Madeline’s First Exam
Madeline’s Exam
Maddie has just turned 18 and has been accepted the North Florida Women’s Christian University. She was very excited about her acceptance and couldn’t wait for the fall semester to begin. Maddie has always been a quiet, shy Christian girl that has attended private schools and has always been a bit of a nerd. She stands 5’5” tall, weighs about 120 pounds, and has darker blonde hair. She has B cup breasts, a perfect curve with a cute butt and full round cheeks. She has always been pretty self-conscious because she has a bit of a soft tummy, which leads down to a puffy mound. Boys have always been off limits, as she has preserved her virginity.
Being a virgin, she has never had the need or desire to see a gynecologist. However, with her acceptance to her new girl’s school, an exam is required upon entrance. Her mother has made her an appointment with her gynecologist, and assures her it will be simple and quick with probably just a “quick peek” under the gown and a sign off to start school.
When the day arrived for her appointment, at 10:00 AM, Maddie woke up very nervous. She went into the bathroom and took a good shower, shaved her legs, and trimmed up her mound. In the car she kept asking her mother “Is that all they are going to do is just look mom?” “I don’t want him to put the duck bill thing inside me” Her mother assured her that being a virgin, she would likely not need a speculum exam unless the doctor saw something that was concerning.
They arrived at the doctors office and checked in. After about 10 nervous minutes of waiting, and nurse came out and called her name. “Madeline” she said. She slowly stood up and made her way to the entrance with her mom in tow. “Hi Madeline, I’m Kahli, Dr. Kraits nurse” she said. “Can you stand up on the scale for me?” “123 pounds” exclaimed the nurse. “Great, this way”. The nurse led Maddie and her mom into a small room that was for checking vitals and labs. “OK Madeline, let’s check your blood pressure and your temp”. The nurse put the cuff around her arm and the machine began pumping up, meanwhile the nurse checked her temp with a forehead thermometer. “130 over 85, are we a bit nervous?” asked Kahli. “Yes a little bit” replied Maddie. “Don’t be too nervous, we all have to get these exams” the nurse said, trying to calm her. “OK, now I need to ask you a few questions” Maddie blushed as she was unsure what the nurse was going to ask. “When did your period end?” she asked. “Uhmmm…about a week and a half ago” Maddie answered. “Great, now do you have a normal monthly cycle?” Maddie looked over to her mother. “Yes, Maddie has a regular cycle that is sometimes pretty heavy” Her mother explained. “She experiences mild cramps in her tummy and lower back” she continued. Maddie was red with embarrassment as she was thinking about why her mom had to speak for her. The nurse asked “Do you experience and breast tenderness or constipation with your periods?” Her mother once again jumped in. “She doesn’t complain much about her breasts, but she will go a few days on occasion without moving her bowels”. “Good to know” exclaimed the nurse. “The doctor may be able to prescribe you something to help with the constipation and cramps”. Maddie was now furious with her mother. But before she could say more the nurse piped up again “Madeline, when was your last bowel movement?” “Uhh…Yesterday morning I think” Maddie answered. “OK, great” said Kahli. “Now I need to to go across the hall and give me a urine sample in this cup, and try to have a bowel movement if you can” she said. “There are some sanitary wipes on the vanity to use when you are done, Wipe front to back twice and bring the cup back in here when you are finished”. Maddie made her way across the hall and into the bathroom. Little did she know her mother followed her in. “MOM” she exclaimed. “I can do it by myself!” “Ok, honey. But make sure you wipe everything good so you are clean for the doctor” “Geez mom okay!” Said Maddie.
Maddie closed the door and began to lower her shorts. She was wearing a pair of tight black Under Armour running shorts. And a pink v neck top that exposed her down to the top of her breasts, and a white bra underneath. After lowering her shorts, she slid down her light blue boyshort panties and sat down on the toilet. She spread her legs and held the plastic cup under her vulva. She began urinating until the cup was about 2/3 full then stopped and replaced the lid. Maddie pulled her legs back together and finished into the toilet. “What does it matter if I poop or not” she thought. ‘I’m not here for my butthole anyways”. However she thought she would give it a try. She sat there and pushed for about 3 or 4 minutes with no luck. Maddie reached for the wipes on the vanity and began taking one out of the paper wrapper. Right then she began to get the feeling that she needed to go, so she pushed a few more times, making a grunting face and turning red. She let out a little fart, followed by two small splashes into the water. She then took a deep breath as if she had just come up for air. She stood up and looked into the toiled to see two small pieces. “Good enough” she said as she wiped herself beginning at her pubic mound, over her vagina and finally her anus. She unwrapped a second wipe and reached around her back and wiped her butt again. After looking at the wipe she dropped it into the stool and flushed. Maddie pulled up her panties and shorts, grabbed the urine cup and headed back across the hall where her mother and nurse Kahli were waiting.
