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Will’s Thorough Check-Up

Chapter 5: Warming Up

"Will, can you hear me?" Dr. Lopez's voice boomed loudly as he tried to get his patient's attention.

“Can you please stand up straight so I can take your height and weight?"

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." Will couldn't shake off the feeling that something about Dr. Lopez seemed off, despite his kind demeanor. Will stepped on the scale as he tried to straighten his body, trying hard enough to stand straight.

"I see you have a slight curvature in your spine. Well, it doesn't look like it's that bad," Dr. Lopez said. “Do you feel any discomfort when walking or moving around?"

"Sometimes," Will said, "I just feel sore, but I manage."

"Okay, let's check that out later in more detail.” Dr. Lopez placed the top of the metal bar along the top of Will's head and measured the young man's height. He was 5'5" tall, or 66 inches tall.

"Very good. Now, let's check your weight."

The doctor moved the sliding weight to the left and then the right, until it landed on the number 136.

"You weigh 136 lbs, which is perfect," declared Dr. Lopez. He glanced at Nurse Alana, nodding at her as she recorded the measurements in her notepad. She acknowledged his signal and guided Will over to the medical examination table, holding his hand.

"Perfect?" Will questioned silently. While his height of 5'5", slim physique, and weight of 136 pounds were considered normal and healthy for someone his age, he couldn't help but question the doctor's choice of the word "perfect." Perhaps Dr. Lopez was simply trying to be kind, Will pondered inwardly.

"Alright Will, now that we have the basics done, let's start with warm ups!" Dr. Lopez said with some vigor.

"I'm going to take a look at your heart and lungs next. Can you sit back on the examination table?" Will slowly climbed onto the table and sat forward with his gown covering most of his body, though both Dr. Lopez and Nurse Alana can see the tight outline of his briefs.

"I'm going to check your ears, nose, throat, and eyes first." Dr. Lopez told him. "Nurse Alana, could you please hand me my otoscope and ophthalmoscope."

"Yes, doctor." The nurse handed him the devices and went to stand on the opposite side of the examining table, observing.

"Can you open your mouth, please? I'm going to look into your throat"

"Yeah," Will said, opening his mouth as wide as he could. He let out a clear and sustained "Ahh..." sound, offering Dr. Lopez an unobstructed view of his throat.

"Great, your throat looks healthy. It's nice and pink without any signs of inflammation. Now, I'll check your ears."

As Dr. Lopez examined Will's ear, the young man felt the cold metal of the otoscope enter his ear canal and he jumped a little. The sensation was chilly and ticklish, eliciting a small chuckle from Will.

"Oh, do you have ticklish ears, young man?" Dr. Lopez joked, joining in the amusement.

"I guess so," Will smiled, amused by the doctor's comment.

"Your ears are clear too. No signs of infection or inflammation."

Dr. Lopez then prepared for the nasal examination by swiftly replacing the otoscope tip with a fresh one. With gentle precision, he inserted the otoscope into Will's left nostril, and to Will's surprise, a soothing wave of relaxation washed over him. The full sensation of the otoscope probe inside his nose provided an unexpectedly calming experience.

"I hope that wasn't too uncomfortable," Dr. Lopez chuckled, observing Will's serene composure.

Will shook his head slightly as Dr. Lopez examined his nasal passages, ensuring there were no indications of congestion or any other abnormalities. He then looked into the other nose.

“Both nostrils look good to me, no buildup and no inflammation.” Dr. Lopez put away the otoscope and looked at Will. "Let's check your eyes now."

The doctor looked into the young man's brown eyes. His almond shaped Asian eyes were soft. Dr. Lopez couldn't help but notice how handsome and unique the young man's facial features were. Will's face was smooth, with a round jaw and nice dimples.

Dr. Lopez shone the device’s light into Will's right eye, examining his eye for any signs of disease.

"Now look over there and follow my finger," the doctor said as he moved his index finger to the left and then to the right.

"Good," Dr. Lopez smiled as he checked the dilation of Will's pupil. "Now look up, please."

"Your eyes are looking good too. I see on your chart you have 20/20 vision.”Dr. Lopez then put away the device and pointed to a small chart on the wall on the opposite side of the table.

"Can you read the smallest line of letters on this chart?"

Will focused his gaze on the chart, quickly identifying the letters on the smallest line without difficulty.

"Yes, I can read them clearly," he replied confidently.

