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The Exploits of Doctor Elizabeth Bolton

Mr. Conway learns a humiliating and very painful lesson

As Dr. Bolton walked across the waiting area to where the temporary screened examination cubicles were located due to the ongoing construction taking place at her medical office, she read the notes on the patient’s chart from Melinda, the nurse practitioner, who had conducted the exam on the patient she was about to speak to. She was somewhat perturbed that the patient insisted on speaking to her even though she was not involved in his visit.

She pulled the entry screen aside and entered. There was Mr. Conway, a 52-year old patient, standing in that ridiculous t-shirt type of gown that came down just below his belly button- the one described in the Exam Day part of the Examinations for Insurance series, that was standard attire for adult male patients at her medical office.

As soon as she entered, he immediately and excitedly greeted her and before she could say anything went on in an animated fashion criticizing and challenging what the nurse practitioner had concluded. He was more than a little disparaging saying she didn’t take his complaints seriously enough and her examination was not adequate and certainly not complete. Dr. Bolton chuckled to herself because he was so worked up he probably wasn’t thinking that his genitals were exposed and providing an amusing show as his penis gyrated widely as he carried on.

She tried to get him to calm down and take it easy. Looking again at his chart she reported, “Mr. Conway based on the notes Melinda made, she gave you a proper exam to check what you are complaining about. It indicates she made both a visual and tactile examination of your testicles, she inspected your penis and checked the skin and muscles in the groin area. She did not find anything that would be causing the pain you complained of.”

In a frustrating tone he responded, “Dr. Bolton she was very quick and did not take the time to check me thoroughly like you do. She must have missed something.” Then, almost pleading, he continued, “Dr. Bolton would you please examine me, please doctor. I’d feel much better.”

Dr. Bolton half laughing shot back, “That won’t be necessary Mr Conway. As I said, Melinda checked everything she was supposed to and didn’t find anything.” Before she could continue he interrupted her.

Getting worked up again he went on, “You know doctor, I was thinking while I was waiting for you that maybe the pain is coming not from my testicles but from back further. Why don’t you give me a quick rectal exam to check if the problem could be there, OK?”

As he went on with his non stop rambling Dr. Bolton began to think his ranting was just a ploy to get her to examine him. He was that type of patient who it seemed got his jollies when she examined him. Apparently the nurse practitioner’s examination did not satisfy him for whatever immature reason he had.

“Dr. Bolton,” he continued almost begging, “I really think you should take the time and give me a thorough exam to find what the problem is.”

Dr. Bolton was starting to get annoyed. She was convinced he was faking and that there was nothing wrong with him. Only half listening to his continued pleas, she concocted a way to both make sure there was nothing really wrong with him- and assuming she was correct and there was nothing wrong, to teach him a lesson he wouldn’t soon forget for wasting her and her staff’s valuable time.

In a seemingly conciliatory gesture she said, “Ok, ok, Mr. Conway, let's see if we can get to the bottom of this.” As she pulled out her cell phone his attitude changed completely and he happily retorted, “Great, thank you. Thank you doctor. I feel much better. What position do you want me in get in for the exam?”

As she was typing on the phone she looked up and said, “That won’t be necessary Mr. Conway,” then went back to typing.

Almost immediately the response to her text came in. Smiling, she said, “I’ll need to take you to another room. Bring your clothes since we will not be coming back to this cubicle. Follow me.” And with that she pushed the curtain open and stepped into the hallway.

When he approached the opening he stopped and apprehension crossed his face. Nervously he asked, “Like this?” Dr. Bolton, now standing in the hallway trying to remain serious after eying him from head to toe somewhat brusquely responded, “Mr. Conway do you want me to get to the bottom of your problem or not?

His confidence and outspokenness in the exam room had quickly evaporated. Not having a response he sighed and sheepishly joined her in the hallway. She then turned and with a sly grin on her face confidently strode with him in tow down the corridor. What a visual. A young, attractive woman- dressed not at like a typical doctor but rather smartly in a black business suit with a red blouse and matching shoes with a surprisingly high heel, escorting a bottomless middle-aged male carrying his clothing in a clump through the public hallway of the medical office. He felt like a child. It was quite the humbling experience.

As he followed his eyes darted this way and that and even behind him to see if anyone else was in the hallway. He did his best to conceal himself as they walked. As they were approaching the last set of doors at the end of the hallway he began to be less anxious knowing they would be going in one of the doors. Just as Dr. Bolton reached for the door handle of the door on the left there was a commotion and almost from nowhere two female construction workers emerged from the utility closet at the very end of the hallway.

