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A Day In The Life Of A Small Town Doctor.

Chapter one

First a little information about myself l had graduated med school and continued to work at the same large hospital that I had completed my internship at for the last twelve years.

One day eighteen months ago I decided I had, had enough, sold my house and moved back to my hometown.

I took a couple of months off and then started to get bored and decided to start my own clinic. I had saved some money so I figured I could do this fairly reasonable and maybe even make enough to live on.

With some help from a friend I was able to find a building in town and with a little more help was able to renovate it into a decent clinic with two exam rooms a nice small reception area.

I placed an advertisement in the local help wanted section of the paper and found a really well qualified receptionist who was also experienced in some health care. She was middle fifty's never married and lived alone. On one or two occasions I wondered about her sexuality, she seemed more attracted to females than males but that was none of my business and she was very good at her job, we got a long and worked well together.

For the most part this was a slow small town pace. Mostly elderly people needing prescriptions, and small kids with colds. There was a manufacturing business in town that built agriculture equipment that sent me some work, mainly there new hires for preemployment physicals.

On this particular morning it was very slow I had, had one appointment so far for the morning, A elderly lady that needed a new prescription for blood pressure medication, I had just called it in when my receptionist told me there were two appointments coming in for physicals one at ten thirty and the second one, at one pm. I told her good I was getting bored and needed to make a little money so I could pay her this week, she just laughed and said we are doing fine quite worrying you are not in the big city anymore it's slower around here. I laughed and told her to let me know when they arrive I would be in my office.

Ten thirty rolled around and my receptionist called back and told me my first appointment for the physical was here. I told her to escort him back and I would be in I asked her if she wanted to have him give a urine sample and then take his vitals or if she wanted me to do it.

She told she would get his urine sample and check his vision and hearing and I could get his blood pressure and temperature. I told her fine I'll be ready when she is done.

By the time I got to the exam room my patient was sitting on the exam table waiting for me. I introduced myself and asked how he was doing and why he was here. He told me he was here for a physical because of his new job.

He was a pleasant looking young man. I asked him his age and he said twenty two. I asked what he was doing before this he said he was still in college, but home for the summer and that he had always worked for his dad on the farm.

But this summer his dad wanted him to get a job working for somebody else for the experience. I said it made sense to me and if he was ready we could get started. He told he was ready, I asked if his new employer had sent paperwork a form for me to fill out? He replied yes and handed it to me.

I told him first I needed to get his blood pressure and temperature. I put the cuff on his arm and pumped it up while I put the thermometer in his mouth. I took his blood pressure readings and wrote them down while I waited on the thermometer. Everything was good 118 over 72 and a temperature of 99.2.

With this done I told him next I was going to check his ears nose and throat. He asked me what all I was going to check? I told him pretty much everything that his employer requires a complete physical. All he said was OH! I asked if he had ever had a complete physical before he stammered a little and said no not for a long time.

I tried to reassure him there was nothing to worry about. And that it won't be that bad, all the time I was telling him this. I was thinking too myself if you only knew what was about to happen to you? He told me he was okay with this. He was just wondering what was going to happen to him? I told him I would explain everything as I went. And that he would be fine.

I went and got my ophthamaloscope and checked his eyes and then my Otoscope and checked his ears,then grabbed a tongue depressor and checked his throat.

With this done I grabbed a stethoscope and began listening to his heart and lungs having him take deep breaths and holding them and then letting them out.

His heart and lungs sounded very healthy and strong I asked if he played sports and he told me yes baseball and track. I commented then that he must have had sport physicals before and he said yes.

I told him this wasn't much more than a sports physical that I was only going to check a couple of more things. He asked me what? I told him I was going to check his penis and his bottom. He just said OH! I said to him that he must have gotten checked for a hernia before and he said he had. I told him to relax he will be fine and to lay down on his back so I could check his abdomen. He layed down and I asked him to pull his shirt up so I could feel his stomach he did as I asked and we continued on. When I got to the waistband of his jeans I asked him if he was okay with me unfastening them so I could feel his lower abdomen now I could tell he was getting really nervous about what was happening to him. He told me sure but I could tell he was very anxious about what was happening to him.

I was becoming very curious about how innocent and naive this young man was. I tried to make some small talk to relax him I asked if he had a girlfriend and he told me no he didn't. He just never had found a girl that liked him. I told him nothing wrong with that he was young yet, he had a lot of time for that stuff later.

With the abdominal exam completed I asked my patient to stand on the floor and to please take his shoes and socks off and also to remove his jeans and that he could leave his underwear on for now. He very reluctantly and slowly started to remove his shoes and socks. Once he had those off he looked at me and asked now you want me to take my pants off? I just smiled and told him that is the only way I can see your penis and testicles. He very reluctantly replied okay and began taking his pants off.

Once he was in his underwear I told him to take a seat back up on the table so I could examine his feet. He happily hopped back up onto the table and began to relax a little although it was too be short lived the examination of his feet didn't take long.

When I was done with his feet I told him to please stand back down on the floor and now he needed to remove his underwear and that he might as well take his shirt off too it will just be in the way.

