
Views: 517 Created: 2007.09.12 Updated: 2007.09.12

Diaper Beebe


"This last two years has been hard on Betty, Jamie was her first baby,

she has been giving him all her attention," Paul continued his


Bob caught a clue of what was troubling Jimmy. "Paul, have you noticed

the friction between Jimmy and his brother?"

Paul seemed to stop his talking for a few moments while he pulled off

the boy's plastic panties, he slide a finger up under each side of the

diaper gathers feeling just how wet the older boy was before loosening

the tapes that held the diaper together. A light hint of diaper poop

floated throughout the room.

Paul turned to Bob with a look of despair. "Yes, I have noticed

resentment from Jimmy. Sometimes I know I do not handle his feelings

very well. He's really the more mature boy, he understands why we need

to pamper Jamie..... He will just have to bear it as the rest of us do."

Jamie was laying with his legs spread far apart kicking up and down, one

thumb found its way into his mouth while he hungrily sucked on it like a

pacifier. His other hand reached down with his fingers just under the

front of his diapers. With a flip of his wrist the front of the diaper

flopped open exposing a slight diaper rash just above his underdeveloped


Bob could not help but notice the golden brown suntan went all the way

down his body without the usual white where diapers would be. Paul

noticed Bob's questioning expression, "In order to help dry up Jamie's

diaper rash we let him lay out in the sun each day."

For some reason the idea of Jamie laying naked on a blanket outside made

Bob's personal feelings even stronger. He gets those feelings when he

and Gary shower together. He finds relief on Tuesday nights while his

wife and he get together, working things out. It was puzzling him why he

had such feelings for a 12 year old disabled boy. Bob did his best to

hid these feelings while leaning over the bed helping Paul get Jamie

ready for bed.

Paul lifted the boy carefully, pulling the very wet and dirty diaper

from underneath Jamie. Carefully wiping his bottom, which was also

affected with diaper rash, Paul reached for the Kiddy Wipes gently

preparing the boy for a clean dry diaper. Paul left the room to dispose

the dirty diaper.

Bob studied the 12 year old with compassion. This small naked boy was

eyeing Bob as if he was trying to communicate some longing he could not

express. Bob was thinking of his own son who had only a wetting problem.

How sad is was for Paul and Betty, but Jamie seemed to be a good boy

with such a sweet spirit, easy to care for. Bob's feelings for this boy

soon brought a tear to his eyes, not just for the fact that Jamie was so

helpless but because of a deeper love that was swelling up from within


Paul had just reentered the room when Jamie began to squirt three feet

into the air. Before Paul could get the new diaper over him, the bed,

Bob and Paul had gotten wet. This embarrassed Paul beyond words,

wondering what Bob may be thinking. It was Bob's laughter that eased the

tension of such a difficult situation.

"That reminded me of the time I changed Gary, I got soaked then, too,"

Bob continued to laugh. Paul added, "But you expect it from a baby boy,

I've been doused a few times by Jamie before."

Both men worked together getting Jamie cleaned up again and diapered.

Once the 12 year old was tucked into his bed the men returned to the

living room and another glass of lemonade.

Paul asked questions about Gary, "Was he an easy baby to look after?"

"I guess he was," Bob looking around the room continued, "You see,

Gary's my wife's child, I didn't know him until he was 7."

"Oh, but I thought you said he had peeped on you when you changed

him......?" Paul caught himself in mid-thought, he began to understand,

"You mean....". .

"Yes, and he is still in diapers!" Bob said without hesitation.

Paul listened as Bob explained why they put Gary back into diapers. "He

a much happier boy now, I was surprised just how fast he accepted them"

About that time the two younger boys busted into door fully exhausted

from there playing outside. Both boys were sweating from the heat. "Can

we have some lemonade?" "Sure you can help yourselves."

It was Bob that first noticed the tattle tale dark spot covered with

dirt that turned to mud located between Jimmy's legs.