He shrieked like a child and contorted his body when he saw them trying to shield himself- mostly unsuccessfully, from their view. Both females almost immediately and in unison shifted their view to his midsection as they passed and both turned their heads to get a view from the back as doctor and patient neared the door. They could be heard talking and then giggling as they made their way down the hallway. He was utterly shamefaced.

He swiftly went through the door and the safety of the room inside when Dr. Bolton opened it. The room was large and contained machines and scanning equipment and numerous curtained, partitioned areas. They were in a small waiting area. When Dr. Bolton continued in and around one of the partitions he tentatively followed.

A middle-aged woman he soon learned was named Delores greeted the doctor. She had an air about her, a smugness, as she spoke.. After some idle chatter Dr. Bolton said as she pointed this is Mr. Conway the patient I texted you about. Delores responded by saying, “OK, wonderful, I’m just finishing up with this patient. I can take him next.”

When Mr. Conway got further into the portion of the room Delores was in and his view was no longer obstructed he saw her seated dressed in blue scrubs with a type of instrument in her hand that was attached to a machine on wheels. There was a patient, a slightly overweight male, lying on his stomach completely naked other than for a sheet that was oddly only covering his legs from the knees down. His naked behind was raised higher than the rest of his body and in full view.

The patient hearing their approach raised his head and seeing Dr. Bolton immediately turned an even darker shade of crimson and buried his head in the paper covering the exam table he was lying on.

Dr. Bolton, always eager to dish out some verbal humiliation at male patient’s expense, observed sarcastically, “Delores it looks like your patient is a little embarrassed that I walked in while his backside is exposed. Hmmm, very interesting, maybe he’s forgotten but I remember clearly the last time a certain someone was in my office he was up on the exam table on all fours with an anoscope in his you know where.”

Delores laughed out loud and for a moment visualized in her mind what that scene could have looked like. Delores and the doctor turned to talking business. They ignored the two men. It was quite the sight. Two professional women in a small confined area with two male charges, one exposed lying on the exam table and the other standing wearing only the almost useless t-shirt gown feeling embarrassed and awkward being in that stage of undress in front of the unfamiliar woman. He continued his ever vigilant effort to hide himself from the women’s view.

Delores, seeing Mr. Conway shielding himself from her view, commented in a frisky manner to Dr. Bolton, “I see your patient is a little shy too. We’ll certainly see how he feels about that in a minute.”

Dr. Bolton let out a short acknowledgement laugh at Delores’s comment and said, “Delores when you’re finished please call me with the results and have him come to my office.”

“Will do doctor,” Delores retorted.

After Dr. Bolton had left Delores motioned to Mr. Conway to have a seat in the waiting area. She was looking forward to performing the testicle ultrasound Dr. Bolton requested. What he didn’t know is the doctor had clued Delores in about her assumption he was faking.

Just as he sat down the door opened and in walked Caroline, the young receptionist-assistant, who was introduced in the “Examinations for Insurance” series. She made little effort to be discreet as she eyed the seated and blushing Mr. Conway doing his best to shield himself from the young woman’s wandering eyes.

Caroline, having checked to see what the patient Delores currently was with was having done, concocted a plan to justify coming into the room. She made her way around the partition with little hesitation to where Delores was with the patient under the pretense of asking Delores if she wanted her to pick up lunch for her. What she actually wanted was a little thrill and turn on knowing there would be a naked male patient on the table she could observe.

Mr. Conway was becoming extremely nervous. He wondered what he had gotten himself into. What he originally envisioned as a private session between him and Dr. Bolton that he was looking forward to had gotten way out of hand. First he had to endure being examined by a strange woman, now another strange woman was going to do who knows what to him. And he felt deeply embarrassed at how many females in the office had seen him in the silly and useless gown. He felt as if he was on constant display to a never ending parade of females since this ordeal began!

When Delores had finished with the patient on the table after cleaning his lower back and upper backside of gel she gave him a light smack on the left asscheek indicating she was finished with him. He went scurrying to retrieve his clothing under the watchful eye of Delores who never missed an opportunity to observe and admire a naked male patient.

As she cleaned up and adjusted the equipment she called for Mr. Conway to come in and when he did she directed him to mount the table.

As she positioned him she explained Dr. Bolton ordered a testicle ultrasound. When he was on his back she told him to place his legs in a frog position. He wasn’t sure what she meant. When she noticed him awkwardly moving his legs about she grabbed hold of them and while spreading his knees widely apart she brought his feet toward his torso and placed the bottom of each foot against the other.

