Views: 613 Created: 2010.01.24 Updated: 2010.01.24

Christie and Her Regular Occurrences

Part 3: The Wonderful Misunderstanding

The explaining to her mom went far better than she had anticipated. Apparently her mom had been waiting for her to get a job ever since she turned 17, a fact which especially surprised Christie, because her mom had FORBIDDEN her to get a job until she was a full on adult. But Christie simply explained to her mother that she needed this, and that there was really nothing her mother could do about it, and, when her mother said “Yes, you do, and no I can’t.” She walked away astounded and got ready to go.

She didn’t think to change her clothes, just to put her cute, butterfly print bra on, the one that matched her panties, and she threw on her cutest pair of flats. She wanted to be comfortable while she was babysitting. After all, she didn’t know how much running around she would be doing chasing after children, if any. From the sounds of it, the kids she would be watching were still quite young. After all, had Charlotte not said “are you good with diapers?”

With these thoughts all swimming around in her head, she found herself, almost an hour and a half later to the dot, on the front porch of the address which was on the slip of paper in her hand. She slid the paper into the pocket of her sweatpants, her hand grazing her leg as she did this. It was now that she realized just how turned on she had been earlier during her little “laundry day escapade.”

“Oh, great, Christie… You’re showing up for a new job horny… perfect start,” she thought aloud as she raised her hand to knock on the door, but just as she was about to knock, the door opened, and inside stood the best looking woman Christie had ever seen… This definitely had to be Charlotte.

She stood about five feet five inches tall, and every bit of her screamed “beauty.” She had long, toned legs which led up to round hips and a gorgeous, plump derriere which was encased in a pair of khaki shorts. Her midsection was covered by a t-shirt which clung to her, making her breasts appear to pop out like it were a 3D movie. Christie could clearly see the outline of her nipples, and rightly assumed that this bombshell of a woman wasn’t wearing a bra. Well, if I wasn’t turned on before I got here, I am now… she thought to herself, this time not out loud. Christie had always been curious as to why the sight of her own body

“You must be Christie,” the woman, who was obviously in her mid to upper twenties, said. “I’m Charlotte, it’s nice to meet you,” she said, holding her hand out for Christie to shake.

“Nice to meet you too,” said Christie shyly, shaking Charlotte’s hand.

“Please, come in,” said Charlotte, motioning Christie inside. “You look absolutely parched. Can I get you something to drink?” she asked.

“Um… Some water would be great,” replied Christie.

“OK, I’ll get that for you now. Why don’t you take a seat on the couch there, and I’ll bring your water out to you.”

Christie did as Charlotte suggested, keeping her eyes at her feet the whole time. Soon Charlotte returned with two glasses of water , and she sat down next to Christie.

“So you said on the phone that you had no experience… What made you call?” asked Charlotte.

“Well… I don’t know, really… It was just kind of a compulsion. Plus, I’d been looking for something like this for a while…” replied Christie.

“Really?” asked Charlotte. “How long?”

“Just a couple of years,” Christie replied. “Since I turned 17, I guess.”

“Huh… Interesting. So I suppose you’re wondering what all you’ll have to be doing,” said Charlotte.

“Yeah,” Christie nodded. “I assume I’ll be changing diapers… Speaking of which, where is, or are, the children?” she asked.

Charlotte just kind of stared at Christie. “Christie… Why do you think you’re here?” she asked.

Christie raised her eyebrow “Well… To babysit, of course,” she said.

Charlotte just started laughing, and Christie was slightly offended. “Well if you didn’t want a babysitter, you could have just said so,” she said.

“Oh, no,” said Charlotte, containing her laughing. “I’m sorry… Did you not read the fine print on the poster?” she asked.

“Well… I was going to, but the witch behind the counter at the gas station shooed me out of there before I could… I just grabbed the phone tab and hurried out.”

