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Views: 1203 Created: 2016.05.05 Updated: 2016.05.05

Working guy meets working girl

Chapter 2

When April knocked at my motel door at a bit past two I was still in pyjamas but I already had my report pretty much completed. I assumed it was the housekeeper, and decided I'd ask her to just give me a moment to dress and then I'd go for a walk so she could make up the room. Instead, the attractive young lady at the door was sharply dressed and carried an oversized handbag. I just stared at her for a moment; perhaps she had the wrong room. "Will you invite me in, Bob?" "Yes, okay, please. I'm sorry, though, I'm not sure that I remember you. And I'm not really dressed for company; I've been closeted up here working on business reports all morning. You didn't bring another change to the backlot plans for Monday did you?" "No, but I remember you, Bobby. We have had a rather intimate chat yesterday, baby. I'm April, your special new friend." "April! April Rainwater? Oh, wow! How did you find me?" I quickly thought back to what I had told her. "I didn't give you my hotel, did I? Did I even give you my name? Um, I really liked talking to you - it gave me some very sweet dreams last night, you know - mmm! - but I meant what I said about paying you. It isn't the amount, actually - I'm not trying to chisel you down. There's just no way I can hide it from my wife, because she keeps exact track over all my travel expenses. When I was doing that myself it took weeks to get my receipts in order to get reimbursed, and I'd always end up losing way too many of them. See, I need receipts to get reimbursed for all my meals and expenses...." "Bobby, shh! - stop all that: you're getting flustered. Get used to my being in charge for a little while, okay? You know you won't have any choice about that when my enema tube is up inside you, don't you? First of all, it's April Waterfall, baby, and let's just say that you're on a scholarship today. Now listen: I am not going to hurt you or do anything you probably couldn't even tell your wife; I'm very careful, and I'm not going to give you any diseases, and I'm not going to knock you out and steal your wallet - I'm just going to take very good care of you. And if it turns out that you do feel like crying, like you told me on the phone, that will be okay - but I think you'll be having too much fun, actually." "But, April, how did you find me? How..." "Bobby! Just stop - shh! - please, baby. No worries and no questions; this is our space now, and our session together will be about relaxation. We can talk or do. Would you rather that I take care of you or talk with you? Hmm, are you going to be bold and take a risk with me?" She had her hands on my waist, fingering the pyjama bottoms. My penis shot up hard, and I blushed. "Baby, it's okay, baby. I think he's decided for you. He's going to be real happy, I'll betcha, and you won't even have to worry about performance anxieties or catching anything. Is that pretty cool? Now I told you all you need last night. You haven't gone to the bathroom yet today, have you?" "I peed twice." "To poop?" "Uh, no." "Or yesterday?" April was caressing my butt now. "I guess not, probably. I don't...." "Okay, look, baby: I think you really do need an enema like you told me yourself. I don't want you to wonder about me; just think that I'm your personal water sprite, and I do fun things for you with water. And for your bottom. That's as much as you need to know, and this will just be your private little fantasy-come-true. Can we do that? I'm going to help you undress now, and then I'll take care of you just exactly like I told you. You make it so easy to undress you, too, being still in your pyjamas. Nice planning! Here: undressing is kind of fun, huh?" April sat me on the bed and stared at me, broadly smiling, while she unbuttoned my shirt. She folded it neatly and put it on the luggage bench. She was an attractive young woman, but with little appearance of makeup - a clean, honest look - and obviously a take-charge aire. She poked forward and gave my forehead a little peck and whispered, "Now I'll do the other part." She very slowly pulled my bottoms down and off, staring at me eye to eye the whole time, and sweetly smiling. "Good boy, Bobby! I'll get a towel from the bathroom, and I'll want you to lie down on it for me, on your tummy." April came back with a large towel, fingering it carefully. "Bobby, I'm not sure this is really soft. Not exactly Egyptian cotton, huh? I don't want it to chafe you. Do you have maybe a cotton undershirt that is ready to be washed? Something nice and soft like that to put on top?" I pointed to a small stack of clothes on the closet shelf, almost afraid to say a word. She spread a tee-shirt over the towel: "Perfect!" She put a second towel around my shoulders and sat herself beside me. April took both my hands in hers; she knew that she had told me about what she would do, but she also wanted to explain to me about the actual enemas. She showed me the clean, new equipment she used, and the ordinary castile soap she had - in my choice of three scents! (Her favorite was the mint, she said.) She explained how she would give me a little enema with lots of soap first, and that I should expel that right away, and that she would give me a full soapy bag next, and that I should try to take it all but not to hold it in, and that finally she would give me a rinse of plain water, lightly salted, and that she would expect me to hold that one in for as long as she would tell me to, which should not feel uncomfortable. She was going to check the enema results, even if that embarrassed me (which it did!) because her job really was to get my colon all cleaned out as a