Delores was amused at how tightly he kept his hands clasped in front of his genitals. The first thing she did when he was in position was raise his gown to almost his shoulders. She mentioned as she reached for some gel-like substance that she didn’t want to get any of the gel on the gown. Holding it toward him she announced almost triumphantly, “I need to spread this on your scrotum. I can’t do that with your hands covering the area.”

Looking at her shamefaced and feeling utterly helpless and defeated he reluctantly removed his hands from his crotch leaving him completely exposed to her. He felt so vulnerable and humiliated being in that position.

As she went about her business prepping him, Delores, also one to never pass up an opportunity to verbally humiliate a male patient, in a biting tone said, “I see on your chart Melinda conducted your exam today.” Not waiting for or really interested in a response she proceeded to say, “She’s relatively new here. And so young. I bet she’s young enough to be your daughter.” And then with more than a little sarcasm went on to say, “That was quite an intimate exam she gave you. I know you’re used to being examined like that by Dr. Bolton. Were you embarrassed to have to submit to such an exam by a new, very young staff person?

He mumbled something incoherent but after throwing him a glance Delores resumed prepping him. She noticed he was beet red. Just when he thought his dignity was at a low Delores took hold of his cock to reposition it so it would not get in the way of the procedure.

Delores then in a professional and very serious manner conducted the scan. She ran the wireless ultrasound wand expertly over Mr. Conway’s testicles looking at the screen as she did so. Soon it was all over. She handed him tissues to wipe himself clean of the gel. He felt really awkward while doing so because even though Delores was busy cleaning the equipment from the procedure he was cleaning himself right in front of her. When he was finished and she took the tissues reality hit him again that he was completely exposed as Delores hovered over him.

Almost as a plea he said in desperation, “Can I put my clothes on?”

Curtly she retorted, “No, stay the way you are and where you are while I send the results of the scan to the doctor.”

Mr. Conway’s situation didn’t improve. After a few minutes a young woman dressed in street clothes who he soon learned was named Bethany (introduced in the Examinations for Insurance series and a character in the earlier part of this series) entered and came around the partition to where he and Delores were. His sense of inferiority and embarrassment intensified not only because of his immodest state but also as the young woman approached she and Delores carried on a conversation all but ignoring him. Bethany smiled to herself when she observed Mr. Conway, who was old enough to be her father, because of how childlike he looked trying to cover himself up with his hands and the paper on the exam table.

Delores thanked her for coming and turning to Mr. Conway said, “This is Bethany. She will escort you back to Dr. Bolton who wants to see you.” And again delighted to have the opportunity to insert a dose of verbal humiliation, “By the way Mr. Conway, there’s no need to be shy around Bethany. She is a premed student. We hope one day she will join our staff.” Then moving closer and leaning toward him she said in a decidedly lowered voice for effect, “Think about it. A few years from now she could be giving you your annual physical. And you know as part of your physical you’ll be given a digital rectal exam. That’s certainly something to look forward to!”

There was nothing for Mr. Conway to say or do. He simply had to endure the humiliation. Almost as if to add insult to injury Bethany while giggling at what Delores said added in a soothing yet biting manner, “Not to worry Mr.Conway, I have very thin fingers.”

Mr. Conway did not see the humor in the comment and descended deeper into a state of despair. Delores on the other hand burst out laughing and in between laughs followed up by saying, “Now that was a good one Bethany!” Then turning to Mr. Conway she went on, “Collect your clothes and go with Bethany.” He asked in a nervous tone, “Can’t I put on my clothes first.” No, there’s no time for that the doctor is waiting for you.

For the second time in an hour Mr. Conway was marched by a female through the medical office hallways carrying his clothing in a clump wearing a gown that left little of his anatomy to the imagination. He again was panicky, fearful someone would be in the hallway. Sure enough a woman his age exited a room just as they were passing. He was beside himself with embarrassment when she abruptly stopped to eye him from head to toe as he passed. He noticed with dread an ever widening grin came across her face along with a distinct look of satisfaction. To make matters worse she waited for them to pass and then followed them down the hallway giving her a nice view of his behind. It was unbelievably demeaning!

Although he was relieved when they finally left the hallway and entered a room he didn’t understand why he was brought to Dr. Bolton’s private office and he wondered somewhat apprehensively why Melinda, who had examined him earlier, was there. The doctor was on the phone but had waved them in as she continued her conversation.