Now with my patient completely naked I was ready to finish his physical. I explained first I was going to give him a genital exam and not to worry it won't hurt. By now he had become very nervous to the point he was trembling I tried to reassure him he was going to be ok. He told me this is first time anyone had seen him completely naked before. Except for his parents when he was little. All I could tell him was it happens to everyone sooner or later.

I walked over to the cabinet and got a pair of gloves and on my way back I thought to myself what had started out to be a boring morning, was starting to turn around and I might as well have some fun and enjoy this while I have the chance.

When I got back I grabbed my stool and sat down in front of my patient and put my gloves on with a snap. I looked up and asked if he was ready, and then reached out and took a hold of his penis when I took it in my hand he gasped loudly I told him to relax I will go slow and be gentle.

Then I began manipulating up and down the shaft of his penis feeling for abnormalities while looking at the skin for any signs of infection or rashes. After a few minutes of manipulating his penis it was starting to grow in my hand not fully hard but semi erect I looked up at his face his eyes were shut and his face was fire engine red I then asked if he was sexually active? He replied that he didn't have a girlfriend. I then asked if he masterbated? He stuttered a little bit and replied yes. I told him that was good it was healthy to masturbate.When I had finished with his penis I explained next I was going to check his testicles for lumps and asked if he knew how to check himself? he told me no he didn't I explained it was important and I would send some pamphlets home showing him how. I felt his testicles and checked him for a hernia trying not to embarrass him to much more than I already had. By now he was three quarters erect and was well on his way too achieving a full erection.

After this I think he thought we were done he started to apologize for the condition of his penis. I told him not to worry about it, it happens. He said he was sorry he couldn't help it, and he was glad it was over. I replied back that I hate to be the one to tell you but we are not quite finished. He asked me what do you mean? His voice had become shaky. I said I still need to examine your anus and your rectum. All I heard was OH! I thought I was done. He asked me how I was going to do this I told him I was going to have him bend over the end of the exam table and would first look at his butt then I was going to stick my finger in his anus and feel around the inside of his rectum. He didn't say anything thing just stood there.

I told him to go ahead and turn around then to bend over the end of the table, and to spread his legs shoulder width apart and to bend his knees, and try to relax. I went and got a tube of lubricant and a new pair of gloves. I came back and sat down on my stool, and rolled behind my patient I put my new gloves on making sure they snapped. With each snap he wiggled his butt a little. I placed both my hands on his cheeks and asked if he was ready he managed to squeak a yes out. With my palms I pulled his cheeks as far open as I could. I was rewarded with a view of a pink tight puckered up hairless anus. I took my thumbs and spread his anus open even further so it was slightly pulled open and I could see just inside the ring of his anus. I could see his testicles dangling down and his penis sticking straight out. I told him his anus looked good and healthy. And now it was time to examine his rectum and check his prostate gland.

I stood up and stepped beside him reaching in my pocket. I grabbed the tube of lube popping the cap open and squirting a large amount on my index finger of my right hand. Closed the tube placing it back in my pocket. I informed my patient to relax it will be better if he's relaxed, then without saying anything more placed my finger against his opening. When he felt me touch him he tried to squirm away from my finger. I layed my left hand on his back and gently pushed down by now he had squirmed himself up tight against the end of the table, so he wasn't able to move any further away from my finger. This is when I started to push my finger into his rectum. I could feel his anus clench my finger, at the same time I felt his anus clench, I could hear a low gutteral moan escape his throat. When I heard him moan I stopped and asked if this was painful. He replied no it didn't hurt it just felt weird. I continued pushing my finger in until I felt his inter sphincter. I stopped and gave him a second or two, time for his sphincter to accept my finger and open a little before pushing all the way in. I would check his prostate on the way out.

By now my finger was buried all the way up his rectum, he had tightened his legs, and arched his back, and thrust his butt back against my hand. His anus was involuntarily clenching my finger. I was wondering what was going to happen when I got to his prostate. I twisted my finger and felt the walls of his rectum explaining what I was doing and that I was also going to collect a stool sample with my finger. When he heard this he let out a disgusted moan. Then I began with drawing my finger slowly feeling for his prostate. When I felt the lump of his prostate I began applying pressure and feeling for abnormalities it felt nice and smooth. Out of curiosity as to what would happen I applied some more pressure. And that is when it happened. He began grunting and started bucking against my hand. I could feel his anus spasming, then he let out a low quiet moan and went limp. I looked down at the floor between his legs and saw the puddle of white stuff and realized he had just ejaculated all over the floor and the end of the table. I slowly pulled my finger from his rectum. I then went and wiped my finger on a occult blood test card. Trying to get my gloves off before he could see the dirty finger of the exam glove.

I got this done and his forms signed while he got himself cleaned up and dressed. He was very embarrassed and humiliated by all of this happening to him. I tried to reassure him it was no big deal it happens all the time.

I handed him his paperwork and told him good luck with his new job. He left and my receptionist walked back asking how it had went. Then she saw the mess on floor and the end of the exam table and smiled. She smiled a big smile and said it looked like it went pretty well for somebody. All I could say was yes it had. As I finished cleaning up the mess . She started to walk out and turned around and said one more after dinner but the next one is female.


HairyChest 3 months ago 1
joshs26 9 months ago 1
joshs26 2 years ago 1
biman2 2 years ago 1