Paul soon notice the same thing, "Jamie, come over here." his dad spoke

roughly towards his 9 year old. "What have I told you about this?"

pointing to his wet spot. Speaking to Bob, Paul said, "I have gotten

after this boy I don't know how many times, if he has to go pee get into

the bathroom, but no, he always has an excuse of some kind. His wetting

drives his mother and me up the wall. Having one boy that wets and poops

is enough.". Turning his attention back towards his son, "Jamie, your 9

years old, there is no reason on earth why you can't use the toilet like

everyone else."

This talk, in front of his new friend, embarrassed Jamie. He ducked his

head, moved one foot in small circles while fidgeting with his belt

buckle. The scolded child peeked over the top of his eye lids toward his

new friend, Gary. A tear trickled down one cheek.

Paul was not letting his son off easy, he continued to belittle him in

front of the guest. "I bet you wouldn't catch Gary acting like a 2 year

old!" his daddy's words were cutting deeper and deeper, making it

impossible for Jamie to keep back the dam of tears. The child ran from

the room, slamming his bedroom door behind him. Every one in the house

could hear the child's hurtful cry.

Mr. Beebe began to ponder what just took place, he was sensitive to the

feelings of both father and son. "How can I help each of these friends

to understand...." Bob thought to himself. Just then Paul made some

comment about how nice it must be to have a boy that did not pee or poop

all the time. That was the statement Bob was waiting for.

"Paul," Bob began as diplomatic as he could, "All boys seem to have

problems like this, it seems it must be the nature of boys. We have to

wait longer to get control of our bladders. I read that little girls

have it easier along these lines. Women have more bladder infections

then we do, so there is some kind of trade off."

Paul agreed, "My wife does have this problem a lot it seems. But we

really want Jamie to get control of himself."

"He will, but perhaps first he will need patience with lots of love and

understanding. Right now he thinks it is all his fault and this thinking

is causing him even more trouble, even causing him to have his little

mishaps ."

Bob looked over at Gary who had been listening with interest. Then Bob

continued his conversation with Paul. "You mentioned to Jamie that Gary

wouldn't act as a 2 year old. I believe you meant that Gary wouldn't wet

his pants, you couldn't be more wrong. You see, Gary may be soaked at

this very moment!"

Gary nodded his head looking down between his legs wondering if it


Paul also looked at Gary but saw no evidence on his pants. "Of course

he's in ........."

Bob finished for him, "Diapers..... yes just like Jimmy, Gary needs some

protection. A nice diaper is both comfortable, safe and effective in

keeping him dry that is what they are made to do, keep little boys dry."

Gary was asked how he felt about having to wear them.

"Well, at first I thought they were only for little babies, At first I

didn't really want to wear them. I used to wake up in a damp cool bed

but now I get to sleep all night long and wake up dry, only my diaper is


"How do you feel about wearing them out in public?" Mr. Norton asked

with a little chuckle of humor. "Don't you think someone would make fun

of you, wouldn't you be embarrassed?"

Gary thought for a moment as if trying to get just the right words,

"Well, I think I might be embarrassed if someone happened to see me in

diapers, I don't know..... But if I did not wear them they would surely

see my wet pants and that would really be embarrassing, so.... I don't

really mind having them on. Besides it makes me feel good."

Then Gary giggled out loud, bringing a smile from both Mr. Norton and


"What's so funny?" Paul asked the small boy that was slowly turning red

in the face.

"I don't want to say," Gary giggled, realizing what he just began to

say. Suddenly he became rather shy.

Bob asked Gary if it would all right to tell Paul what he meant by his

statement.. Gary nodded his head.

"Paul maybe I can answer that question." Bob Beebe took time to think

out his answer.

"I think what Gary is trying to say is this, he likes to wear his

diaper, it makes him feel secure where he can play or do what ever he

wants without anyone knowing he wets his pants. Besides, diapers can

give a boy special feeling that is not easily described."

Bob glanced over at Gary who was slowly shaking his head side to side.

He was hoping his dad would not tell that part. Bob had not discussed

any of his own feelings with Gary but somehow he knew Gary was

experiencing the same familiarity.

Bob cut short his comment by saying, "It's just a boy thing".

Paul did not understand just what was meant by a "boy thing," however,

he was thinking it may not be so bad for Jimmy to use diapers, at least

for awhile.

