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Views: 2804 Created: 2016.01.08 Updated: 2016.01.08

Club Mystic

Chapter 1 - Ray

I was finally able to sit down and grab a quick bite to eat. We had been getting slammed all night in the ER. Thank God, it’s quiet now… of course I would never say that out loud. I had just taken a huge bite of my sandwich, and moaned as I savored the taste of my ham and cheese. It wasn’t much, but when you’ve gone almost 8 hours without eating, the simplest things taste like heaven. Before I could even get the bite swallowed the break room door opened.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt you and your sandwich.”

Luckily, it was just Miles.

“Nah, it’s cool. I’m just trying to hurry and get something in my system before the next call comes in.”

“Well, speaking of which, that’s kind of why I’m here… A patient just came in and I grabbed the chart. After looking it over though, I think you should take this one.”

I gave him a look and took the chart. The thing about Miles is he never passes along a patient unless he is absolutely certain someone else can handle it better. Hell, when the other doctors would play paper, rock, scissors to see who got stuck with a certain patient, he would step up and take it himself. So, I knew this was going to be bad. After looking over the chart I knew exactly why he had passed it along to me. Miles and I had gone through college and then med school together. We were best friends, therefore, he knew everything about me… Like, how on most of my days off, I work as doctor/medic at a very private, selective club that not many people know about. It’s called Club Mystic… and it’s a BDSM club. After reading all of the details on the chart I was pretty aggravated and a little pissed.

“Alright, let me put my sandwich up and I’ll take it.”

“Thanks. You know I would take it myself, but I think you’ll be able to help this patient better than me.”

He left while I was putting my sandwich up. I looked at the chart to see what room I needed to go to.

I knocked on the door and opened it. Despite the fact that you could tell she had been crying, laying in the bed was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on.

According to her chart, her name is Cameron Lucas, and she’s twenty-six years old. I reread the reason why she is here, immediately getting even more pissed after seeing her. I want to put her at ease, so I bury my feelings, and smile at her. I take a deep breath and go into professional doctor mode.

“Hi, Cameron. My name is Dr. Cook.”

She gives me a little smile back.

“You can call me Cam.”

“Alright, Cam. I have read over your chart, but can you tell me exactly what happened.”

At this she blushes and looks down.

“Well, I met this guy online, who was…into the same things… as I am. At least, what I thought I was into.”

“And when you say things… You mean BDSM play?”

She blushes even more, and nods her head. Still not looking at me.

“You see, I have always felt like every sexual relationship I’ve been in has been missing something. After reading a few books, I thought I figured out what it was. So, I got on this website that has people looking for the same thing I was. I met this guy on there, and after talking awhile, I got to trust him, and he said that he had experience in what I wanted and could help me… So, we met up tonight. I shouldn’t have trusted him.”

I can tell she is starting to tear up again, but she takes a deep breath and continues her story.

“We went to his house, and he told me to strip. I told him, ‘Shouldn’t we discuss safe words and hard limits before we start?’ He just told me that we didn’t need safe words and he was well aware of my limits from our past conversations. To not question him again, that he was my Dom, and next time I would be punished. I just said, ‘Yes, Sir.’ And I started to strip like he told me to. He told me to get on the table on my back and put my hands above my head. I did, and he tied my hands above me so I couldn’t move. Then he tied my hips, and put my legs in leg holders similar to the gynecologist. He tied them down next, I couldn’t move, and started having second thoughts… But it was too late. I told him I had changed my mind, but he just laughed at me, and said my body was his tonight. I told him if he didn’t let me go I would tell the police. He said that it didn’t matter, that he gave me a false name and that he would make sure he didn’t leave any DNA. He snapped on a pair of latex gloves, and started doing things to me.”

“Cam, I know this is hard, but I need to know what kind of things he did to you, so I can help you.”

“He paddled me and spanked me with a belt. He put clamps on me, and inserted objects inside of me…”

“Where did he put the clamps?”

She took a deep breath… “It’s ok, Cam. Nothing you say is going to shock me.”

“My nipples, and my clit, and the lips… down there…”

“Good girl.”

I saw her relax some when I said that. She very well may be a natural sub. Too bad her first experience had to be with a dumbass, who probably ruined her from finding her true self.

“What kind of objects did he insert? And was it in your vagina… rectum… where?”

“I’m not sure what all it was. But they were large and it hurt. He put them in both places, even though I told him before that anal play was off limits for now. When he was done, he left all of the clamps on, and left whatever objects he had inside of me. He then just walked out of the door. I screamed and screamed for help, but nobody could hear me. It wasn’t 30 minutes later that the police showed up. They said they got an anonymous tip from a pay phone. I told them my story and they brought me here, and said they would try to find out who it was. I’m so stupid for meeting up with a strange guy I had never met…”

“Cam, look at me.”

She looked up immediately. Yep, she is definitely a natural sub.

“This wasn’t your fault. It’s his. So, you still have the clamps and objects in you?”

“Yes, I tried to take care of it myself, but I couldn’t…”

“Well, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

“D…Do you know what you’re doing?”

“I sure do. Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands…”

If only she knew how much experience I have in these things. Then again it’s probably a good thing she doesn’t know… For now…


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