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A Day In The Life Of A Small Town Doctor.

Chapter 8

I had been sleeping really good when I heard something making noise. What ever it was had slowly brought me out of my deep sleep and back to reality. I realized it was the phone ringing and wondered what was wrong? Why someone was calling me at three am on a Saturday morning.

I managed to find the phone and then answered it. It was the sheriff's office calling wanting to know if the office was open today? I told the deputy no not normally on Saturday but I would be more than glad to come in, then asked her what the problem was and if it was a emergency. She said no it wasn't a emergency then apologized for calling so early.

She went on to explain that they had picked up four people out joy riding. Then went on to explain that before they can finish processing them into jail they need to be cavity searched. And that legally the sheriff's office can't do it has to be done by a medical professional.

I asked her how much of a hurry they were in to get this taken care of? She said that they could wait until later this morning. I told her I would be the office around seven thirty and asked if that would work for them.

She said it would work, then asked me how I wanted them to bring their prisoners in? I told her to park in the back of the clinic and come in the back door. Out of curiosity I asked how bad their prisoners were?

She told me they were not considered to be very bad !!! They were college kids out for a joy ride and were picked on suspicion of drunk driving, but that they suspect there's probably a little more than alcohol involved and they want to make sure that they aren't hiding anything on their person's.

I said I would call my nurse and we would both be in the office by eight o'clock and to make sure to bring them in the back door. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep for a few hours.

By the time I got back to sleep it was around four o'clock I must have slept for about two more hours and woke up at six o'clock. I called my nurse and left a message to get a hold of me. Then jumped in the shower. I got dressed I threw on jeans and a old t shirt I didn't think I needed to look very professional then headed into the office.

When I got there I found four hard backed plastic chairs and sat them in the hallway across from the exam room door. Then went and found the consent forms I had, had my lawyer draw up when I decided I was going to do this for my buddy until he gets back from his hiatus. By the time I had found the forms my nurse was calling my cell phone.

When I answered I explained it was not a emergency, then told her what was going on. Then I asked if she wasn't busy would she mind coming in this morning? That I would appreciate her coming in just so I could have a witness there on my behalf. That I would do the searches.

She said she would gladly come in and asked what time. I told between now and eight o'clock it was almost seven thirty she said she was up and dressed and she would see me in a few minutes.

My nurse showed up about ten minutes later wearing jeans and a pearl snap western shirt, when I saw my first thought was she looked nice and realized that this is one of the few times I have seen without scrubs on. And about five minutes after that we both heard a car pulling up out back. There was a knock on the back door and then a female deputy stuck her head in saying hello. My nurse told her to come in then showed her to my office where she explained the situation.

She explained that the four prisoners were picked up joy riding and that they were not hardened criminals. Just college kids that had come down from the city to party at the lakes. But that the partying was starting to get out of hand, the partying and the drunk driving and that these four are suspected of having had drugs on their possession. But that none have been found in the car or on them so far.

Then went on to say if nothing else comes out of this they will go back up to school and the word will get around not to be down here drinking and driving that it's no fun getting arrested.

My nurse and I agreed with the deputy and then I asked if she would mind filling out the consent forms? She readily complied then said that she would go get the four prisoners and that she had brought one of the jailer's with her to assist her with watching them.

When the deputy stepped outside to get her prisoners my nurse and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. Neither one of us were really sure how this was going to work. We could hear the deputy coming through the back door and waited until we heard her telling her prisoners to take a seat along the wall.

My nurse and I walked into the hallway and said hello to the jailer. He was a younger guy not much older than his prisoners. He said hello to my nurse and myself and then stood quietly along the wall. My nurse and I looked at the prisoners. Two males and two females. I was guessing in their early twenties? All four were wearing bright orange jumpsuits and sitting quietly in the chairs.

My nurse opened the door and walked into the exam room. The deputy and I followed my nurse inside then I closed the door.

I told the deputy I didn't want to sound stupid, then asked just exactly what she wanted done? She said it's simple I need you to have them strip naked and you check their bodies for contraband, including checking the females vaginas and rectums and the males genitals and rectums.