Jamie's diapers would fit the younger boy without any problem. "Would he

also need a plastic cover over these diapers?" Paul was beginning to

understand the need his son had for diapers.

"I wouldn't think you would need to use any thing but a diaper, however,

if he leaks or wets them more then once or twice before getting a

change, it may be a good idea, why don't you try it with just the diaper


Gary informed Mr. Norton with, "Lots of boys wear diapers!"

"How do you know that?" Paul looked a bit surprised. "I never noticed

too many boys or even girls wearing diapers after they got older."

"You didn't notice mine, either!" Gary giggled once again. "I know they

do because there are lots and lots of big boy diapers for sale at the


"If you put Jamie into diapers I am sure you will find the conflicts you

and your wife have been having will cease. From it you will have a happy

boy once again." Bob was pleading the case for the 9 year old boy.

"I don't know, it seems to me that a normal boy should not be needing to

be diapered like a baby. I can understand Jamie's need because he can't

help himself. But Jimmy is capable of using the bathroom, he just tries

to hold it in too long."

Coming to the point Bob said, "Paul, what you say is true, however, I

believe Jimmy has an other need that is not so easily seen. He envies

your special attention towards Jamie. He wants you to give him the same

treatment of pampering that you so freely give to the older boy, but to

the younger boy you ignore and scold for the same thing."

Bob was taken back by his own boldness to speak this truth to a man he

just came to know.

Paul listened intently to what was being said. "Yes, I can see that now.

Maybe tonight would be a good time to test that theory, it would do no

harm to give it a try."

"He could wear one of mine tonight. That way he wouldn't wet the bed and

I will be wearing mine so I won't wet the bed. It will be fun sleeping

with him, I could talk to him about wearing diapers if you let me." Gary

was anxious to get to bed and it was getting past his bed time.

"That is a good idea, let the boys talk about it, let them work it out

by themselves." Bob added.

Mr. Norton was convinced that by having Gary talk with Jimmy would be

the thing to do. "OK. lets try it tonight and see how he gets along.

"Speaking of bedtime, it's pass yours, so head for bed. It will be up to

you to get Jimmy into a diaper, if he won't do it for you, I will be in

within the next hour then I will see if I can help." Bob gave his son a

hug and kiss, patting his butt sending him off to bed.

In a half an hour Paul tip toed into the boys room, finding them already

asleep he quietly began picking up their scattered clothes then piled

them on a chair. He returned to the living room carrying one damp diaper

and one pair of wet underpants. "Looks like Gary was successful in

convincing Jimmy. I found them in deep sleep laying on top the sheet

wearing nothing but a heavy diaper. It is so warm tonight I think they

will be OK."

"I'll check on them again before I get into bed." Bob volunteered. "Is

Jimmy a deep sleeper most of the night?" He asked.

Paul told him that once Jimmy gets to sleep it is very hard to wake him


"That is the behavior of a bed wetter, they sleep so deeply they just

wet without waking up." Bob believed Paul needed to know that bit of


Bob and Paul talked about many subjects while the time slipped away.

Both men seem to enjoy each others company. Bob felt so comfortable with

Paul he began telling him some of his childhood need for diapers.

Paul told him that he himself did not need diapers and could not

remember wearing them. The more the two men talked the more they gave

out personal information to each other. Then Paul yawned openly for the

third time.

"Our sleeping arrangements will be a bit cramped because this is only a

small two-bedroom house. I will let Jamie sleep with me. The boys' room

has two beds, one single and one double. Bob, you can either sleep in

Jimmy's bed and let the boys sleep in the double or you can sleep out

here in the living room on the couch."

Bob decided he did not wish to sleep on the hard couch so he chose the

single bed in the boys room.

Paul warned him that Jamie's bed had a water proof mattress covering

that may crinkle during the night. But Bob told him nothing could keep

him awake once he got to sleep.

"I think I better check on Jamie and see if he needs a change before I

fall asleep." Paul said as he yawned for the fourth time. "I think I

will just go on to bed myself, Good Night, Bob,"

"Ya me too, good night." Bob stood up and stretched himself then headed

for the boy's bedroom.