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A Day In The Life Of A Small Town Doctor.

Chapter 3 Part 2

It was eight o'clock the following morning the office was open and my receptionist was doing some paperwork. And I was calling in prescriptions.

My receptionist had dressed for the day she had on navy blue scrubs that fit her well. Showed off her body but not in a unprofessional way. She had dressed knowing she was going to be assisting me in the exam room once the couple arrived. I was wondering if she had ever seen a naked male before and how she was going to react to witnessing one receive a full physical. Like I said earlier I often wondered about her sexuality as far as being attracted to males. I often thought she was attracted more to females. I figured it really didn't matter she was very professional. I was finishing up calling in the prescriptions I heard the front door open and voices greeting my receptionist voices of a man and a woman.

My receptionist greeted them good morning, then asked the woman about there insurance? Then informed them that she would be assisting the doctor with there physicals. And if they had any questions? They both replied no my receptionist asked them to take a seat and she would call them back.

She came back and got me I told her to put them in the exam room we had gotten ready. And I would close up the office and be in. I also told her to get the woman in a gown the husband wouldn't need one.

By the time I had the office is closed sign on the door and had gotten back to the exam room the wife was gowned and the husband was getting his vitals taken while he sat on the end of the exam table. My receptionist who once again was working as my nurse was on top of things.

I knocked and entered the room introduced myself and greeted the couple. I looked at the husband and said it looks like you are going first. He shook his yes I told him good his physical will go a little faster than your wife's. By now my nurse was done with his vitals I asked if he was ready? He told me he was I explained I would start with his head and work my way down. His wife sat in the chair against the wall at the end of the exam table and was watching everything very closely.

I began with his eyes using the ophthamaloscope, and then his ears using the Otoscope, with this done I checked his throat using a tongue depressor, then feeling the lymph nodes in his neck, this was all good. I told my nurse to chart this.

Next I grabbed my stethoscope and asked the husband to take his shirt off so I could check his skin and listen to his heart and lungs. I began listening to his heart and then placing the stethoscope on his back and listening to his lungs. I then asked him to lay back so I could check his abdomen. I began palpating his abdomen as soon as he was laying down working my down to the waistband of his jeans.

When I was done I told him to stand on the floor and remove his jeans and his underwear I needed to check his skin on the lower half of his body and I was going to examine his genitals and check him for a hernia. He began removing his pants and underwear. I looked towards his wife who was sitting in the chair she had a huge smile on her face and far away look in her eyes.

Once my patient was naked I began running a gloved hand over his back and his legs feeling for any hard moles or growths. His skin looked healthy buttocks and his legs were hairy his pubic hair was thick, His penis long and large in diameter it appeared to be in a state of arousal not fully erect but definitely swollen. I noticed that both my nurse and his wife were staring at his penis.

With the visual exam done I told him now I was going to examine his genitals. I sat down on my stool, put on a new pair of gloves and reached out and took a hold of his penis in both my hands. When I did this I heard his wife gasp I was wondering if this was arousing her? As began palpating his penis it started to to swell by the time I was done examining it and started the testicular exam his penis was three quarters erect, I was surprised by the size. I continued with the testicular exam and checked him for a hernia I noticed my nurse looking at the patients penis with an amazed look on her face. His wife just in chair not saying anything just watching and smiling.

I told him next I needed him to turn around and bend over the end of the exam table and to spread his legs and bend his knees and try to relax. I was now going to visually examine his anus then examine his rectum with my finger.

He didn't say anything just did as I asked. My nurse picked up the tube of K Y while I spread his cheeks and was visually examining his preinum and his anus. When I pulled his cheeks open I could hear his wife squirming in her chair she was trying to look. I moved off to side a little so she could see what I was doing. When she saw her husband buttocks pulled open and saw his anus pulled open, she made a faint ew sound. I told my nurse to look at the patients anus and explained that this is what a healthy anus looks like nice and pink and no external hemorrhoids, she looked and thanked me in a very professional tone of voice. When I was done with the visual my nurse lubed my finger and I placed it against the patients anus and told him to relax. When I felt his anus relax, I pushed my finger all the way into his rectum twisting it in a circle. This made his wife gasp loudly and flinch in her chair, she was wiggling her bottom back and forth rubbing it on the seat cushion. This made the patient tense up and moan. I was working my finger intensely, feeling for his prostate and for abnormalities When I felt his prostate I pressed on it running my finger over it, this caused him to let out a low gutteral moan, he stiffened his legs and tried to pull away from my finger while arching his back. I just kept working my finger in deeper. I need a stool sample. His rectum felt normal and he had good rectal tone. I removed my finger from the patients rectum and my nurse held out the occult blood test card. My nurse looked at my finger and wrinkled up her nose.

When his wife saw my finger before I could get it smeared on the card. She let out a louder EW!! sound. When I heard this I turned and looked, I saw her face she had a mortified look of disbelief on it.

I was wondering, thinking that she had just came to the realization that her husband would be seeing my finger, when I removed it from her rectum in about thirty minutes. I removed my gloves while telling him he was done and he could clean himself up.

When the husband stood up from being bent over the table. He turned around and faced everyone he was fully erect, he had become very sexually aroused during the rectal exam, the tip of his penis, the opening of his urethra was wet with clear fluid. I didn't know if it was from me having my finger in his rectum. Or from him knowing his wife was watching him get his rectum probed and examined.

He didn't seem at all embarrassed by this, his wife just sat looking and smiling. My nurse just looked stunned. I asked my nurse to hand the patient some tissues so he could wipe himself get dressed.

I looked at his wife. Trying to get her attention, I waved my hand in front of her face trying break her train of thoughts. Finally she looked at me. I gestured towards the exam table telling her she was next and asking if she was ready? She looked at me with a faint wondering smile.