Charlotte chuckled again. “I see, so it’s just a simple misunderstanding.” She said. “See… I wasn’t advertising that I needed a babysitter, I was advertising that I wanted to babysit someone… The fine print said that I babysit for people who want to regress… I play the mommy figure for people who want to act younger… and sometimes I play a bit more. I asked you how old you were because 18 is the limit that I have to abide by. I can’t watch anyone under that or it could be considered ‘child molestation.’”

Christie was flabbergasted. Here was this woman who just admitted to wanting to babysit older people who acted like children. “So… when you asked if I was ‘good with diapers…’”

“I was asking if you had a desire to wear them… After all, some people do… It’s not unheard of at all, so I keep a supply here just in case,” she said.

Christie began to feel a little horny at the thought. She loved feeling like a little girl. After all, that’s why she bought the cute butterfly and flower print panties and bras… They made her feel younger again… And feeling younger, of course, turned her on.

“I see…” she said, trying to keep control of her voice. “And you charge people for this?” she asked.

“No,” said Charlotte. “I don’t think that people should have to pay for their desires. If it makes them feel complete, or it makes them feel happy, or makes them feel good, why should they have to pay for it? I have plenty of money, and I’m not going to run out any time soon, so I figure I can afford to fund other people’s fun.”

“Wow… That’s really awesome of you,” said Christie slightly amazed, setting her water glass, which she hadn’t realized she’d emptied down on the coffee table next to the couch. “I… I’d probably better be going…” she said, beginning to stand up. “I don’t want to take up any more of your time…”

Charlotte touched her arm lightly, a touch that felt like lightning through Christie’s body. “Please, don’t go quite yet,” said Charlotte. “I’ve actually really enjoyed your company.”

Christie smiled and sat back down, crossing her legs to try and quell the jolts that were beginning in her already hot sex. “You know,” she said, “I have always loved feeling younger. I never really got to be that little girl because… well, because my parents got divorced when I was 8 and I had to take on a lot of responsibility… I buy cute panties and bras, and they make me feel younger.”

Charlotte smiled knowingly. “Well the, sweetheart, you’re in the right place,” she said. “That is, if you want to…”

Christie almost jumped with excitement. She was far more into this than she thought she would be when Charlotte told her what she did. “That would be great!” she said.

Charlotte giggled a little bit, showing her first signs of acting her age. “Alright. I do need to know, though… Do your desires to be younger… do they turn you on? If so, I need to know if you’re comfortable with me taking care of that if you want me to…” she said in a more serious tone. “If not, there’s plenty of privacy in this house for you to do it on your own.”

“Um… Well, maybe not with you at first, but… After I’m a little more comfortable?” asked Christie. “I… I do find you very attractive,” she said very shyly.

Charlotte smiled and grabbed her by the hand. “Thank you,” she said. “Now… Do you want to wear diapers, or do you want to just act younger, and put on clothes that would make you look younger. See, some people just wear the diapers which make them feel younger, and forego the regression, but some prefer the age regression to diapers. Still some like both.”

“I um… I would like to try just the diapers for now… I don’t want to look completely like a little girl, just kinda feel like one.”

Charlotte nodded her understanding and took Christie by the hand, leading her down a hallway in the house, and into a room unlike any Christie had seen. There was a large crib on the left side of the room which looked like it could fit any adult who wished to sleep in it, and a changing table on the far side underneath a window which had smoky glass so that nobody could see in. Underneath the changing table, there was a humongous stack of disposable diapers, and next to it, a stack of cloth diapers.

Charlotte led Christie over to the changing table, not allowing for the chance to take in the rest of the sights in the room. “Which would you prefer, darling?” asked Charlotte, still holding Christie’s hand. Christie took her other hand and brushed the top of one of the disposable diapers, the touch sending a jolt of pleasure mixed with shame right through her body.

“Um… I’d like one of those,” she said, slightly ashamed, pointing to one of the disposables, then quickly put her hand down.

“OK,” said Charlotte. “Hop up on the table and I’ll get you strapped in in no time.”