I thought for a minute then asked the deputy if she had ever witnessed this before? Then went on and clarified that I meant a actual cavity search. She said no not a cavity search but she had seen naked male prisoners before as well as female prisoners. But she has never seen anyone get cavity searched before.

She told my nurse and myself that she would fine with it. And then she added don't make it fun for them you know embarrass them, make it so they don't want to come back it's not supposed to be enjoyable!!! I looked at the deputy and told her I would try this really isn't my thing. My nurse spoke up and said to the deputy that she would help me not to make it enjoyable. She then looked at the deputy and gave her a big smile.

I looked up at the deputy telling her I was ready. She asked who I wanted first? I said well if you want to embarrass them bring in both of the guys I will do them together they can see what happens to each other. The deputy gave me a smile then stepped into the hallway returning shortly with both of the male prisoners.

When she entered with them she told them to stand against wall they obediently did as they were told. My nurse knew exactly what she was doing as she went and got a consent form that the deputy had previously signed she handed it to the first prisoner and told him to sign it then offered him a pen he reluctantly did as he was asked then she repeated the process with the second prisoner. She then told the deputy we were ready.

The deputy told the first prisoner to hold out his hands when he did she removed his handcuffs and then told him to take off his jumpsuit, to strip. He very slowly removed his orange jumpsuit and then stood against the wall completely naked. Once the first individual was standing naked against the wall the deputy told the second prisoner to hold out his hands and she removed the handcuffs he then started unzipping his jumpsuit without having to be told, then he too stood back against the wall naked.

The deputy looked at me and said "All yours doctor." I took my hand and motioned for the both of them to walk over to the exam table, then I told them to turn around and face the middle of the exam room. Once they were both facing the middle of the room my nurse walked over to the cabinet were the exam gloves are kept and pulled out two pairs of gloves and a tube of K Y jelly when the prisoners saw the tube of K Y they gave each other a worried look of recognition. They both understood what the K Y jelly was going to be used for.

I stood in front of the young prisoner on the left as I slowly picked up the gloves putting them on with a snap. Then I told him I was going to start by checking his scalp and then running my hands over his body before checking in his mouth, then I would check his genitals. I then looked at the other prisoner and told him the same thing. I then told them both when I was done with checking their genitals. Then I was going to have them both turn around and bend over the exam table for the cavity search.

I could hear my nurse and the deputy talking as I started running my hands over the prisoner's head. I wasn't really listening to their conversation but I heard the deputy telling my nurse, "You've got to be kidding!!" "That really happens during a rectal exam?"

Then I heard my nurse telling her, "Oh yeah on occasion!!!"

I could only imagine what they were discussing? I continued on with the search. When I had worked my way down to the prisoners ankles I had him turn around and then checked the back of his legs and his back, working my way back up towards his head when I was done with the back of his head I had him turn back around.

I took my foot and rolled my stool over in front of the prisoner and sat down. I noticed that his penis was slightly enlarged not really erect just a little swollen. I reached out and took a hold of it lifting it up towards his belly inspecting the underside of his shaft. Then I took my forefinger and thumb and spread his urethra open and inspected the opening. Then slowly worked my hand up and down his shaft as if I was feeling for something. This caused the prisoner to utter a low muffled moan and his penis to slightly stiffen in my hand. I let my eyes wonder up to his face and saw that his face was becoming flushed and pink in color.

I slowly lowered his penis back down against his scrotum and then cupped his testicles in my hand letting my fingers wonder back towards his perineum. I did this moving slowly taking my time letting my fingers feel around between his legs and the back of his testicles for a couple of minutes. When I was done I turned my head to acknowledge the deputy, she nodded her head confirming that it was good.

I stood up and rolled the stool back out of the way with my foot, then walked over to the trash can, removed my gloves then walked back over to the exam table putting on a new pair of gloves as I went. I stood in front of the second prisoner and repeated everything I had told him before and then began the exam by starting with his head.

