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A first encounter

Part 4

At this point I am not sure what time it is and how long I have been in this room. I don’t even really care.

We are laying next one another on the bed, after she covered me with the duvet and gently caressed me; there is a genuine caring feeling in her movements, stillness, relaxing feeling.

Now that all the initial shyness or uncertainty has mostly fainted away I am feeling more comfortable in this situation. And it feels good.

After some conversation, there is a moment of silence where the feeling shifts once again.

The electricity goes directly in my lower body.

“I think you have been really good and brave” she says with a sparkle in her eyes “I am feeling good as well and I want to reward you”

She goes down the bed and walk towards the end of it, I am following her with my eyes.

“You are moving around me like I am a prey” I am laughing a bit nervously

She chuckles. Grasping the duvet by the end she slowly uncovers me leaving me bare naked on the bed. I am already buzzing in excitement and I am definitely wet, again.

“Tell me, do you want to be tied up?”

I say “YES” without a shadow of a doubt

“Turn around, face down. Spread your legs and your arms”

Fuck. This is it.

I can hear her searching for something in her bag. She then tucks in a strip at the end of the mattress where my feet are, and another strip above my head. Each strips has rings to hook handcuffs and ankle bracelets that in the meantime she puts on me to different lengths.

“Is it ok? Let me know if too much or somewhere hurts bad”

“It’s ok” with short breath

She moves a finger down my back and touches me to check if I am excited

“So wet… so wet… aren’t you incredible?”

I can barely focus, the desire of being touched now is too much.

She takes something else from her bag and she shows me. It’s a little leather paddle round shaped like a little ping pong racket.

My eyes must have had some very honest reaction because she says “ahah don’t worry I am just going to tease you a bit…” and she starts moving it softly down my back. It’s exciting it’s ticklish it’s teasing indeed. I now that something else is coming.

“…or hit you a bit”

She quickly hits me at the back of my thigh. It’s a stingy sensation.

She moves toward the end of the bed still softly moving the paddle along the leg

“Ah!” Another hit on the back of my foot. And quickly again on the back of the other leg

“Ah!” The pain is sharp. And it’s warm.

She bends near my ear and whispers “do you want me to touch you …now?”

Another hit on my buttock. It hurts.


“Again” and another hit on the other one

“Ah! Please please stop!”

“I have asked you a question. I don’t like to repeat myself”

She hits me, less hard but firmly, between my legs.

“Ah! Yes yes I want you to touch me!!”

She adjust the straps on my feet so that I can bend my legs enough to have my butt up and keep my legs wide open.

She takes another toy, a wand vibrator, with a very low setting she brushes it at the side of my breast, down on one side and she puts it, finally, directly on my clit.

I was already so turned on by the scene before that now I am dripping in pleasure and screaming.

“You have been too good today, a real pleasure for my eyes and body, you deserve this”

She speed the intensity up and also with a bit of lube directly on my back entrance she inserts a butt plug in.

It’s overwhelming. I let go screaming and shaking, once again reaching a new point of pleasure.


vato 5 months ago
cdrpat 1 year ago
n/a 1 year ago 1
LuisWu 1 year ago 1
LordJim2 1 year ago 1