And she did exactly that, too. Christie was barely on the table when Charlotte had her sweat pants off and was looking right at her butterfly panty covered vagina. She quickly did away with the panties and slid one of the diapers underneath Christie’s bum and sprinkled some baby powder into the interior of the diaper, not wanting to apply it directly to her for fear she would be uncomfortable. Almost as soon as it had begun, it had ended, and Christie was strapped comfortably into a diaper.

It was a feeling unlike any other she had ever experienced. There was a feeling of warmth between her legs, and encompassing her bum, which she had never felt before. It was an amazing feeling, made only more so by her mounting excitement. She picked up her panties and slid them on over the diaper. This sent her over the edge. She felt like such a little girl in this attire, that when she spoke next, it was unconsciously in a higher, younger voice.

“This is amazing,” she said. “Do you mind if I take my shirt off?”

Charlotte shook her head. “Go right ahead dear, I’m here for you, not the other way around, remember?”

Christie nodded and pulled her t-shirt off. “Is there a mirror I could look in?” she asked, and Charlotte nodded, grabbing her by the hand once more and showing her to the bathroom where there was a full length mirror. She looked into the mirror and almost came right there. What she saw was not like anything she had ever imagined. Her legs were spread from the bulk of the diaper and her panties didn’t even begin to cover it up, but instead they made it look like the diaper had butterfly print on it, and her bra made her look even younger when it was paired with the diaper.

“Oh, my God…” She said aloud, causing Charlotte to smile. “I never thought…” she started to frown a bit. “Uh…” she looked at Charlotte. “I have to use the restroom…” she said.

“Why not use what you’re wearing?” asked Charlotte. “You might actually like it.”

Christie nodded, and tried to relax, but she couldn’t. “I don’t think I can do it with you watching…” she said, slightly embarrassed.

“That’s OK,” said Charlotte, “I’ll wait right outside the door.” She dropped Christie’s hand, which Christie was very disappointed about, and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Christie stood there, her legs still pushed apart by the diaper and began to relax, closing her eyes and trying to push out the pee which was almost certainly a result of the water she had drunk earlier. Water always went straight through her.

Suddenly all of these thoughts of “what would my mom think,” and “what would my boyfriend think” began to speed through her head, but were soon banished from all thought as she felt herself about to pee. All of a sudden, a rush of hot liquid flowed from her and into the diaper, which absorbed all of it without a problem. The hotness of the pee scared her, and she stopped for a second, but then she felt the diaper against her vagina, the heat which the pee had created, and she only wanted more. She released the full contents of her bladder into the diaper, the heat of which was almost too much for her to handle in her already aroused state.

She hopped herself up onto the counter of the bathroom sink and pressed two fingers into the outside of her diaper over her vagina. She began to swirl her fingers around, feeling the pressure on her hot mound, and feeling the mounting climax which is sure to come from all of this.

And boy did it come. She came hard and fast into her diaper in the most intense orgasm she had ever had. She was very vocal about it, too… Her moans and screams could be heard throughout the entire house, though it wasn’t like they needed to be, because Charlotte was standing outside the door listening, smiling. She knocked on the door and heard a meek “Come in…” from the other side.

She opened the door to see Christie leaning back against the counter, breathing heavily with her eyes half closed. “That… was… fantastic…” Christie said, looking at Charlotte who simply smiled.

“I thought you’d like that,” she said, smiling and walking up to Christie. “You look exhausted.”

Christie nodded. “I am… I know this is going to sound like… really selfish and weird… but is there any way I could take like, a half hour nap before I go home… I’m just so… sooo—“ she couldn’t finish her sentence because of the gigantic yawn which was overtaking her body.

Charlotte grabbed her around the shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m glad you enjoyed that. Come with me, we’ll get you in for a nice nap.” But Christie couldn’t follow. She had fallen asleep in Charlotte’s arms. Charlotte smiled and picked Christie up, carrying her into the nursery and setting her down in the crib. She quickly gave her a diaper change so she did not get a rash, and walked out of the room.