This was going fairly fast. I had him turn around and quickly checked his backside then had him turn back around. I could hear my nurse and the deputy talking when all of sudden I heard the deputy telling the first prisoner to stand at attention and keep his hands by his sides. This caused me to glance over at him this is when I noticed he was starting to get hard. I couldn't help but wonder if watching his buddy getting checked over wasn't turning him on. He was obviously trying to hide it from my nurse and the deputy he was nearly fully erect. I didn't let it bother me I just continued on with searching the second prisoner.

My nurse and the deputy didn't say anything else about it and returned to their conversation. By now I had the second prisoner's penis in my hand checking it thoroughly, stroking his shaft back and forth before cupping his testicles. Then feeling behind them and letting my fingers slide back along his perineum. When my finger slid back along his perineum he uttered a moan causing the deputy to look and see what was happening with her prisoner.

Once I was done with this I just rolled back on my stool, then using a firm tone of voice I told both prisoners to turn around and bend over the exam table. I told them to reach across and grab a hold of the other side. Then I told them to spread their legs shoulder width apart. When they were in position I stood and motioned for the deputy to come up close. She stepped up beside me and quietly waited not knowing for sure what I wanted her for? I figured as long as she had never witnessed this before she might as well see it first hand. My nurse knowing what was going to happen next walked around the exam table and picked up the tube of K Y and was waiting patiently for me.

I told the second prisoner to relax, then reached out with both of my hands and took a hold of his butt cheeks. Then without saying anything I pulled them wide apart spreading him open exposing his anus. I then leaned over and looked at his puckered hole. I didn't see anything suspicious other than he was dirty and needed a shower. I kept his cheeks spread open and nodded at the deputy inviting her to look. She leaned down and stared closely at his puckered opening. When she saw his dirty hole she stood up saying," EW!!!"

I was guessing by her response that this was her first time seeing a dirty male anus. I looked at my nurse who had a wicked little grin on her face. I let go of his cheeks and held my right hand out towards my nurse who took the tube of K Y and applied a nice big glob on my index finger.

I was standing behind the second prisoner off to his left side. I was watching the deputy to see how she was doing? She was watching everything very closely especially what I was doing. I let my right hand drop down below the prisoner's butt, I took my lubed finger and brought it up between his cheeks sliding it up over his anus smearing the lube on him, giving him time to get himself ready. When he felt my cold slimy finger slide over his hole he involuntarily wiggled his hips and groaned in anticipation of my finger entering him.

When the deputy saw the prisoner wiggling his hips and heard him groaning she sucked in a loud deep breath. She was not expecting this to happen, she was startled. She was watching me very closely now. I slowly brought my finger back down over the prisoner's anus lubricating him a little more. I was also letting the deputy have a few seconds to get herself ready as well. My nurse was watching the deputy with a look of curiosity. My nurse was also wondering how the deputy was going to react to witnessing this.

I slowly brought my finger back up and rested it against the prisoners hole. I waited for a second and then began to push. The prisoner slowly arched his back as my finger forced it's way through his anus. As my finger slid through his anus I could feel his sphincter trying to resist my invading digit, I continued to apply pressure and push, I could hear the prisoner groaning, and could feel him twisting his hips in an effort to get away from my finger as he felt his sphincter being forced open and my finger filling his rectum.

I glanced up to see how the deputy was doing? She was watching with her mouth hanging open and a look of fascination on her face. I don't think she expected the prisoner to struggle, he was groaning and trying to squirm away from my finger. Once I had my finger all the way in him I quickly twisted it in a half circle counter clockwise and then clockwise feeling the walls of his rectum. I was talking to the deputy telling her what I was feeling. I told her I couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary that I could feel some hard pieces of fecal matter and that was it, nothing else. She nodded her head in acknowledgment and I started to withdraw my finger. When I had my finger out of the prisoners rectum I held it up for her to observe. When she saw my finger she instantly wrinkled her nose and scrunched her face. My finger was covered with a thick layer of brown colored KY jelly.

I stepped back as she told the prisoner to stand up, when he stood up and turned around my nurse and the deputy as well as myself noticed that he was fully erect and the end of his penis was wet with pre ejaculate. The deputy told him to go stand back against the wall and wait then she told him to stand at attention with his hands by his sides and not to move.