“A W D Z P”

Dr. Lopez smiled, pleased with the result. "That's great, Will. Your vision seems to be in excellent shape. We'll continue to monitor it during future check-ups."

With that, he resumed his position, placing the earpieces of the stethoscope in his ears, ready to proceed with assessing Will's heart and lungs.

"Now, I'm going to check your heart and lungs next," the doctor explained.

"Okay," Will said nervously, his heartbeat quickening. He wasn't sure why he was nervous. Maybe it was the fact that the doctor was getting closer and was about to put his hands on his body.

"Can you sit up a little?"

"Okay," Will said nervously, his heartbeat quickening. He shifted his position, sitting up a little as Dr. Lopez prepared to examine his heart and lungs. The doctor first placed the stethoscope on Will's gown, asking him to take a deep breath, followed by a slow exhale.

"Good, now let's listen more closely," Dr. Lopez said, his reassuring tone aimed at easing Will's nerves. He gently lifted the edge of Will's gown, exposing his chest for a clearer examination. "Could you please lower your gown to your lap, Will? This will allow me to better assess your heart and lung sounds."

Will complied, dropping his gown to his lap, exposing his chest. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and trust in the doctor's expertise, then sat up and pulled the gown down to his lap, exposing his smooth chest. Dr. Lopez noticed that his upper body was very slender and tanned from swimming all those years, with small but firm pecs. He also took note that Will’s small nipples were light brown, like the color of mocha. They were also slightly erect, probably from the coolness of the room.

“I can now see you swim a lot. Anyways, this might be a little cold, just relax." Dr. Lopez tried to reassure his patient as he placed the diaphragm of the stethoscope on the center of Will's chest.

"I'm going to place this end of the stethoscope here, under your collarbone," Dr. Lopez told him as he pressed the chest piece against the skin above the left nipple. "And then I'll move the stethoscope over here," Dr. Lopez explained as he moved the chest piece lower, to the midpoint between the left nipple.

"Breathe in slowly," the doctor said as he listened carefully, "and now exhale."

"Again, please," Dr. Lopez ordered as he shifted the chest piece a few more times.

Will inhaled and exhaled as the doctor instructed him, and the whole time, Dr. Lopez's face remained calm, concentrating on the sounds coming through the stethoscope.

“Have you experienced any shortness of breath, chest pain, or unusual heart rhythms lately?"

Will shook his head, finding solace in the doctor's careful approach. "No, I haven't noticed anything like that."

"Excellent," Dr. Lopez said as he took off his stethoscope. “Let's continue. I'm going to check the lymph nodes in your neck now."

The doctor put his stethoscope aside and moved close to Will's head. He gently pushed back the young man's head and used his thumb to expose the lymph nodes. Then, using both hands, the doctor gently squeezed the lymph nodes, feeling the glands under the skin.

"No swelling," Dr. Lopez noted.

Will couldn't help but feel aroused again, not knowing why. He felt the doctor's gentle touch and warm breath against his neck. Will could feel the heat radiating from the doctor's rough but firm hands.

"Now, let's move on to checking the lymph nodes in your armpits," Dr. Lopez continued, smiling as he moved his hands from Will's neck to his armpits.

Dr. Lopez lifted Will's left arm and placed his palm against the young man's armpit, which had some slight dark hair. It was evident here that Will had a very slow growth rate, which was normal for his age. His armpit hairs were fine and sparse, only about 1/4 inch in length, not really visible unless one looked closely.

"I'm going to push the glands a little here,” Dr. Lopez asked as he massaged the lymph nodes, trying to determine if there was any swelling.

Dr. Lopez was quite pleased at this point. It was obvious that the young man was shy and had little to no experience. Will had a very pure aura, not like the others. Most had been older and had already experienced life, and were used to dealing with medical professionals. This young man was different.

"Your lymph nodes are fine," the Dr. Lopez smiled as he checked the other side too.

"Okay," Will replied as he tried putting his gown back on, but Dr. Lopez gently held his hand, pausing him midway.

"Now, let's check your reflexes next," Dr. Lopez explained, as if he was distracting him. He picked up a reflex hammer and tapped the tip against the front of Will's left knee first.

"Tap, tap," the doctor tapped the hammer on Will's knee a couple of times.

"Normal," Dr. Lopez noted and then tapped the reflex hammer a few times against the front of the Will's right knee, observing the normal reflex reaction.

This time, however, there was a slight delay. Will seemed to be holding back the natural kick reflex, displaying some resistance.