“Great, you’re back” said Kahli. “Any luck?” She asked. “Yea I was able to go” said Maddie. “Perfect, that will make the exam much easier” said the nurse. Maddie still didn’t understand what her going poop had to do with her vaginal exam anyway, but whatever she thought. ‘How much more embarrassing could it get” she asked herself. “We will be going to exam room 3 today” said the nurse. Maddie and her mother followed Kahli down the hall. “Ok Madeline, I need you to get completely undressed and put on this paper vest. Here is a sheet to cover the bottom half. Just sit on the edge of the table and Dr. Krait and I will be back shortly. The exam room was cold. It was small with wood floors. A small vanity in the corner with a sink and a cervical smear kit on it. She knew what she was looking at after watching Tik Tok videos about the subject. But there was also a small card that had a green logo on it that looked like it opened up that she did not recognize. The exam table was flat, annd angled at a diagonal in the room with the stirrups already extended. There was a chair near the head of the table for her mother to sit. “Come on honey get undressed” said her mother. Maddie took off her shirt, then slid off her shorts handing them to her mother. “Take your undies off and turn around, I want to make sure you are clean” she said. “MOM really!” Said Maddie. “Yes I just want to check before the doctor comes in”. Maddie slid off her panties and stood with her back to her mom. Her mother reached up and spread her butt with her thumbs and took a look. “Yep I think you’re ok” she said as she let her daughters bottom go. Maddie stripped her bra and put on the paper vest. She hopped up on the table and covered her lower extremities just as there was a knock at the door.
“Come in” said her mother. A man in his 40s and nurse Kahli walked in. “This is Dr. Krait” Maddie’s mother introduced. He reached out to shake her hand. “You must be Madeline” asked the doctor. “Yea, Yes that’s me” answered Maddie. “It’s nice to meet you, this will be quick and painless so don’t be nervous. I Hear this is your first exam” He asked. “Yes it is and I’m really nervous” Maddie answered. “Well this will be over fast then you can get back to enjoying your summer” explained the doctor. “So I hear that you have heavy periods Madeline” asked the doctor as me made his was to her side. “Yes they are sometimes heavy” Maddie explained. “Well we will see what we can do about that for you ok honey?” He said as Maddie swallowed nervously. “First I am going to do a breast exam and evaluate your abdomen” as he began opening the front of the vest. His bare hands reached up and exposed both of Maddie’s b-cup breasts. She has puffy half-dollar sized nipples that were already erect. Dr. Krait began palpating her left breast making small circles from the exterior into the areola. He repeated the process on the right breast. “Can you put your hands above your head for me” asked the doctor as Maddie slowly raised her hands and held them above her head. The doctor continues back on her left breast repeating the process and feeling into her armpit as well, all while explaining the importance of self breast exams at home. When he finished the process on her right, he instructed Maddie to lower her arms and lay back on the exam table.
Maddie laid back as the doctor instructed, as he slid out the table extension for her legs. Her lower half was still covered by the sheet. He began palpating her tummy and her abdomen. “Tell me if you feel any pain here Madeline” said the doctor. “Uh…Ok” replied Maddie. He pressed lower on her belly, sliding down the sheet slightly exposing the top of her mound. She felt the doctors hand graze the top of her short pubic hair as he finished pushing in to her belly. “Ok Madeline, you can cover back up now” he said as Maddie pulled the paper vest back over her breasts and stomach while still laying on her back. “Let’s get your feet into the stirrups” said the doctor. Maddie’s heart started beating at a rapid pace and her face turned redder yet. She slowly placed her left foot into the stirrup follow by her right. She noticed that Kahli was now standing at the foot of the table between her legs with her hand on Maddie’s hips. “Scooch your butt all the way to the end” Kahli instructed as Maddie lifted her hips and began moving towards her. “Just a bit more” as Kahli had now slid her hand under the sheet and was feeling the location of her butt cheeks in relation to the end of the exam table. “Ok that’s good” said the nurse. Meanwhile the doctor was snapping on a pair of white exam gloves. The sight of his gloved hands made Maddie begin to sweat.
“OK sweetheart, let’s take a peek” said the doctor as he sat down on the rolling stool and began to move between her legs. Maddie felt numb as her legs were jello at this point as she looked over to her mother sitting in the chair behind her head. She felt the back of the doctors hands slowly open her legs more to the point the felt as if she couldn’t open any wider.