I walked over to the trashcan and took off the dirty gloves then picked up a new pair and stepped up behind the first prisoner as I was putting the gloves on. I nodded for the deputy to come over and we repeated the process. When I spread his cheeks she automatically leaned down and looked without having to be told. She took her time studying the young man's anus before she stood up.

Once the deputy was done looking and had stepped back. I held out my hand and my nurse picked up the tube of lube and began squirting a good sized glob onto my finger. I looked at the deputy to make sure she was ready to observe my search of her prisoner? She nodded her head and I slid my finger between the prisoner's cheeks placing it directly against his anus.

I was surprised by how the prisoner took in a deep breath and lowered himself further down onto the exam table when he felt my cold slimy finger touching him. I was further surprised by how he began to bear down when he felt me applying pressure to his anus with my finger. I thought to myself that he has had this done before if not examined rectally, he has had his anus penetrated before, he is used to it.

As my finger entered him he uttered a moan of what sounded like a pleasurable moan. I could feel him pushing himself open against my finger as well as pushing his butt back against my hand. I glanced up at my nurse to see if she was noticing this? She was, she opened her eyes wide and shrugged her shoulders as if to say what the hell? She was also watching the deputy with a smile on her face. I moved my eyes to observe the deputy who had a look of bewilderment on her face, she wasn't sure what was going on? The deputy was having a hard time understanding that the prisoner was enjoying the feeling of my finger in him. The prisoner was obviously enjoying the feeling of my finger in him. He wasn't struggling or trying to get away from my finger he was quietly moaning as he laid bent over the exam completely relaxed.

I began working my finger around the walls of his rectum and then working it in him deeper. He continued to moan and push back against my hand. Out of curiosity I slowly started working my finger in and out of him for a few seconds. The prisoner was obviously enjoying the feeling of my finger sliding in and out of his butt. He was moaning quietly and moving his butt to the rhythm of my finger when my finger would slide over his prostate he would utter a low grunt and arch his back. I wasn't feeling any kind of contraband just some soft feces. I looked at the deputy and shook my head no as to indicate that I wasn't finding anything. I thought about putting on a little show for the deputy and massaging the prisoners prostate but thought against it.

The deputy was looking nervous and flustered, even a little embarrassed, I was thinking to myself that watching this had sexually aroused her. My nurse was looking at the deputy with a sly grin on her face. She was watching the deputy with that sly little grin on her face knowing that the deputy had gotten turned on from watching her prisoners getting their butts searched. I slowly started to pull my finger out of the prisoners rectum. When I had my finger completely out I held it up for the deputy to observe. It was dirty it was smeared with thick streaks of dark brown feces. The deputy seeing my finger commented loudly, "That is freaking gross!!!" My nurse chimed in immediately commenting, "Maybe I should give him a enema and clean him out!!!!"

I looked at my nurse and told her no that won't be necessary today. She looked back at me with her wicked little smile. The prisoner was looking around to see what all of the fuss was about, then he saw the dirty exam glove. He quietly turned his head and stared at the wall. The deputy told him to stand up and move back along side of the other prisoner. When he turned around all three of us saw he was completely hard and was leaking pre ejaculate, he had a long clear string dripping from the end of his penis dangling down ready to drip onto the floor. My nurse quickly grabbed a paper towel and handed it to him and then told him to wipe the end of his thing. He quietly did so and then walked over and stood against the wall next to his buddy.

Both of the men stood naked against the wall quietly waiting to be told what to do next. Both of them had erections very hard erections. I couldn't help but think that they both were very sexually aroused from this happening to them. Either from the excitement of being naked in front of the two women or from the experience of being cavity searched and watching each other. For what ever reason they were both definitely aroused and very hard.

The deputy over all was handling the situation fairly well. She was obviously embarrassed from seeing the young men's erections. But she was managing to remain professional. She had picked up the jumpsuits and was handing them back to the her prisoners telling them to get dressed. Once both of them were dressed she looked at my nurse and said she would take these two out and be back with the two women.

