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Views: 1017 Created: 2022.11.23 Updated: 2022.11.23


Today's fantasy: objectification

I want to be under a domme, being examined like an object that needs a quality check. Normal things like do my pupils dilate when a light is shone in my eyes, height weight etc would be done first. The domme would be writing all the results down with little emotion, she's just doing her job of going down the check list.

I'm moved with little care and manhandled onto the examination table face up. When I go to try get off im forced back down with a strong hand to my chest before I'm restrained. Arms to the side of me and my legs apart but not uncomfortably so- not yet. She'd get some gloves on and feel up my glands around my neck are before forcing two of her gloved fingers into my mouth when she tweaks one of my nipped to get me to open up. There she'd fuck my mouth with her fingers till I was a drooling mess as she just stands there silent above me except for the occasional scratch of a pen as she notes down my reactions. Once done to her wanted standard she'd leave me panting slightly to grab a o ring gag to force into my mouth to keep it open.

The domme would change her gloves before checking my breasts. By this, I mean she would just grab and pull and squish them roughly before tugging my nipples and harshly rolling them between her thumb and pointer. Moving down my body she'd palipitate my stomach and speak directly to me for the first time only to say, “you seem a bit blocked up, we'll need to fix that.”

She'd press some unseen button to split my legs and the halves of the table they were restrained to in half, stretched close to painfully wide. The domme would pull up a stool in between my legs and a portable tray where She'd start by shaving me down, lightly smacking the inside of my thigh when I squirm and make too much noise around my gag. Once finished and wiped down, She'd stick two gloved fingers into my pussy coated in lube and start scissoring me. Soon, a third and forth finger would be added whether I was quite ready or not. The stretch would be painful and relentless but she doesn't care about how I feel about this. When I'm close to cumming she'd stop and remove her fingers and just hum at the amount of juices covering her glove. Changing gloves once more, these ones would be black opera length ones as she inserts a catheter and a enema one after the other. She fills up my bowels quickly with warm water leading to cramps before almost absent mindfully playing with my clit making me aroused once more until it was time to dispel. I'd be forced to do it there, restrained to this table and after 10 minutes another would be inserted with a dildo shaped nozzle before the table was changed again to tip back slightly to allow deeper access. I can only moan around the gag as I'm filled and the catheter removed. After its all in me the table is righted forcing the liquid in me to move around before a ten minute retention period is started.

After its done and I've once again dispelled the enema after the dildo nozzle was given a few jerks the domme coats her fingers in lube before putting two in my rectum and starting the same process as she had done on my pussy. Slowly, I learn why the gloves were different as she works up to pounding her whole fist in me leaving me gaping and dripping wet before shoving a huge plug in me and goes back to my pussy to shove a large silicone tentacle in me.

At this point I'd be crying from the stimulation and shaking before I reach orgasm, white filling my vision. Id come too, a warm cloth being gently rubbed against me, unrestrained. The domme would notice and simply say with a small smile, “you're ready for your owner to come collect you when they feel like it with all the required paperwork that comes with you objects.”


Alex 9 2 years ago