“Hmm” Dr. Lopez furrowed his brow slightly, studying Will's reaction with a puzzled expression.

"I know you're holding back," Dr. Lopez looked up at him laughing as Will smiled and nodded, acknowledging his embarrassed agreement. In reality, Will found it amusing to add a touch of resistance during this reflex test to see how the doctor would react. It had become a lighthearted game for him.

Dr. Lopez couldn't help but chuckle, realizing Will's intention. "Well, you got me there," he said, shaking his head playfully. "You certainly know how to keep things interesting."

Dr. Lopez handed Nurse Alana the reflex hammer and the nurse put it away in one of the drawers.

"Nurse Alana, I'll need a hand with this next part," Dr. Lopez said.

"Yes, doctor."

Dr. Lopez gently pushed Will down so that he was lying on the examination table again, and then he turned to Nurse Alana and said, "Hold his shoulders, please."

Nurse Alana nodded and then grabbed the young man's shoulders, holding him down on the examination table.

"Okay, Will," Dr. Lopez said, "I'm going to examine the muscles in your thighs and hips now."

Dr. Lopez took hold of Will's left thigh and then lifted his leg straight up into the air, as if he was making an L-shape with his lower body.

"Alright, Will, here we go. I'm going to assess the muscles in your thighs and hips. Let me know if you feel any discomfort or pain during the examination," Dr. Lopez explained.

Dr. Lopez applied pressure to the thigh muscle, carefully moving the leg in different directions. He attentively evaluated the range of motion, paying close attention to Will's reactions.

Will’s face had this light squirm as he was held down by Nurse Alana and Dr. Lopez was stretching his right leg towards his chest. He was lying on the examining table wearing nothing but his gown covering his briefs. Will wasn’t too flexible and had to bend his legs a bit to complete this test.

Dr. Lopez then lifted Will left leg up and then lowering them again. He placed his hand on Will's waist and hips and gently moved the joints. His rough hands were strong and firm, and his palms were big, which made his grasp of the young man's hips very firm and powerful.

"I need to check the flexibility of your knees and hips too," Dr. Lopez said, and then proceeded to lift Will's right leg again and bend his knee, moving the leg up and down.

"The muscle seems strong and healthy," Dr. Lopez observed, and then repeated the same process with the left leg. While checking the range of motion, Will's briefs were visible, and it was clear to Dr. Lopez that he was wearing the soft, baby blue underwear that he clearly outgrew: Will clearly had the outline of his semi hard-on on his briefs obtained from this portion of the exam. Dr. Lopez knew that this made the young man vulnerable and susceptible.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Lopez asked as he continued his examination.

"I'm okay," Will felt an odd, yet somehow comforting feeling. He didn't know why he was reacting this way, and the strange, new sensation confused him.

"That's good," Dr. Lopez smiled, his dark brown eyes shining brightly. "I'm going to examine your scoliosis now, is that alright?"

"Um, okay," Will replied, a little apprehensive, but trusting Dr. Lopez's judgement.

"Can you get off the table please and stand over here please?"

Dr. Lopez took a few steps back and pointed to the area in front of him, and Nurse Alana stood next to the doctor, watching and observing the examination.

"Okay," Will responded, taking a moment to regain his composure. He slowly climbed down from the examination table and began putting his gown back on. However, Dr. Lopez gently intervened, stopping him.

"You can leave your gown off for now, please stand here, facing me."

"Why does he want me to leave my gown off?" Will wondered. "This is a little weird, isn't it? Maybe I should say something."

The pause in Will’s voice made Dr. Lopez add in, It's alright, you can trust me."

Will felt embarrassed and didn't know what to do, but the doctor's voice was calm and reassuring. He trusted Dr. Lopez’s and decided to comply, hopping off and leaving his paper gown on the crinkled examining table. “He is a nice, trusting doctor after all.” Will thought.

Nurse Alana then grabbed the gown and threw it in the trash bin marked “soiled” next to her, with no way of getting it back. Will felt his hairs grow and his goosebumps go up as he stepped on the cold linoleum floor. So much for being 'warmed up', Will thought.

“Time for one more physical test, stand here in the center of the room please.” Dr. Lopez pointed at a floor tile that he wanted Will to stand on.

Though Nurse Alana was to act professional, she couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Will standing there slightly shivering with his face flushed red and his arms crossed. Not to mention as well, Will’s tight, baby blue briefs. She tried her best to hide her smile while she stood in the corner watching what Dr. Lopez will do next to his patient.


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