Once the deputy was out of the exam room my nurse turned around and asked me how I was doing? I told her I was fine and then told her we would be done shortly. I then asked what she was doing later? She shrugged and said nothing special. Then out of curiosity I asked how she was doing? She said she was fine but she was not so sure about the deputy? I said I was thinking the same thing, my nurse looked at me and said I think it is affecting her a little you know what I mean? I nodded my head quietly in agreement.

We heard the door opening and saw the two females were walking through the door and into the room followed by the deputy. The deputy motioned them towards the wall and then told them to stand still the doctor wants to talk to you!!!

I had to stop and think for a minute about what I was going to say, how I was going to do this? I stepped up and proceeded to tell them that I was going to have them both stand along the side of the exam table and then I would search their heads and mouths and the fronts of their bodies, then once I was done with this part of the search. I was going to have them turn around and spread their legs, then I wanted them to both bend over the table and stick their butts out. First I would search their vaginas and then their rectums. That I was going to be putting my finger in their vaginas and also up their rectums. Then I asked them if they had any questions?

They looked at each other and then at the deputy. They both looked very nervous and anxious. The deputy gave them a second or two to think about it. Then looked at me and asked which one first. I told her let's do them both together, she nodded her head then stepped up in front of the girl on the right and told her to hold out her hands then she took the handcuffs off then she moved over in front of the other girl and took her cuffs off.

When the deputy was done removing the handcuffs she took two steps back and then in a very firm and demanding tone of voice told them both to strip. My nurse was watching the two women stripping very closely. She was watching with a very satisfied look on her face. The female prisoners where both in very good physical shape. Once the prisoners were completely naked the deputy ordered them to walk over to the exam table and turn around and face the middle of the room.

When I looked at the two women I couldn't help but notice that they both had erect nipples I didn't know if it was from the cool air in the room or from excitement. I took pair of gloves out of the box putting them on as I stepped in front of the prisoner on the left. I looked her in the eye and told her she was going to be first. I would search the front of her and then I would search her friend. Then when I was done searching the fronts of their bodies I would have them turn around and bend over the table. She very reluctantly nodded her head then shyly looked at the floor.

I began the search the same way as with the two male prisoners first her head and then her mouth and ears, I took my hands and patted her down checking under her armpits then under her breasts and then running my fingers through her pubic hair before running my hands down her legs.

This didn't take long then I quickly repeated the same thing with the second prisoner. When I was done I looked at the deputy and nodded my head, she understood that she would be the one to tell them what to do next, she spoke loudly in the same firm tone of voice, "Now ladys turn around and spread your legs wide and then bend over, then I want you to stick your butts out!!!"

The blonde girl on the left sucked in a huge deep breath before she turned around. When the darker haired girl saw her friend turning around she followed suit and did the same thing both women stood looking at the exam table apparently thinking about what was about to happen to them before finally bending over.

The deputy walked around to the front of the table and in a softer easier voice said, "Now girls stick your bottoms out for the doctor." The two women obediently stuck their butts back towards the center of the room. When they pushed back this helped too open them up, their vaginas and rectums were now visible. I heard my nurse quietly taking in a deep breath at the sight of the two girls vaginas and rectums. The deputy satisfied with the way her prisoners were positioned walked back around behind her two prisoners and looked at the women's exposed butts and privates also. I noticed her looking at my nurse smiling in approval.

I rolled my stool over and sat down behind the prisoner on the left. I told her I was going to touch her and she should try to relax. I wasn't going to hurt her. I then placed my hands on both sides of her vagina, then taking my fingers I spread her labia exposing her opening. I looked closely for anything out of the ordinary. I really didn't know what I was looking for, I guessed I would notice if she had something stuffed up there. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary I did notice what appeared to be dried semen on the insides of her thighs.

Once I was done looking I held out my hand and my nurse picked up the tube of lube and squirted some onto my two fingers. I then told her I was going to put two fingers into her vagina and feel for contraband. In very shaky voice she told me okay. I gently pushed my two fingers into her causing her to tense up and groan loudly. I twisted my hand moving my fingers in circle feeling the walls of her vagina. Not feeling anything I slid my two fingers out her vagina, letting my index finger rub up over her perineum and then letting it rest against her anus.