The doctor rolled the sheet back fully exposing her past her belly button. She felt the rush of cold air over her exposed vagina. Maddie has a nice “innie” labia with full puffy lips, and just a little bit of her inner labia peeking out near the bottom. “Ok sweetheart, you are going to feel me touch you now” said the doctor, as he began to separate her labia. First he exposed her clitoris, then her urethral opening. “Any history of UTIs” he asked. Maddie too nervous to answer looked over at her mother who promptly took over. “She had some when she was little and in middle school, but nothing after that” she explained. “Ok good deal” proclaimed the doctor, who then moved on to opening her labia minora, exposing her hymen and vulva. “You have a thick and health hymen” explained the doctor. “Do you play any sports” he asked. Her mother once again chimed in “She plays volleyball at the YMCA, and has done softball and gymnastics in the past, she is hoping to play volleyball at college as well” she explained. “Oh fun” said the doctor. “Sometimes sports can cause the hymen to rupture pre-maturely, but it looks like hers has held up just fine” he said. Next Maddie was alarmed by the doctor moving down to her butt. He spread her cheeks exposing her pinkish-brown anus. “Any issues down here other than some occasional constipation Madeline?” He asked. “N N No” she replied. “Good, now can you bear down for me like you are using the bathroom” he asked. Maddie tensed her muscles and pushed like the doctor had instructed. He and Kahli’s eyed were glued to her tight anus as it began to open revealing the opening to her rectum. There were some remnants of the bowel movement that she took earlier now exposed on her anus. “Ok relax honey” said the doctor as she relaxed and took a breath and her anus puckered back into place and the doctor removed his hands from her cheeks.
The doctor then began to palpate her Bartholins glans by squeezing her labia majora once, then repeating the other side. “Kahli, can you hand me a swab” he asked the nurse, and she handed over a long and narrow cotton swab. “You’re going to feel a little tickle here” said the doctor as he held open her vagina with his left hand and rolled the swab around her entrance with the other, then handing the stick back to Kahli. The doctor then stood up from the stool. “Finally this is over” thought Maddie, as she noticed him squeezing lubricant on to his index finger. “Ok Madeline, I need to feel your uterus and your ovaries now” He explained. “Next you will feel my finger in your bottom”. “Wha What?” Asked Maddie. “Yes, a rectal examination is an important part of every girl’s first exam” he explained. “This will allow me to feel for any possible tumors behind your uterus or in your bottom” he continued. Maddie looked over her shoulder once again at her mother who was nodding in agreement with the doctor. Suddenly Maddie once again felt the doctors hand at her butt. He used his middle and third finger to part her cheek. “OK cold jelly and a finger” he said as he pressed his finger up against her anus. He stroked it a couple of times before it began to relax and he pushed his finger inside her. Maddie began to feel tears in her eyes as she had never been explored in this part of her body before. Her opening was tightened against the bottom of his finger, trying to cut off his circulation. The doctor was in past the knuckle as he pressed on the center of her abdomen above her mound pushing her uterus into his finger. “You are still slightly impacted honey” he explained as he tried to push her stool back to allow his exam to continue. He than rotated 45 degrees to one side and pressed her belly again to capture her right ovary, then repeated on the left. Finally he did a full sweep and stopped with his palm down and withdrew his finger. As he withdrew he noted the decent amount of stool that came out on his glove. Kahli picked up white card with the green logo and held it open as he spread the sample on the pads. He then removed his gloves tossing the in the red can and turned back to Maddie. “Ok honey that’s all for today. Go ahead and get up and get dressed”. At this time Kahli handed her some wipes. “Here Madeline you can wipe your bottom with this before you dress” she explained.
Kahli and the doctor left the room so Maddie could re dress. “Good job up there honey” proclaimed her mother. “That was terrible mom” she said. “I never want to come to the gynecologist again”. “Well it’s just part of being a girl Maddie” she continued. Maddie wiped her bottom several times never feeling like she got all of the lube off. “It wont come off mom” she complained. “Don’t worry about it. You will be tooting it out for the rest of the day” her mother said with a laugh. Maddie put her panties back on, followed by her tight black shorts, and finally her shirt and bra. There was another knock at the door. It was Kahli. “Good news” Kahli explained. “Here is a prescription for some 800mg ibuprofen to take when your period cramps are heavy, and here is another for that constipation. Dr Krait wants to see you in 6 months for a follow-up so scheduling will call you to get that set up”. “Good I think that will help her” said her mother. “And I’ll be waiting on that call” she said as they all three exited the exam room and continued down the hall and back into the waiting room. “Mom can I dip into the restroom before we go to the car?” “Sure honey go ahead”. Maddie entered the bathroom and locked the door. Once again lowering her shorts and panties. She sat down on the toilet and with a slight push she let out a large bit of gas, followed by a large hard bowel movement. Maddie sighed in relief. She once again used a wet wipe to clean her bottom and met her mom back in the waiting room. As the exited the building her mom asked if everything was ok. “Yes I just took a big poop” she said to her mother. “Yep that is normal after that kind of exam. Just wait until you are a bit older and he puts a finger in both openings at the same time” her mother explained. “Oh mom that doesn’t happen” “You just wait honey, just wait”
She should have told her mother to get …
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