part of making me really feel good, inside and out. The main thing for me to do was to really trust her, because she really did know about what she was doing, and to let her know how I was feeling, how the treatment was going, but mostly to just relax and enjoy it - to just let her lead completely. Relaxation was really important, she cautioned, because relaxing would open sphincter valves in my bowels so the fluid could flow up high and work well and feel refreshing, but if I was nervous and anxious that would not happen and my rectum would distend and it would really not feel good at all. And she was going to stay with me until I was completely finished, and then afterward she would phone me to check on how I was doing. And that was the whole of it. Okay, yes, I understood all that. I looked down at my erection, and her eyes followed mine. "Don't worry about him, okay. Don't think about him and don't talk about him. Whatever ways you react will be okay for us - and just remember that I will really be taking care of you, okay? Trust me - we're going to be partners! I hope you won't be embarrassed, Bobby, but if you are, just let that go. I don't care if you get beet red, baby, or if you cry or scream or suck your thumb! That's almost better than with a girlfriend: you can just go with it and be yourself. I don't judge you." April maneuvered me onto the shirt and pillow; she sensed that I moved a bit stiffly. "Bob, remember what I just told you about relaxing, and that if you don't do your part here this really will not be fun for you. Your job is to really relax. Do you think I'm going to put in something to knock you out and rob you? Want to check out my posckets and purse? Okay, then, I'll just massage your back for a moment, but I need you to seriously let go and relax. Follow what I tell you: let your whole mind empty. Just give me full control now. Let me even hypnotize you if I want to. In a few minutes the enema is going to take control and then you won't have any choice about it, except to help it feel good or bad. "I can only take care of you if you just let go, let your mind be completely open, with no focus, not even on me, and not be afraid to let me take control, baby." Her back massage was very pleasant and seemed to put me in a much more relaxed frame as it began to just blend with her soft recitation. In two minutes I was very relaxed, and she was working her way down toward my buttocks, and then kneading the cheeks deeply and pleasantly. Then she spread my buttocks, very gently, and stroked around my anus, first with a soothing pad or wipe of some sort and then with her fingers in rubber gloves. I was now relaxed enough that I hardly paid attention - I finally just let my mind be open and rather enjoyed it. April was talking softly now, more or less to herself: she checked there for fissures and irritations and hemorrhoids, things to watch to avoid when inserting into me, and also looking for anything that I might need to tell a doctor about. I seemed fine to her inspection, though, so it was time for some lubrication. She pushed her finger up my rear passage so slowly and gently I hardly felt it moving, and she very gently stoked the area just inside the sphincter. "Good, baby, you really are relaxing for me. This area has your vagus nerve, and stroking it will be very relaxing, huh? I like guys who obey me about relaxing. I guess I like guys who obey me, period - like you will for me. Now I'm going to go in farther and check your rectum, and I need to check your prostate, too. That might not be so relaxing, and whatever you need to do then is okay, do you understand? It's just you and me here, baby, and I'm going to take care of you." Even while she was telling me this she had expertly shifted her internal massage; now it was higher, gently but becoming more energetic. My penis, which had not been sure whether to join in the relaxation, was now fully aroused again. April leaned to me and gently, teasingly, nibbled the edge of my neck: "Remember, Bobby, it's okay to feel good, very, very good." Her fingering and massage around my prostate was getting vigorous and I could hardly think rationally any longer. I moaned and rapidly felt an overwhelming need to come, but I wasn't quite there yet. I reached down and held the tee-shirt around my penis as a sort of private love tunnel, and when I did that April began moving her finger in and out in long, fast strokes, working each time against my prostate. I suddenly found myself pumping and thrusting uncontrollably against the cotton. April was encouraging and reassuring with "Come on, Bobby, I'm right here, baby!" In a moment I was out of control and then felt my deep orgasm and copious ejaculation. April kept up her internal action until she was sure that I could ejaculate no more. My belly was warm and wet. April helped me turn over enough to clean my abdomen with a warm washcloth, She gave my forehead another little peck and just said, "Now we are back to relaxing, okay? That release will help you be really relaxed - it let all your tensions out, didn't it! Just keep your mind open now; don't say a word. I want your enema to feel really good, too. And, yes, you really havde to take your enema." The next several minutes were filled with soapy water and shitting. I had become very relaxed and neither followed just what April was doing to me, not exactly, nor had any desire to. I just knew that she knew when it was time for me to jump up and poop - we seemed to be really in sync that way - and I hardly knew what was happening any more, besides that she seemed to have completely taken over my bowel control, at very least - maybe control of my whole, thoroughly relaxed body. April kept smiling and softly muttering to me: "God, you're such a wonderful patient. We're really getting all the poop out! You're doing so well for me!" She came to the toilet with me and rubbed my shoulders, and kept encouraging me to just let the enema do all the work and come out in a nice, long stream. I didn't think I'd be able to poop with her in the bathroom, but it turned out, as she knew it would, that I had no control at all over my bowels. Eventually it was time for the rinse cycle. April got the solution up me high enough that I could not even feel it. She began massaging my abdomen while she talked with me. "Bobby, we've got five or ten more minutes before you'll need to go. I want to talk to you about what I need you to do before I come back next Sunday." "April, I really can't figure out how to pay...." She cut me off. "Now remember, you're just going to think of me as your private water sprite, huh? I need for you to keep a little chart for me about your bowel movements - that's the first thing. I'm going to leave with you a little jar of glycerin suppositories, and you should try to see if they help when you miss a day pooping - and mark on your BM chart whenever you take one. That's the second thing. Now the third thing maybe you will think that I don't have a right to tell you, but I do and I will. You see that I am taking really good care of you, and nice care, too, don't you think? Kind of fun care, even? And I think you do want me to come and visit like this every week. So you are going to have to let me be the only one in Raleigh who takes care of you that well - and I am not talking about just your bowels, now." I suddenly realized why April was here, and how she had found me! "April - Sherry put you up to this? Did she? How...??" "Bobby, you and I are adults; I'm not Sherry's spy, and just what we do stays here in our room - and I've told her and you both exactly what that will be, just exactly like it has been. You relaxed really well for me, so now just relax about Sherry and about the whole rest of the world. Since you know that Sherry has blessed our sessions you can really feel safe now, and open to me. There's a poem that goes, 'Then each applied to each that fatal knife, deep questioning which probes to endless dole.' "So: no more questions, Bobby, no endless dole. Just remember that I'm your water sprite, your very private water sprite, and I'm taking care of you - and that is enough to know and much better than any more deep questions from you. If that isn't enough for you - or if you think you need something else completely, like fucking somebody to be specific - and I mean anybody except with Sherry - because you decide that what we do will not meet your needs, then your water sprite will be gone, all gone. It's your choice and that simple. "I think we will have a lot of fun things to explore, Bobby, and I actually plan to retrain your bowels to work better besides. You can call me if you need to before next Sunday, but I will plan for us to get together next Sunday. I can just take care of you, or if you'd like, we can go to lunch or dinner first and talk a bit since you're still rather new here and a guest in town. I don't think you're going to get crazy about me, are you? - beyond fun enema fantasies? "Anyway, I think I'd like to give you something different next time: a different kind of suppository that I can show you how to use in a very special way, so it will take care of your bowels but also make your masturbating much more satisfying, too, so you won't be as likely to get tempted. We can be open and talk about needs, right?" She massaged my abdomen for a few minutes more, then she told me that she was going to make me go potty again; she began to massage my abdomen differently, and within a few strokes I did need to go - a lot! Even though my other enemas had worked so well, this one just didn't seem to stop. April squatted down in front of me and smiled for me and stroked me whenever I thought I was going to pass out from exhaustion. April finally helped me to bed. Though it was still afternoon, I felt totally spent; my limbs and penis were so loose I could probably tie them all together in knots. April whispered to me that she had actually enjoyed doing our session almost as much as I had, and that she would probably think back on it when she went to sleep, too. I whispered back that I was afraid that when I woke up I might think I had just been dreaming. She told me that the jar of suppositories she had left in the bathroom would be a reminder that she was real - and would be real as long as I remained good - and that she would phone me in half an hour anyway, and then in a couple of days just to see how I was doing. She gave my forehead a final little peck of a kiss and let herself out. I must have been asleep before she made it down the hall. She did phone and wake me in about half an hour, and I was glad she did, because I did have to hurry right onto the pot again, as she expected I would. When I was done, though, I felt bright and fresh and light - a good ten pounds lighter than ever, I imagined. I lay back in bed to daydream for a few minutes more. A private water sprite - a very private one, I'd say. Who would imagine what fun that was! I could accept that without any probing questions at all! Mostly, though, I began to day-dream during the next week about newly necessary additions I might be able to sell management on - pretty complicated additions to the plant that easily might take another year to build out after the main complex was done. We may have woefully underestimated our requirements for research space, or the shipping and storage. Oh, a year more at very least! =END= Copyright © 2016 USA -- By Jillie Ann Nellison


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