please turn over and lie down on your tummy for me."

When I lied face-down on the exam table, my childhood memories springed to my mind again. This aroused and embarrassed me even more. Tina pulled down my underwear almost to my knees so she could see my butt completely exposed. She started by disinfecting my butt cheeks. "First I will give you 3 ml of vitamin B12 in your right cheek. This is a larger shot than the vaccines, so it could hurt a lot if I inject quickly. If you think you won't be able to stand it, I will stop using my slow-fast technique. Do you want me to use my technique?" I was afraid, but my curiosity didn't let me pass this opportunity. "Just make it as painful as possible. I'm sure I will like it." She took the syringe containing red liquid with a 50 mm long needle from the tray. She was holding my butt cheek with her left hand and started pushing the needle in. It was a bit painful as she slowly inserted the needle, but the feeling of such a long needle deep inside my butt was great. Tina warned me: "Now I'm going to inject the liquid, please take some deep breathes and relax." She pushed the plunger really quickly and suddenly it felt as if someone put a flaming tennis ball inside my ass. I clenched my teeth and could barely stop my tears. Even after she removed the needle, the pain didn't dissipate. She massaged my butt cheek and told me: "You were really brave, I know this one hurt A LOT. You have only one more shot to go, vitamin C in your left cheek. I will inject this one slowly to prolong the pain because vitamin C is an irritating medicine." I was glad that she won't use her technique again because I could barely stand the B12 shot. Again she was holding my butt cheek with her left arm and started to slowly push in the needle. For some reason, this time it hurt more, and when she started to inject the medicine I clenched my butt. Tina told me to relax, but I couldn't help myself. I felt every drop of the liquid entering my muscle. I clenched my teeth, but the pain was just building up. When she finished, I think it was even worse than the B12 injection. However, I liked every moment of it. I knew the pain is for my own good and I was proud that I endured so many painful injections without crying or begging for mercy.

Tina massaged both my butt cheeks and said: "We are done for today. You can put your clothes back on. Your muscles could be sore for some time, which is normal after getting so many shots. Try to exercise and drink a lot of water. I hope you are not disappointed with the shots."

"Of course I'm not disappointed. I enjoyed the injections so much and your technique is great. I would really like to repeat this."

"I would love to repeat this, too! Would you like me to teach you how to give shots as well? It is so hard to find someone who would inject me and I'm getting bored of giving injections to myself."

"Sure, that would be very cool! I always dreamed of injecting a pretty girl like you." I already watched many YouTube videos on how to give injections, and read a lot about injection giving techniques on various internet forums, however I never tried giving them in real life. I was very excited that my fantasies can finally come true with Tina.

"Great, I can't wait till we do it. See you soon!"

For two days after getting my shots, muscles in my arms, thighs and ass continued to hurt. I was almost unable to move my arms and it was painful both to sit down and to walk. Again, I loved every moment of it, as it constantly reminded me of my pleasureable experience with Tina, and as I knew the pain was good for me because my immune system is responding to the vaccines I received. I also couldn't wait for my next meeting with Tina.


Let me know if you liked the story, I would really appreciate any feedback.

I would like to chat about experiences and fantasies, and to find someone to play with.

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Patientlywaiting 9 months ago 1
Dtok 9 months ago 1