I then told her I was going to search her rectum. I also explained that she should try to relax and when she feels me starting to push my finger into her she should bare down like she is trying to go to the bathroom, it will help her to open up and be less painful. In voice that sounded like she was about ready to start crying she said she would try. I told her to take a deep breath, when she sucked her air in, I pushed my finger all the up her butt. She let out a loud squeal as my finger pushed past her sphincter and into her rectum. She commented loudly saying, "I feel like I need to poop bad!!!"

I reassured her she didn't need to poop!! It was just the pressure from my finger. I quickly twisted my hand feeling around the inside of her rectum. I couldn't feel anything not even any feces she was not hiding anything up her backside. I pulled my finger out of her rear and then offered to let the deputy observe my finger. The deputy did look not seeing anything she nodded her head ok.

I stayed sitting on my stool and rolled over to the trashcan, removed my dirty gloves then rolled back over behind the next prisoner putting new gloves on as I went. I asked the second prisoner if she was ready? She thought for a second and then said, "Not really but I suppose that doesn't matter huh!!!"

I told her, "No not today, I have to do this I'm sorry!!!" I then told her I would be gentle and that I was going to touch her now. I did the search the same way when I spread this prisoners labia I noticed she was very moist and her labia swollen, she also had what appeared to be dried semen on the insides of her thighs and also between her butt cheeks. I continued with the search my nurse lubed my fingers and I searched the girls vagina. Not finding anything I then placed my finger against her anus I noticed that her anus looked a little raw and irritated when I touched it she flinched like it was painful. I asked her if she was sore there, she quietly said, "Yes a little bit your finger kinda hurts."

I told her, I was sorry but I still have to do it. It will help if you bare down. Then I turned and held my hand out towards my nurse she saw this and automatically picked up the tube of K Y and squirted a huge glob on my finger. I then placed it back against the prisoner's anus and told her to take a deep breath.

When she sucked in her air I went fast and pushed my finger fairly hard and fast up her butt she groaned a deep gutteral groan as my finger penetrated her anus and filled her rectum. She groaned telling me it hurts. I told I know I will be quick. I took my hand and twisted it feeling the walls of her rectum I was actually taking a little longer than normal feeling for any damaged skin or abnormalities, I was guessing that from the dried semen between her cheeks and her raw and irritated anus and the soreness, that she had been having rough anal sex with her boyfriend. I was more concerned with her health than whether she was concealing contraband up her butt.

I felt carefully around the inside of her rectum I didn't feel any abnormalities or contraband. I did feel a considerable amount of stool I didn't think she had moved her bowels for a day or two. I told her I was done and there was nothing wrong. She turned her head to look back at me and with a knowing smile said thank you doctor I appreciate it. I didn't say anything just looked at her and winked.

By now my finger was out of her rectum and I was offering to let the deputy observe it. The deputy leaned down and looked at my finger this time it was dirty, it was smeared with soft thick stool. The deputy looked and quietly wrinkled up her nose in a gesture of that's stinky. My nurse was was looking at the deputy with a look of approval for not causing any more embarrassment than necessary.

I stood up and walked to the trashcan and removed my gloves then walked to the sink and washed my hands. The deputy was handing the two prisoners their jumpsuits and telling them they could get dressed. She then escorted them out into the hallway with the other two prisoners and the jailer. She then stepped back into the exam room and thanked my nurse and myself. She then asked my nurse a couple of questions I couldn't hear. Then thanked her. She said she would be in touch. Then she and the jailer left with their four inmates.

I told my nurse I was going to clean the room up quickly and then take the garbage out. I thought for a moment then asked her what she was going to do? She said she didn't know and asked me why I was asking? I said I thought maybe you might want to hang out and go fishing or something this afternoon? I told her I had access to my friends cabin until he gets back from his hiatus and we could go out there and have a couple of beers and eat or fish or whatever. She looked at me with her wicked little grin and told sure but I better not drink to much or she might have to cavity search me!!! I gave her a huge smile and told her I would pick her up in about thirty minutes.