As he looked around his unease only intensified for when he shifted his view from the office portion of the room where they were standing to the area off his right shoulder that was partially hidden when they walked in he saw the area was set up to conduct examinations complete with exam table and all the other items you would find in a well equipped exam room. Why was I brought here he wondered.

He was brought back to the here and now when after completing the call Dr. Bolton came around her desk and after exchanging pleasantries with Bethany turned to Mr. Conway and said, “So Mr. Conway the testicular scan did not find anything. Based on that and the results of the exam Melinda gave you I think we need to broaden the scope of our examination.

He became quite unsettled hearing this ominous comment and due to the fact she said “we”. It didn’t help both that Dr. Bolton looked over to Melinda as she was telling him this and the fact she had what he thought was a menacing facial expression. What Mr. Conway didn’t know was that Dr. Bolton had given a full account to Melinda about believing he was faking about the pain.

Mr. Conway gulped. He was really getting nervous and more than a little scared thinking to himself- what are these women planning to do to me!

In a nervous and anxious voice he responded, “You know Dr. Bolton I’ve taken way too much of your time. I think I’ll go home and see if the pain goes away in a day or two?”

Before he could continue Dr. Bolton interrupted, “I don’t think so Mr. Conway! Did you forget how just a little while ago you were pleading with me to examine you to get to the bottom of your problem. And you mentioned that you didn’t feel Melinda gave you a thorough enough examination.”

He didn’t know what to say in response. Dr. Bolton didn’t wait for any response. Turning to Bethany the doctor in a professional and quite clinical manner inquired, ““Bethany, would you have time to prep this patient for a rectal exam by administering a cleansing enema?”

Bethany, in her typical bubbly manner, responded, “Most definitely doctor!

“Great, you can use the exam table here in my office and my private bathroom. I think a 2 quart saline solution should be sufficient,” Dr. Bolton confidently announced.

After a slight period of awkward quiet, during which he thought about objecting but knew his effort would be futile, Bethany broke the silence turning to him and saying in a self-assured, confident tone, “Come with me Mr. Conway,” as she made her way to the examination area.

He was trapped through his own actions. Utterly demoralized and seeing no way out of the situation he sheepishly followed the young woman shamefaced carrying his clothing knowing what the young woman had in store for him. As soon as they arrived in the examination area Bethany told him to put his clothing down and patted the exam table telling him to hop up on it. He grudgingly complied with her direction. A fresh blush came across his face when he realized everything taking place where he was was clearly visible and could be heard from the office section of the room where Dr. Bolton and Melinda were standing. “Oh, great,” he thought to himself.”

Bethany told him to lie back. When he did, hands firmly clasped in front of his pelvic region, she placed his feet in stirrup like supports and engaged a remote like gadget that raised and both spread and brought his legs back toward his body. At a certain point the portion of the exam table that was under his legs fell away leaving his torso slightly suspended over the edge of the table supported by his legs in the stirrup like supports. If his hand wasn’t tightly clasped in front of him both his genitals and anal opening would have been completely exposed to the young woman.

Bethany found it almost comical at his display of modesty thinking how futile it was given what he was about to go through at the hands of the females in the room.

When he was positioned the way she wanted him Bethany placed the remote on a table next to the exam table and took a moment to admire her handiwork. It was quite the sight. Mr. Conway’s legs were spread wide and raised so they were parallel to the floor. His knees were back almost to his shoulders. But for his hands covering himself he would be about as exposed as someone could possibly be. Bethany always found when she placed a male patient in this position because of how vulnerable and exposed he was it was kind of erotic.

Bethany next went about collecting and setting up the enema apparatus. He watched with trepidation as she selected a nozzle and in an almost sensual way lubed it. It brought back the memory of the time Dr. Bolton had given him an enema. Although the enema was not all that pleasurable and in fact was rather embarrassing, he did recall quite fondly that prior to giving him the enema the doctor had taken his temperature rectally. He remembered it as a rather sexually stimulating experience. Lying there exposed to his new doctor, a very attractive woman, with the glass instrument sticking out of his bottom while she stood over him. He felt his manhood stirring as he thought about that previous experience.

He was brought back to the present when Bethany standing over him with the nozzle end of the tube exclaimed, “Mr. Conway it will be a little difficult to insert this into your rectum with your hand in the way.”

Whether surprised by her assertiveness or just resigned to the fact he was at the mercy of this young woman, he almost involuntarily removed his hand from his genitals. An expression of satisfaction came across her face as his cock came into view. She certainly felt in command of the situation.

