Views: 574 Created: 2016.03.07 Updated: 2016.03.07

Captured and wearing a diaper

Chapter 10

I lay there, diapered and restrained, voice shut off by sucking on a tube. Again, anyone else looking at me would think this is the perfect bondage story for fetish lovers--diapers and adult restraints. But I 'm just a girl who wants to explore the wonders of an adult diaper, not one with it and restraints on!!! As I ran this thought through my head, I heard him shuffle about more than then cursing silently. What was he up to? Stealing? Hacking? Planing an attack? What was so secretive about his work?

My head was suddenly yanked back and the icky panel gag was eased out."Where's your purse?" he asked.

"Why?" I asked back. I thought he didn't want to steal items?

"Just answer."

"Second drawer near my bed. Please, I don't...." The gag went back on and before I knew it, my purse was in his hands. "Don't worry honey, I'm not going to deduct alot of money from your debit card," he said as I was spun around while I heard him enter my bank details. "All done, let's have an early lunch." After I chewed down the chicken sandwich I tried again to ask him how much money he 'spent'.

"No worry, not much."


"But as I said before, you don't need to know what I'm up to."

"But I'm not going to do anything about it," I pleaded. "Please, I'm just a student..."

"Shut up unless you want the gag back on," he snapped and I did so. Then he glanced at his watch. "I have to go out for a while," he said. Yay, that means he will leave me alone and I can try to..."But first, I have to secure you."

"You already have," I muttered as I flexed against my pretty inescapable bonds.

"Not good enough. Not especially after yesterday." Rats... "Please, I'm sorry I tried that."

"Apology accepted but you have a quiet room?"

"No, nothing." What was his plan now.

"Basement?" I didn't answer then I thought about it. "No please, it's so cold down there. I'll freeze; there's no heating." But my plea was not considered as he carried me back up to my room. I was quickly uncuffed and made to wear a thick jumper and place on pantyhose. "Ah, good I don't have to worry about that," he pointed to me dry diaper.

"Please sir," I begged again as I was handcuffed at my wrists and ankles. "You can leave me here, I won't escape. Please...what..not that's dis....mmmmmph!!!!" He picked up a pair of panties and jammed it in my mouth. Yikes, he's so perverted!

"You didn't like that panel gag, this should hold you," he said, wrapping tape around my jaw and trapping my hair with it. A few minutes later, I was bound to a chair in my chilly basement. "Don't worry, Freyja, I'll be back."

To Be Continued (yes short one)