A Hospital Awakening
The second day
I sat on the toilet for quite a while. I could not believe how much came out of me. Just when I thought I was done, another gurgle from my tummy told me things were not finished. The smell was rather unpleasant, and I could not believe that stuff was once inside of me. I was just about to call it quits and clean myself up when the door opened and the nurse came into the room. “How are you doing,” she asked. “I think I’m done pooping,” I replied. “Okay, let’s get you cleaned up.” She pulled a big bunch of toilet paper off the roll and wadded it up into a ball. Reaching behind me she wiped and wiped until she judged I was clean enough to go back to bed. I pulled up my pants and headed back to the bed.
Settling into bed I saw the other guys in the room were very busy being inconspicuous. Their noses were buried in their comic books or they were snuggled up trying to convince people that they were sleeping. The nurse gave me a soft smile as she pulled the sheet up over my chest. “It’s time for me to go home, I’ll check in on you tomorrow.” I rolled over, facing away from everyone, and feigned sleep.
A million thoughts rolled through my head. Why did it feel so good? Would I ever get to do it again? Did my parents ever do it? Why had I never had an enema at home? Anytime my mother thought I might be constipated she made me drink some horrible tasting medicine. I wonder if Mom and Dad even have the equipment to do enemas. What was it about the things that happened that made me get a stuffy? Thoughts kept rolling through my head until I finally dozed off.
The rest of the day droned on with a definite lack of excitement. My unusual morning activities seemed to be of little interest to my roommates, which was fine with me. After the evening meal, we all tended to our own things and one by one drifted off to sleep.
I awoke the next morning to the usual busy sounds of the morning routine on the floor. The rattle of the carts bearing our breakfasts, the sounds of the orderlies changing the bedding. I pondered if the kindly old nurse would be making her rounds again this morning. Could there be any chance of getting another enema? I soon heard the sound of a cart coming down the hall with a wobbly wheel. I eagerly awaited to see if this was the person I hoped it was. As the cart entered the room I saw the usual towel over what I now knew to be enema cans, but pushing the cart was a new face. This nurse was tall, thin, very serious looking. She did not radiate any of the warmth of the older nurse. I was surprised when she came directly to my bed and pulled the curtain closed around us.
“Nurse Margaret left a note to check this morning and see if you needed another enema. She said you did good yesterday, but might need one again this morning. Do you think you need one today?” she asked.
I couldn’t believe my good fortune. An enema two days in a row. I didn’t want to seem too eager, but I certainly wasn’t going to say no. “If you would, that might be a good idea,” I said.
“OK, take your jammy bottoms all the way off and lay on your tummy,” she ordered. “I just made these up, so it’s probably going to be a bit warmer than yesterday.”
I did as told and laid on my tummy with my arms crossed under my head. I heard her pop the cap off the jar of Vaseline. Out of the corner of my eye I could see she had a really big gob on the end of her finger.
“OK, just like yesterday I’m going to lube you up.”
I felt her spread my butt cheeks and touch the lube to my butt hole. I was not prepared for what happened next. She rubbed my hole a couple time to spread the lube, then slowly pushed her finger into me. I involuntarily sucked in a big breath of air.
“Does that hurt,” she asked.
I told her no, and she pushed her finger in all the way. I had never felt anything like that. I had put my own finger in there a few times, but could never get it very deep. This felt like nothing I had ever felt before. She pulled her finger back a bit and stuck it all the way in again, turning and wiggling it a bit. She pulled her finger out, and I hoped she was not done yet.
“You’re doing very well. I’ll be putting the nozzle in now. I’m going to let you take some water laying on your tummy, then I want you to get on your knees and elbows, that will help the water get all the way up in you.”
This was so different from the session yesterday. The old nurse made me feel comfortable and warm. Today was different. Today was very different indeed. The feelings today were not warm and cozy, but they were very exciting. I was experiencing so many new feelings. I was getting pleasure in ways I had never felt before.
I felt her spread my cheeks again and I felt the nozzle go in.
“I’ll start the water.”
She was right, the water was warmer than yesterday, a lot warmer. I felt the heat in my tummy as it spread. I could feel a growing pressure between my legs as I grew another erection.
“Let me know if you get any cramping.”
I could feel the heat throughout my whole body now, I felt like I was going to start sweating.
“You’re doing really well, keep breathing deeply.”
Out of the corner of my eye I could see her pick up the second enema can and pour some of the water into the can she was using on me.
“Your doing so well I’m going to give you a little extra water.”
I was beginning to feel the pressure of what was in me already. How much could I hold? I felt like I was going to burst.
“Nurse, I think I’m full now. I need to go to the toilet pretty quick.”
“OK, you did good. I’ll help you get out of bed.”
I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and tried to shuffle to the toilet while keeping my butt clenched as tight as I could. Luckily, I made it without any accidents. I thought I would never be done emptying myself. Having been cleaned out rather thoroughly yesterday, there was little more than liquid in me.
Eventually I felt empty. I cleaned up as good as I could then remembered I was pants less. I peeked out of the restroom door and saw no visitors or anyone else in the room, and trotted to my bed. It seemed the nurse had finished her work with me and left. As I climbed back into bed I was filled with new questions. Where, when, and how could I experience these feeling again? Was I a weirdo to enjoy this so much? Do other people do these things and enjoy them so much? What else was there I could do to feel so good. Many questions, many things to find out. The activities of the last hour left me tired, and I soon drifted off into nap time.
Shame they no longer do them.