As Bethany went to work he couldn't bear looking at her and simply stared at the ceiling as he waited for the tube to be pushed into him. Bethany first took a moment to visually inspect his sphincter just for the fun of it noting the coloring and the creases. The next thing he knew the nozzle was inside of him and liquid was flowing.

It wasn’t long before he started to feel pressure in his abdomen. Bethany always enjoyed giving male patients enemas. It gave her a feeling of power and a sense of authority over the male on the receiving end of the activity. She particularly reveled in the strange actions they exhibited due to the discomfort from their insides being full of the solution.

When he started to complain about the pressure and said he was cramping she assured him there was just a little more to go. When the bag was finally empty she purposely took her time extracting the tube from his bottom focusing her attention on his pained facial expression. And in an even more nonchalant manner she went through the process to bring the exam table back to its original position.

As soon as the table was back in its original horizontal position even before she had an opportunity to tell him he could go expel the enema he was off the table and almost in a trot headed for the bathroom. Bethany marveled at his swaying cock that he did nothing to hide- probably because he was so focused on getting rid of the extra fluid inside him, as he dismounted the table and retreated to the bathroom. She watched his fleeing middle-aged ass the whole time.

When he came out of the bathroom his relief from expelling the enema solution was immediately replaced by panic as he was greeted by Dr. Bolton and Melinda who joined Bethany at the exam table.

Dr. Bolton in a serious yet mildly patronizing tone asked him if he was good and cleaned out. Looking at the floor he meekly replied, “I think so.”

Maintaining her stern demeanor the doctor went on, “Good, remove the gown and mount the table and position yourself on all fours.” We’re going to examine your rectum. He looked at her nervously and in a sheepish voice responded, “Is that really necessary doctor?”

Her curt and cutting response, “Yes, now will you please do as I directed so we can get started with the examination!”

The fight was out of him. The events of the day clearly chipped away at his self esteem. In a defeated tone he simply responded, “Yes, doctor,” and obediently climbed up on the exam table and assumed the humiliating position knowing the three women had an unfettered view of his exposed rear end and his testicles hanging down between his legs.

What next transpired could best be described as a complete neutering of his masculinity. First Dr. Bolton directed Melinda to spread his asscheeks so she could make a visual examination of his anal opening. Melinda spread him to the point it began to hurt which made him flinch. He then had to endure the humiliation of the two women discussing the condition of his back hole in great detail. The two women were relentless in their psychological and physical torment.

Things went from bad to worse for him. Next with Melinda continuing to hold his asscheeks apart he felt Dr. Bolton’s finger being thrust into him which made him let out a grunt as if he was in pain. The finger soon found his prostate where it lingered. As she continued to make contact with the gland he started experiencing sensations of pleasure. Almost involuntarily he started gyrating his pelvis in such a motion that it was like he was riding her finger. His cock also came to life and was now partially erect.

When he let out sighs of satisfaction Melinda took note and while observing both his movements and the rise in his manhood issued a stern reprimand, “Mr. Conway please try and control yourself while Dr. Bolton is examining you!

There was more humiliation to come. Melinda asked Bethany who had been observing the goings on with wide eyes to give her a speculum. When he snuck a peak behind him to see what was going on he observed Melinda taking up position behind his upraised rear end and Dr. Bolton moving to the side.

Next he felt Melinda inserting what he figured was the speculum in his rectum. When she was in the process of opening it when it was inside of him he yelled out, “Ouch, that hurts!”

Dr. Bolton used this outburst to make her way to the front of the table where his head was. He nervously commented, “Dr. Bolton that is painful.”

Dr. Bolton in a detached and non sympathetic manner retorted, “It's all part of the examination to determine what is causing you this pain.” Before she could go on he went, “O-o-ow, that hurts!! Please make her stop doctor.”

Again in an unsympathetic almost clinical voice the doctor said, “Melinda is opening you up so we can make a visual inspection of your rectum and lower colon. We may have to put a scope inside you.”

He really became scared and was at wits end between the pain and the utter embarrassment he was experiencing. Not able to take anymore he blurted out, “I was faking. O.k. The pain was made up as a ploy to get you to examine me Dr. Bolton. I never, never expected all this would be the result. I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”

Dr. Bolton found it difficult not to laugh. He looked so pathetic mounted on the exam table naked on display to the three women confessing and almost begging for forgiveness. She looked at Melinda who with a big grin on her face gave the doctor a thumbs up.

Dr. Bolton was certainly going to leverage the situation to her advantage. He first had to endure a scathing tongue lashing she unleashed. He was admonished for wasting her time and the time of numerous other staff. She was particularly harsh condemning him for the comments he made about Melinda. Dr. Bolton went on to tell him in no uncertain terms he would pay dearly for her and her staff’s time and the useless procedures and scans that were undertaken.

Bethany was surprised she wasn’t shocked by what she was seeing and hearing. In her short working time she already had her share of, for lack of a better word, “unorthodox” experiences with male patients. For sure this was certainly right up there in terms of being outlandish.

It reminded her of the time she went into an exam room to take a 60-something male patient’s vitals and he was sitting on the exam table nude. She had not told him to undress. Bethany, being Bethany, went about her business as if nothing was unusual and certainly took advantage of his exhibitionism to have a little fun.

He certainly appeared to enjoy flaunting his body in front of the young woman, particularly when he proudly marched to and mounted the scale in the corner of the exam room displaying first his rear end then when he turned around his penis to her.

She though in the end seemed to get the better of him when she decided to see how self assured and cocky he really was. She decided to take his rectal temperature in the most humiliating and undignified position she could think of. She did this with him lying flat on the exam table with his legs raised and brought back toward his head. She was elated when she detected a decided crimson color to his face and even neck area while the glass instrument was inside him and she hovered over him while she did it.

A funny sidebar to this incident is as Bethany was taking his temperature the doctor who was there to conduct his exam entered. She looked perplexed. Later in the day the doctor approached Bethany and asked what that was all about in the exam room earlier. When Bethany explained the events leading up to what the doctor walked in on, the doctor thought for a moment and said,“Hmm makes sense.”

Bethany, always the inquisitive one, inquired, “What makes sense doctor?” Smiling, the doctor responded, “So, even though it was not necessary as part of the exam I gave him a digital rectal exam. He made quite a spectacle of himself while I was conducting that part of the exam including moaning, humping my finger, and my favorite, turning his head to look at me and in a rather sensual voice cooed something like, ‘oh doctor, oh doctor that feels so good with your finger inside me’.” Both women burst out laughing.

When Dr. Bolton finished her tirade all Mr. Conway could muster in reply was a sheepish, “I-I-I’m very sorry for all the trouble I caused. Please understand and forgive me.”

Just as Dr. Bolton was about to speak again Melinda, who just finished removing the speculum from Mr. Conway’s rectum, gave him a savage smack on his ass cheek. It was so vicious it almost knocked him off balance.

He swung his head around and looking over his shoulder at her in a frightened voice exclaimed, “Ouch, why did you do that?

In an assertive and confident tone Melinda shot back, “That’s for making up a story about my professional ability. I have a good mind to put you over my knee and give you a bare bottom spanking for it!”

Dr. Bolton interjected, “You know, that would be a fitting punishment for all the grief he gave us today.”

With extreme anxiety in his voice he responded, “What! You’re not serious. You can’t do that. I’m a grown man.”

“Well, you certainly didn’t behave like one today, Dr. Boton said in a condescending voice.”

Greatly alarmed at what he was hearing he allowed Bethany to help him dismount the exam table. He didn’t get two steps before Melinda, sitting on a stool, surprised him by taking hold of his arm and pulling him down across her lap. She next administered a severe bare bottom spanking while his legs flailed around and he cried out in pain. It was a vicious beating. When she was through she pushed him off and snapped, “That will teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.”

Dr. Bolton and Melinda stood stunned, but stunned in a good way because he got what he deserved. Dr. Bolton then to add insult to injury more as a command than a request said, “Don’t you think you owe Melinda an apology and admit you deserved the spanking she gave you?”

He was so shamefaced at what Melinda had done to him he couldn’t look her in the eyes. Looking at the floor and while vigorously rubbing his backside he offered a weak and meek response, “I’m sorry for what I said. And I know you had every right to spank me.”

Only then was he allowed to retrieve his clothes to dress and leave. The women marveled at the redness of his behind as he went to get his clothing. He had to endure one final indignity. He had no choice but to dress right in front of his three female tormentors.

When he finished dressing he hurriedly departed the room and was heading for the medical office exit almost in a trot when Caroline called to him from the reception desk. She asked if he wanted to schedule another appointment.


LuisWu 1 year ago
shoat6am 2 years ago 1
JAWs67 2 years ago
pokenurse 2 years ago 1